Chapter 255
After some inspection of the warehouse, the two brothers turned black.

More than half of the things in the original warehouse were cleverly replaced.

Su Chengyun felt admiration for the person behind the scenes. How capable he is to be able to confuse the real with the fake.

Su Junyang is a vigorous and resolute person, and immediately ordered people to control all the relevant people in the warehouse.Although there are only two people guarding the warehouse on the surface, there are many people behind the scenes.Can Su Junyang not be furious that so many people even asked people to change things?

"Sister, don't worry, although the things in the warehouse are precious, they are nothing compared to the things in the big brother's small warehouse!" Su Junyu whispered to Su Chengyun that the real property of the Su family is in the hands of the helmsman, except for grandfather and father , Su Junyang and Su Junyu, no one knows.

Hehe, it seems that the Su family's defenses are very deep. This is the best way to survive here.

"Sister, I am laughing at you. I found such a thing when I first came home!" Su Junyang said.

Su Chengyun waved his hand: "It's okay, we can always find out!"

"Sister, it's a pity that grandpa and parents are not here, otherwise you would still be able to see them!" Su Junyu said.

"Ah, I always forgot to ask, who are the people in the family?" Su Chengyun said.

"Hehe, we also forgot to tell my sister!" Su Junyu touched his head and introduced, "The population of the Su family is relatively simple. Grandma passed away early. The earliest generation is only grandpa, and the previous generation is parents. Go to the second uncle, the second aunt, and finally the eldest brother, me and my younger sister!"

The Su family is indeed very small, not enough for two hands.

"By the way, sister, where are the second uncle and second aunt? I heard that they left my sister very early. Is there any news now?" Su Junyu asked.

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "Coincidentally, I just met my father some time ago!"

"Ah, where is Second Uncle?" Su Junyu asked with a smile.

"Hehe, father and mother are both in the central area now!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah, grandpa and parents have also gone to the central area!" Su Junyu said with a smile, "Sister, do you think they will meet their second uncle and aunt?"

"Maybe, if they see daddy, they will definitely recognize him?" Su Chengyun said.

"Oh why?"

"Because Dad looks a lot like me, in other words, you a lot, do you think they can recognize him?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Su Junyu laughed when he heard the words, clapped his hands and said, "That's great. Grandpa has been looking for my second uncle all these years. If I can meet you, I will be very happy! My second uncle and aunt will be very happy too!"

Su Chengyun shook his head: "Grandpa and the others may not be able to see their parents at the same time, they are not together now!"

"Ah, sister, what's the matter, why aren't the second uncle and the second aunt together?" Su Junyu asked strangely, and Su Junyang also cast a puzzled look.

Su Chengyun said helplessly: "My mother is the next palace lord of Xingyue Palace. People in Xingyue Palace don't want father and mother to be together, so they imprisoned father for many years!"

"The next lord of Xingyue Palace?" This time it wasn't just Su Junyu, even Su Junyang was stunned for a moment.

Su Junyang said: "Sister, if Xingyue Palace doesn't allow it, wouldn't it be very dangerous for Second Uncle to stay in the central area!"

"Hehe, don't worry, my father has joined the temple, Xingyue Palace can't do anything about him!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah... the second uncle is really treacherous!" Su Junyu laughed when he heard the words, everyone knew that the Xingyue Palace and the temple were not to be dealt with, and the second uncle chose the temple. Isn't this deliberately finding fault?

Su Junyang shook his head: "Belonging to the hostile camp, it will be even more difficult for the second uncle and the second aunt to reunite in the future!"

Su Chengyun didn't think so, but instead said: "Brother, if my mother finally takes over as the master of Xingyue Palace and my father seeks an important position in the temple, both of them are powerful figures, who can stop them from being together? At that time, I am afraid that the pattern of confrontation between the Xingyue Palace and the Temple will change!"

Su Junyang's eyes lit up suddenly when he heard the words: "That's right! I was too pessimistic just now. After my sister reminded me like this, I realized that things can develop in another direction!"

"Sister, it turns out that the second uncle and the second aunt came up with this idea!" Su Junyu said with a smile, "Brother, I remember that our Su family also has a stronghold in the central area, so they can help the second uncle and the second aunt!"

Su Junyang nodded: "That's natural!"

"By the way, I'll write a letter for daddy, and you can have someone deliver it!" Su Chengyun said.

"That's good! In case you don't want to know grandpa when you meet them, or you think grandpa is a liar!" Su Junyu hypothesized with a smile.

After hearing Su Junyu's hypothesis, both Su Chengyun and Su Junyang laughed dumbfounded.

In the following days, Su Chengyun did not leave the Su residence, but studied the situation in the exile in the study. With the help of Su Junyu, the second brother, she got to know the exile well in just a few days.

Su Junyang focused all his energy on finding the people behind the scenes. More and more people were involved in the warehouse affairs, and more and more things were involved. It was difficult for Su Junyang to sort out a line amidst the turmoil.

"Brother, are those people still unwilling to recruit?" Su Junyu asked after seeing Su Junyang coming back exhausted.

Su Junyang shook his head: "They won't say anything, they all say they didn't do it, or they just don't know!"

"Is it possible that they really wronged them?" Su Junyu frowned.

Su Chengyun stepped forward and said: "Most of them are wronged, but there are always one or two that are wrong!"

"My sister is right, I think so too!" Su Junyang said.

"But what if they don't recruit? If they are all killed, the clues will be broken!" Su Junyu's face showed irritability.

Su Junyang was also exhausted physically and mentally.

"Can you try hypnosis?" Su Chengyun suggested.

"Hypnosis?" The two brothers all looked over.

Su Chengyun briefly talked about hypnosis, and Su Junyang said: "Insomnia!"

"I remember that Ah Rong seems to be able to, I'll let him try those bastards!" Su Junyu said.

Ah Rong?

Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes slightly when he thought of the person called "Brother Rong".

"Second brother, change someone!" She blurted out without knowing why.

"Sister, are you suspicious? No, Ah Rong is not that kind of person? Ah Rong was out with us during that time!" Su Junyu retorted.

Su Junyang frowned and thought for a moment: "Jun Yu, do as my sister says!"

"Ah, big brother..." Su Junyu looked at Su Junyang in disbelief. Didn't big brother always say that you don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious about employing people. This time, why?

"Be prepared!" Su Junyang said, "I remember that the young master of the Chang family seems to be able to conjure souls, Jun Yu, don't you want to befriend him, and quietly invite him here tonight!"

"Okay!" Although Su Junyu was full of doubts, he obediently agreed and went out to make arrangements.

"Sister, did you notice something wrong with Ah Rong?" Su Junyang asked.

"Ah, is there really something wrong with Arong?"

"I don't know, I just have some doubts!" ​​Su Junyang frowned.

It seems that Su Junyang must have discovered something unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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