Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 254 The Weird Serial Case

Chapter 254 The Weird Serial Case

"Nancang's Lu family has bigger plans?" Su Junyu asked in disbelief.

"Indeed, the Lu family of Nancang has planted people in many big families, not only Nancang, they have extended their hands to Xiyue! Presumably the other two cities have not escaped." Su Chengyun said.

Both Su Junyang and Su Junyu became deep in thought.

A family with such a long reach really makes people feel that they are plotting something wrong.

"Brother, do you think that what happened in Floating Cloud City some time ago has something to do with Nancang Lu's family?" Su Junyu asked fiercely.

Su Junyang's eyes narrowed sharply.

"What's the matter?" Su Chengyun was curious about what happened.

"Sister, you don't know, there was a serial assassination case in Floating Cloud City some time ago, and the dead were all wealthy people here. Although Floating Cloud City has never been peaceful, things like this that are premeditated are rare. Especially when it affects many people!" Su Junyu said.

"You mean, someone assassinated the rich man?" Su Chengyun asked in amazement. Those who can gain a foothold in the exiled land have some skills. It is so easy to be assassinated successfully, and there are many times, which is too surprising up.

"Not only assassination, but also robbery!" Su Junyu said.

"I always find it strange!" Su Chengyun frowned and thought.

"I also think it's weird!" Su Junyu said, "Except for this kind of thing, many families in Floating Cloud City were in danger, so my elder brother and I hurried back because we were worried about our father and grandfather, but after checking After so long, there is no clue at all. Many families are the same, no clues can be found!"

How does this matter sound similar to the one that ambushed her back then.

It really looks like the handwriting of the Lu family.

By the way, a flash of light flashed in Su Chengyun's mind.

"Is it possible that the murderer is a family member or servant of the rich man?" Su Chengyun asked.

"We also checked the details of those people, and it seems that there is nothing special!" Su Junyu said.

"You forgot that I said that the Lu family was more than ten years ago. No, this time can be pushed forward a little bit. If the Lu family started to arrange it decades ago, then the clues you checked..."

"In this case, the clues we checked are probably fake!" Su Junyu exclaimed.

"That's right! Sister, what you said makes sense!" It was Su Junyang who said this time, "Since they were able to arrange it decades ago, they must have done the finishing work. The clues we found are probably left on purpose."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be very difficult to check!" Su Junyu said.

"That's the truth!"

"However, those properties were not found. There must be traces of their transfer of properties?" Su Junyu asked another question.

"Perhaps the property has been transferred out long ago!" Su Chengyun deduced.

"Since they've all been transferred, wouldn't it be unnecessary for them to kill the rich man!" Su Junyu said.

"Second brother, do you think it's easy to check for one family or many families?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Sister, what does this mean?" Su Junyu asked suspiciously.

"I think I understand!" Su Junyang said.

"Ah...Brother, do you know? What charades are you playing?" Second Monk Su Junyu was puzzled.

"Second brother, if there is a mistake in one family, is it easy to investigate, but in order to cover up this mistake, they will create many similar incidents, will you still notice that mistake?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile .

"Ah..." Su Junyu opened his mouth wide and asked in disbelief after a long time, "Sister, how did you think of it?"

Su Chengyun pointed to his brain: "It's very simple, reasoning! Everything happens for a reason, and I can figure it out just by reasoning. The more unreasonable and complicated it is, the simpler it is actually! "

"Sister is so smart!" Su Junyu praised with a smile.

"Brother, in this way we can change the focus of our investigation! I must find out those behind the scenes!" Su Junyu's face flashed with determination.

"Second brother, do those rich men have anything to do with you? Why are you so excited?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

Su Junyu's expression began to change when he heard this, and Su Junyang's eyes became colder and colder.

"Sister, you don't know, if my eldest brother and I come back one day later, I'm afraid our Su family will follow in their footsteps!" Su Junyu gritted his teeth.

"Ah..." This time it was Su Chengyun's turn to be surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Where do you start with this!"

"Sister, when we came back, my elder brother checked the house thoroughly. Who knew that he found some traces. These traces all indicate that the Su family has been targeted by someone, and someone is stepping on it!" Su Junyu paused and said, "Fortunately, everyone immediately After making some arrangements, the people behind the scenes must have found out that there was a change and gave up the plan! It's a pity that those people are too cunning, and we didn't catch their tails!"

"Not good!" Su Junyang suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter, big brother?" Su Junyu asked hurriedly, it must not be a trivial matter that made big brother lose his temper.

"The property in the mansion..." Su Junyang frowned.

"Brother, didn't we check it at that time!" Su Junyu said.

"It was just a rough check at the time!"

When Su Junyu thought about the scene at that time, he immediately became anxious: "No, I'll go and have a look now!"

"Let's go together!" Su Junyang also stood up, "Sister also come together!"

Su Chengyun nodded, followed the two out of the secret room.

The three came to the warehouse, and the two guards guarding the warehouse immediately came to greet them.

"Has anyone been here recently?" Su Junyang asked.

The guard hurriedly replied: "No one has ever been here!"

"Open!" Su Junyang ordered.

The two guards quickly took out a key from their bodies and opened the door of the warehouse. It turned out to be a double lock.

Su Chengyun glanced at the two keys, then followed them into the warehouse.

Su Junyu signaled the guards to go out and guarded from a distance.

The two brothers began to inspect the things in the warehouse in person, while Su Chengyun stepped lightly and came to the front of the herb.

"Huh!" Su Chengyun grabbed a medicinal herb, looked at it carefully, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, his eyes began to change slightly.

Su Chengyun put down this herb and checked the other herbs one by one, her brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Seeing this, Su Junyu stepped forward and asked.

"There are fake herbs!" Su Chengyun said directly.

Su Junyu opened his eyes when he heard the words, picked up the herb and began to look at it: "Hey, why can't I see that it's fake?"

"That plant is fake!" Su Chengyun said, fortunately she is a medicine refining room, laymen really can't tell that the plant is fake.

"Is it true or not?" Su Junyu turned over and over again, but still couldn't tell.

Su Junyang came over, took the herb, looked at it twice, sniffed it lightly, and said with a heavy face: "My sister is right, it's a lie!"

"Ah, it's really fake!" Su Junyu couldn't believe it, "This is too real, it's hard to tell the real from the fake!"

"It's really hard to tell, more than half of the herbs here are fake!" Su Chengyun said.

"Oh my god, when did there so many similar fake herbs?" Su Junyu said.

"Not only herbs, but also a lot of other things have been replaced!" Su Junyang said from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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