Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 272 Conspiracy

Chapter 272 Conspiracy
"Hehe, all of you on the boat don't care about your young lady's life, what are we in a hurry for?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

As soon as Su Chengyun's words fell, Su Junyu's face changed suddenly, and his gaze became colder when he glanced over again.

The people on the boat were startled for a moment, and then some people's expressions became unnatural.

But the woman reacted very quickly and said angrily: "You little girl, if you don't want to save people, just say it, why are you slandering us like this? Is there any way for us servants to survive if such words are passed back? You little girl Too cruel!"

As soon as the mother-in-law said this, the spectators around looked at Su Chengyun strangely.

Such a vicious woman is really rare!
But some people looked at the gorgeous ship with deep thought in their eyes.

"Bastard, Su Xiaomei is what you, a mother-in-law, can say?" How could Feng Jue make people treat his Su Xiaomei like this, he stood up abruptly and yelled at the mother-in-law, "I think what Su Xiaomei said is right. You have been splashing in the water for so long, but you only remember being coquettish with irrelevant people, completely forgetting that your lady is in danger! You have forgotten your responsibilities, and it is normal for you to be beaten to death by your master. How dare you call Su Xiaomei isn't it?"

The mother-in-law's face changed, but the next moment her face became firm and tough: "Hmph, I was so mad by that little girl!"

"Haha, after I reminded you, under normal circumstances, as your lady's close wife, you should immediately find a way to save your lady, instead of justifying yourself! I think you sincerely want to murder your lady, or... "Feng Jue's mouth curled up meaningfully.

Su Chengyun smiled ironically, but Su Junyu's eyes turned cold.

"I...I..." The mother-in-law opened her mouth, and finally turned her gaze to Su Junyu, "I also ask this young master to save my young lady, I beg you!" The mother-in-law knelt down on the boat with a bang.

Su Junyu twitched the corners of his mouth, and said coldly: "Could it be that none of you who are full of boats can swim?"

The mother-in-law bit her lips: "Master, it's really unfortunate tonight, there is indeed no one on the boat who can swim!"

"Haha, who are you kidding? I took the young lady out on a cruise but didn't bring anyone who knows how to swim, and the boat was full of people who were fine, only Miss Jin Gui fell into the water. The director of this scene is really good!"

"Please be careful, it is indeed a coincidence!" The mother-in-law said in fear.

"Even if you don't know how to swim, the boatmen and guards will meet, right?" Su Chengyun suddenly said coolly.

"My lady is beautiful and precious, how can I let those stinky men touch her! Ah..." The woman choked back without thinking, but she covered her mouth as soon as she finished speaking, wishing to swallow her tongue.

"Oh..." Su Chengyun let out a long sigh, and then his face turned cold, "Could it be that my second brother is not a man?"

The mother-in-law's face became ugly.

Many people around are beginning to realize it now, looking at the magnificent boat and the woman desperately struggling in the water with disdain, their eyes flashed with disdain.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, they are looking at your second brother, and they are waiting for your second brother to grab the ready-made bags when he goes into the water to save people, and let your second brother take over their young lady!" Feng Jue laughed out loud.

"Haha, haha!" The surrounding onlookers also laughed.

"Hmph, what do you think of me, Su Junyu? The Li family, right? I'm going to ask what the head of your Li family is going to do. How dare you design me, Su Junyu?" Su Junyu said coldly, the second young master of the Su family's aura When they were all released, the people on board were a little panicked when they heard the news.

"Hey, the second brother of the Su family, now that the Su family pharmacy hall is in the limelight, some people naturally want to act first, and first dominate you, the owner and pharmacist of the pharmacy hall, after all, the eldest brother of the Su family is not just some cats and dogs. Designed!" Feng Jue's voice sounded again, but Su Junyu's face darkened when he heard it.

This Feng Jue almost made it clear that he was too stupid and easy to be fooled, that's why he was chosen as the target of the design.

Although Su Junyu wanted to refute, but thinking about it, if his sister hadn't stopped in time today, he might have been slapped.

So Su Junyu looked at everyone in the Li family even more unkindly.

"Hmph, I didn't expect your Li family to use such rogue methods, it's simply contempt for my Su family!" Su Junyu said angrily.

"Hey, Second Young Master Su, who made your Su family a favorite!" Someone in the crowd said with a big laugh.

"Haha, Second Young Master Su, Miss Li's family is still waiting for you to save her!" Someone yelled.

"That's right, Second Young Master Su, if you don't care about it, why don't you let me?" Someone even asked.But he was quickly booed, "Miss Li's family is going to catch the second young master of the Su family. If you ruined her business, it's no wonder that the Li family didn't settle accounts with you. You still expect the Li family to welcome you happily." Riding a dragon and making a quick son-in-law?"

"Oh, I was thinking about saving people back then, but I didn't expect there to be so many tricks behind me. Fortunately, I was a step behind!" Yi Yi let out a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

"Haha, it's indeed your luck. Didn't you see Miss Li's splashing in the water for a long time and she was fine? She was just teasing you!"

After this person finished speaking, everyone looked at the Miss Li family in the river, and laughed muffledly after seeing Miss Li's figure froze for a moment.

The people on Li's boat saw everyone's gazes with even more contempt, they couldn't help but panic, and looked at the former mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law glanced at Su Chengyun and Feng Jue resentfully, if it weren't for these two people to disrupt the situation, the matter would have been settled long ago.

"What are you staring at, no matter how much you stare, it will not change that your Li family has become a place of exile, no, it is a joke in the entire Lanling Continent!" Feng Jue is not a bully, he sneered back on the spot.

The mother-in-law ninja was furious, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you go and pull the lady up!"

As soon as the mother-in-law finished speaking, two maidservants jumped into the water with wide cloaks, took the tightly wrapped Miss Li family who had stopped fluttering onto the boat, and entered the inner cabin in a crowd.

"Haha, the Li family really slapped themselves!" The onlookers burst into laughter.

"I didn't expect that it was the Li family who wanted to force someone to the Su family. It's so unimaginable!" The person who had always been skeptical couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

"Hmph, what's unbelievable, the Li family just took a fancy to the Su family's pharmacy hall, and tried to make a profit for themselves, and they didn't hesitate to get a beautiful daughter."

"Haha, haha!" This person's words greeted everyone with a burst of laughter.

Listening to everyone's cynicism on the boat, the old woman ordered with an ugly face, "Let's go!"

Su Junyu said loudly: "Go back and tell your Patriarch that my Su family is not finished with this matter, and I will definitely ask your Li family for an explanation!" Su Junyu's eyes were very cold, and the mother-in-law who saw it was shocked, and hurriedly urged the boat to leave.

"Second brother, Feng Jue, let's go back too!" Seeing that Su Junyu was in a bad mood, Su Chengyun suggested.

"I agree!" This was Feng Jue's voice.

Su Junyu also nodded, he is really not in the mood to go on a cruise now.

(End of this chapter)

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