Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 273 Backlash

Chapter 273 Backlash
After leaving Ye City, Feng Jue and Su Chengyun agreed on a time to visit Su Manor, and then they left.Su Chengyun and Su Junyu strolled on the quiet street.

"Sister, did you already see the Li family's plan?" Su Junyu finally asked the doubts in his heart after walking for a while.

Su Chengyun sighed, and said: "Second brother, it happened so suddenly, how can I think so much all at once."

"Then why did my sister stop me from saving people at the very beginning? Didn't my sister see something wrong with them at that time?" Su Junyu's eyes were puzzled.

"Hehe, second brother, I didn't think too much about it at first. I just thought it was not good for a man to save a woman who fell into the water, and there would be a lot of troubles that I couldn't explain, so I stopped you. It's just that the woman in the Li family His reaction made me suspicious. That's why I have the following things." Su Chengyun explained in this way, but she didn't think so in her heart.The young lady of a big family is usually the object of marriage, so when its value is not realized, the family attaches great importance to it. It is hard to imagine that the young lady will fall into the water after swimming in a lake.Unless someone was jealous of her and deliberately pushed her into the water, or she jumped into the water by herself and used herself as bait.

Judging from the position of the Li family's big boat before, they couldn't have come here for no reason, and it was impossible for the mother-in-law to ask Su Junyu for a man to save her regardless of Miss's reputation.

Therefore, everything shows that this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy aimed specifically at the second young master of the Su family.

Su Junyu patted his head, and said annoyedly: "Yes, there is a girl like my sister on the boat, and the woman insisted on me being a man to save it. There is indeed a problem. My brain was rusted at the time, I didn't expect this! "

Su Chengyun said: "Second brother, what I'm more puzzled about is why you didn't expect that men and women can't kiss each other?"

Su Junyu became silent when she heard the words, and said for a long time: "My sister doesn't know. When I was ten years old, I fell into the water and was rescued by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old sister. If it wasn't for that sister, I might have died a long time ago. So, from then on, when I saw someone falling into the water, I would usually go to rescue them." But unexpectedly, his desire to save others was used as bait to catch him by the Li family, and they were trampled on, the hatred in Su Junyu's heart!
"So that's how it is!" Su Chengyun sighed, the Li family really planned and came prepared!
"Hmph. The Li family dares to treat me like this, I will never let them go!" Su Junyu said firmly, clenched his fists.

"Second brother, this is no longer your business alone. I'm afraid that the Li family will have someone behind us. Let's go back and discuss it with the eldest brother as soon as possible!" Su Chengyun suddenly thought that since the Li family made a move, it would naturally not be so frivolous. , I am afraid that they have already prepared a way to deal with the failure of the bait.

After being reminded by Su Chengyun, Su Junyu also realized that the matter might not end so easily, so he said: "Okay, let's go back and find Big Brother!"

He, Su Junyu, doesn't have the spirit of doing everything by himself. When it comes to the interests of the family, he still likes to leave it to his elder brother. The elder brother controls the overall situation of the Su family and will make the best decision. And the most important thing is that the elder brother is very kind to his family. Maintenance will never let him suffer.

The Li family has crossed the bottom line of the eldest brother in wanting to design him, maybe the eldest brother is already trying to find a way to seek justice for him.

The two hurried back to Su's mansion, Su Chengyun keenly felt that someone was following them.

Is the Li family going to make a move so soon?
Su Chengyun thought about it, and listened carefully, but only heard a slight sound of footsteps.

Su Chengyun glanced at Su Junyu, and when he turned a corner, he moved and left.

On the roof of the house, a figure in night clothes was looking around suspiciously, wondering why there was one person missing, but was startled by the sound of breaking through the air behind him, and hurriedly avoided.

"Are you looking for me?" Su Chengyun asked coldly with a dagger in his hand.

Startled, the black shadow ran away.

"It's not that easy to run!" Su Chengyun raised his feet and chased after him, and soon stopped the man in black in the alley below.

Seeing this, the man in black unsheathed his long sword behind him, and stood with Su Chengyun.

Crackling sounds continued, and in the end Su Chengyun was the one who beat the man in black, kicking the man in black to the ground, and the dagger flew out.

"I'd like to see who you are?" Su Chengyun said coldly, stepped forward and tore off the face scarf of the man in black.

"Ah Rong? Why is it you?" Su Chengyun looked at the man in black in surprise. This man should not be under the strict supervision of his elder brother, when did he escape.

"Hmph!" The man in black stood up slowly and looked into Su Chengyun's eyes, which were slightly blood red.

"Su Chengyun looked into my eyes, Su Chengyun looked into my eyes!" The man in black's voice was deep and distant, with an attractive aura, Su Chengyun gradually felt that his head was tired and his eyelids were tired. The sub started to get heavy.

"Su Chengyun, tell me where Ah Rong is being held? Where is Ah Rong being held?" the man in black asked.

Su Chengyun shook his head to express his ignorance.

Seeing this, the man in black frowned slightly, and the blood red in his eyes became more intense.

But suddenly the pupils of the man in black dilated suddenly, his body became stiff, and then his eyes began to lose focus.

I saw Su Chengyun slowly raised his drooping head, his eyes were not as dull as before, but looked at the man in black shining brightly.

"Idiot, using hypnotism on me is really courting death!"

Su Chengyun looked at the man in black and asked, "Who are you?"

"Ayao!" The man in black replied.

"What's your relationship with Arong?" Su Chengyun asked again.

"We are twins, and Arong is my younger brother!" The man in black stated the relationship between the two very simply.

"Why is Ah Rong in the Su residence?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.

"Master's meaning!"

Sure enough, there was someone behind, Su Chengyun sighed, and shouted: "Who is your master?"

There was struggle in the eyes of the man in black: "I can't say it, I can't say it!"

Seeing this, Su Chengyun yelled again: "Is it Nancang Lu's family?"

The man in black obviously changed his face, he yelled "ah", and covered his head with his hands in pain.

"younger sister……"

Su Chengyun raised his head and looked forward, only to see Su Junyu and the guards standing there, and there was also a cold figure.

"Ah, big brother is here too?" Su Chengyun was surprised.

Su Junyu said: "Brother saw that we haven't gone back for so long, so he was worried, so he came out to take a look. I didn't expect to see such a good show!" Su Junyu glanced at the man in black who was still in pain, and frowned slightly. I remembered Arong.

"Sister, what happened to him?" Su Junyang asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I was backlashed by my own hypnotism!" Su Chengyun said lightly.

"Sister, can you leave this person to me?" Su Junyang said.

Su Chengyun nodded and laughed: "Okay, brother, just take him away!"

"Then thank you, sister!" Su Junyang said.

"Hehe, big brother, you are too polite!"

Su Junyang ordered several people to take the man in black away.

"Let's go back too!" Su Junyang said.

"it is good!"

Under the hazy moonlight, the reflections of the three of them were reflected.

(End of this chapter)

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