Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 274 Force Planning

Chapter 274 Force Planning
After returning to the Su residence, Su Junyang said directly: "I've heard about the night city!"

Su Junyu lowered his eyelids when he heard the words, and then showed a shameful expression on his face: "Brother, it's because of my poor behavior that people can take advantage of it. Brother, I'm really useless!" Su Junyu was very annoyed.

Su Junyang waved his hand and said: "Jun Yu, I don't blame you for this matter. Since they have the idea of ​​attacking my Su family, even if they don't start from you, they will start from other places. After all, our Su family is not a fortified wall. Nothing leaks, there are always omissions. Jun Yu, you handled it very well this time, and now everyone knows that the Li family is at fault!"

Su Junyu lowered his head even more ashamed. It wasn't him who handled it well, but his sister and that man named Feng Jue who handled it well. If it wasn't for them, he would have fallen into the trap of the Li family a long time ago, so how could he just sit here with some shame Brother chatting.

"Brother, did you cause trouble?" Su Junyu said awkwardly.

"Jun Yu, this is not troublesome. Many forces are jealous of the rise of the Su family pharmacy hall, and there are many people who covet our Su family. However, it is a good thing for us that the Li family jumped out like this!" Su Junyang said.

"Ah..." Su Junyu gasped suspiciously, not knowing why.

Su Junyang helped his forehead, and sighed: "Jun Yu, now I regret how well I protected you before!" If not, how could Jun Yu be so ignorant.

"Brother, haven't you been training me?" Su Junyu asked strangely, "Brother, you let me open the Su Family Medicine Hall by myself, and let me go to Wangyue to find out about my second uncle..." Su Junyu counted on his fingers stand up.

"However, the effect of experience doesn't seem to improve much!" Su Junyang said.

Su Junyu lowered his head. He was half-dead in the care of the Su family pharmacy hall. When he went to Wangyue, he frightened the snake. He almost confessed that he was there. If he hadn't met his sister, he would have been caught by the man in black. In the end, if his elder brother hadn't responded to him, he might have left. Not out of the foggy forest.

"Brother..." Su Junyu never felt as useless as he did now.

"Jun Yu, after a while, you'd better go out to practice more, and the family will not provide you with any assistance at that time! You see, my sister is younger than you, and she can come to the exiled land to practice alone. What do you do? Second brother, how can you fall behind!" Su Junyang said.

Su Junyu glanced at Su Chengyun, and made a comparison in his mind, and it turned out that his younger sister was stronger, and he seemed to be inferior in any aspect.

"Well, I'll listen to elder brother!" Su Junyu said obediently.During the time spent with Su Chengyun, he also felt that there was a lot lacking in him, whether it was wisdom or the way of handling things, those were not something that could be mastered behind closed doors, but required a lot of accumulation of practice.In short, the elder brother is doing everything for his own good, and he is always right to listen to what the elder brother says.And the younger sister nodded, and the younger sister also agreed.

"Brother, how should we deal with the Li family's affairs, do they still have a backup?" Su Junyu began to care about the Li family's affairs, after all, this matter was caused by him.

Su Junyang took a sip of tea, and said: "Since the Li family dared to jump out, we will beat the top bird with a stick, and make an example of it, and give other thoughtful families and forces a warning!" Su Junyang said coldly, he was still worried that there would be no trouble Well, the Li family really sent the ready-made opportunity to the Su family.

"Brother, the Li family is also a big family that has occupied Floating Cloud City for a hundred years. Will it hurt both of us if we confront him head-on?" Su Junyu asked worriedly.

"Jun Yu, once the incident in Yecheng happens, if our Su family does nothing, people will think that our Su family is a soft persimmon, and then everyone will come to pinch it." Su Junyang said.

Su Junyu nodded, indeed, if they didn't show something, others would think they were showing weakness.

In the land of exile, the weak eat the strong. If you are weak, there will be plenty of forces and families to take over your territory.

"Brother, can I understand that the Su family pharmacy has stirred up the pool of water in Floating Cloud City, and Floating Cloud City is bound to undergo a big reshuffle?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

Su Junyang nodded: "Since the assassination of the rich man last time, many families in Floating Cloud City are facing decline, and many families in their territory are eyeing them. It can be said that it is imperative to reshuffle the cards. Everyone is waiting for the opportunity! "

"Brother, are you waiting for an opportunity?" Su Chengyun asked.

Su Junyang said: "Yes, if any force or family wants to gain a firm foothold in Floating Cloud City, it is necessary to participate in the division of forces!"

In other words, the Su family can't do without participating, and being excluded by other forces also means that the Su family will struggle in Floating Cloud City.

"Brother, this cup of soup is not easy to share!"

"Well, relying on the strength of the Su family, it's difficult to get more points, but now that the Su family's pharmacy has risen, I will definitely serve the greater interests of the Su family!" Su Junyang vowed.

"Ah, big brother, can our Su family really win so many benefits?" Su Junyu is a little unbelievable. There has been a division of power in Liuyun City before, but the Su family has been doing nothing. This time the big brother said that he can win more benefits. , he couldn't help being surprised.

"Jun Yu, you underestimate the pharmacy hall!" Su Junyang said, only one Su family pharmacy hall can make the forces of Floating Cloud City make concessions.

Seeing this, the corners of Su Chengyun's mouth twitched slightly: "Brother, since we want to play, why don't we have a big one!"

Both Su Junyang and Su Junyu looked over, especially Su Junyu's eyes were filled with horror.

Big one, how do you play this?
"Sister, I would like to hear the details!" Su Junyang asked seriously.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Brother, the division of power undoubtedly depends on which family's influence, wealth and strength. It is a fact that our Su family has insufficient background. It is not realistic to compare wealth and strength with other families. We can focus on Influence!"

"But, sister, how can I increase my influence in a short time?" Su Junyu asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, Second Brother, what do you think of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

Su Junyu smiled and said: "Sister, it goes without saying that the Su Family Pharmacy Hall is now in the limelight, and the money is rolling in!"

"Second brother, what if the Su family pharmacy released some special medicines?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah... If that's the case, not to mention the wealth of the Su family pharmacy hall, it will definitely be famous." Su Junyu said.

"Hehe, that's right, that's true. You said that if the Su Family Pharmacy Hall becomes a landscape in Floating Cloud City, making people think of the best medicine in Lanling Continent and Su's family in Floating Cloud City, what will happen?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Sister?" Su Junyu stood up in surprise when he heard the words, and asked in disbelief, "Sister, can this really be done?"

Oh my god, my sister really dares to think that he only wants to make the Su family's pharmacy flourish so that he doesn't hold back the Su family.

Compared with his younger sister, his courage and imagination are really idle and small.

(End of this chapter)

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