Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 256 Flaming Mountain Training Site

Chapter 256 Flaming Mountain Training Site
Su Chengyun did not participate in the interrogation at night. This is a matter of the Su family. Although she and the Su family have recognized each other, the two branches have been separated for so many years. It is difficult to truly become a family. It is better to be relatives .

Therefore, she is not going to get involved in the affairs of the Su family.

Besides, she didn't come here for the power and money of the Su family, too much finger-pointing would only make people bored.

Although Su Chengyun did not participate, the Su family brothers did not intend to hide the matter from her.

The results of the interrogation were told to her early the next morning.

Su Junyu sat with a dark face, angrily, only focusing on pouring water for himself.

"Second Brother?" Su Chengyun shouted, Su Junyu's reaction was too intense, isn't it because he was betrayed by his servant, is he so angry?
Su Junyang shook his head slightly, and said: "Arong was a beggar at the beginning. Jun Yu was still young that year. Seeing the same young Arong being bullied, he was quite angry, so he ordered the guards to save Arong. Dad is also looking for a playmate for Jun Yu, who knows that after Jun Yu rescued the little beggar, he firmly let Arong be his playmate, but his parents couldn't persuade him, after inspecting A Rong, he agreed come down."

Su Chengyun didn't know what to say, she had always had a bad impression of that Arong, but she also felt uncomfortable seeing Su Junyu so angry.

"Second brother, I really found out, is it Ah Rong?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Those people said it was Ah Rong, but Ah Rong was complaining. He said that he had been following me outside and had no time to plan all this. My elder brother and I were also very surprised about this. During that time, my sister also knew that you were in Nanning. Cang also met Ah Rong, didn't he!" Su Junyu said.

Su Chengyun nodded, and said: "It is true that there are many doubts, but you also said that the method of interrogation this time is different from the previous ones, and it is often impossible to miss it! So there must be something that has been overlooked!"

"Sister, you're so smart, please help me think about it, I really don't want Ah Rong to do this!" Su Junyu's eyes were full of pain.

"Jun Yu, don't embarrass my sister. Sister, don't bother with him. I have already arranged everything. This matter may not be over yet. I will continue to investigate! Jun Yu, cheer up, there are still many things to worry about. Let's do it!" Su Junyang said.

Su Junyu nodded weakly.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun said: "Big Brother, Second Brother, I can't help you with things here. To be honest, I have another purpose in coming to the Exiled Land this time, which is to go to the Flame Mountain to practice!"

"Flame Mountain?" Both brothers looked over.

"Sister, cultivating in Huoyan Mountain is very painful!" Su Junyu said.

"But the improvement of strength is also very fast, isn't it?" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"That's true!" Su Junyu nodded, "However, sister, the cultivation of the Flame Mountain is divided into nine layers, and the further you go in, the more difficult it becomes. If you can't hold on, you should quit early!"

"I know that!" Su Chengyun said, she would not make fun of her own life.

Su Junyang said: "In this case, I will apply for a gold card for my sister later!"

"Brother, don't worry, I have gold coins on me!" Su Chengyun hastily declined. She didn't do anything for the Su family, so how dare she take so many gold coins.

"Sister, you belong to the Su family, and you can spend the gold coins of the Su family!" Su Junyu saw Su Chengyun's refusal, and his face began to stiffen.

Su Junyang also nodded, and said concisely: "Not bad!"

Su Chengyun looked at the two gratefully and said, "No need, I really have gold coins!"

"Sister, I forgot to tell you that the price of cultivation in Huoyan Mountain is not low. The outermost one is [-] gold coins, and it is calculated on a daily basis. If you go inside, the more gold coins you have!"

Su Chengyun's heart skipped a beat, and she made a rough calculation. According to this calculation, her gold coins really wouldn't last for a few days.

"Why didn't I see these news?" Su Chengyun asked, she didn't see these records when she read the materials!
"Haha, sister, you don't understand. The big families in Liuyun City, the training room on the other side of the Flaming Mountain, all have shares in it. If people from other cities knew that the price was so high, would they come all the way here? So the prices there are kept secret from the outside world! Everyone in the Exiled Land knows about this, but they won’t tell anyone about it!”

"Ah, won't those who have been there spread the word?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Haha, sister, they signed an agreement and swore an oath before they went in. You also know that cultivators take vows very seriously, so they won't say anything. The reputation has already been established! Those who want to improve their strength don't care how much his price is!" Su Junyu explained.

Su Chengyun suddenly realized that this is indeed the truth, just like her, knowing that the price there is very expensive, but still won't give up.

"Sister, my elder brother and I both know your previous life. You don't have too many gold coins on you. Even if the second uncle gives you some, it won't be too much, so you still don't want to refuse!" Su Junyu said.

"Jun Yu is right, sister, we are a family, don't be polite to us!" Su Junyang also said.

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "Thank you for your kindness, brother and second brother, but I still want to earn gold coins by my own ability!"

"Oh, sister, are you saying that you have a way to earn gold coins in a short time?" Su Junyu's eyes lit up, and he looked over, Su Junyang also looked very interested.

Su Chengyun looked at the two of them, and asked with a smile: "Big brother, second brother, do you know how the medicine market in Exiled Land is?"

"Pharmaceutical market?" Su Junyu's eyes brightened even more, "Sister, do you know someone who can refine pharmacy?"

"Ah, second brother, why are you so excited?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.


Su Junyang said: "Sister, I don't know, the Su family also opened a pharmacy shop, and the pharmacist of the Su family is Jun Yu! That's why I was so excited when I heard my sister said that someone who knows how to refine pharmacy!"

"Ah, really?" Su Chengyun's eyes swept over Su Junyu.

"Hey, I just learned it for a while, but the Su family pharmacy has not had new products for a long time, and now the business is in a bit of a decline, and a lot of business has been taken away by other pharmacy halls!" Speaking of business, Su Junyu's face turned dark, this pharmacy hall is He took care of it all by himself. From small to large, from scratch, he devoted countless efforts to it. Now seeing that the business is not good, he is also very anxious.

After Su Chengyun listened, he gave Su Junyu a thumbs up: "Second brother, you are really capable!"

"Hey, sister, I'm ashamed of you praising me like that. I only managed such a pharmacy hall, and I'm still half dead. My elder brother is more capable than me, and he manages a lot of businesses!"

"You are all capable!" Su Chengyun said.This brother from the Su family is indeed very capable. She has been able to support the huge family business of the Su family at such a young age, which made her very admired.

The key is that both of them have not failed in their cultivation, which makes Su Chengyun admire even more.

(End of this chapter)

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