Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 275 The Plan Continues

Chapter 275 The Plan Continues
"Sister, what you said is very good, but there are two questions!" Su Junyang said after thinking for a while.

"Brother, please tell me!" Su Chengyun smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Su Junyang paused and said: "My sister chose the Su Family Pharmacy Hall as a breakthrough point to increase her influence. It is very good. Lan Ling Continent is a world of cultivators. A cultivator's obsession with potions is the same as improving his strength. Every new potion comes out. They will all get a lot of attention, so using potions as a springboard to increase the family's influence is a feasible way, but sister, do you and Jun Yu have so many potions to support? After the limelight of the new potions is over, the Su family's potion hall will definitely slow down. Be silent!"

"Haha, big brother, you don't have to worry about this problem at all. Not to mention the many medicine prescriptions stored in my sister's brain, I can research new medicines if I devote myself to research. Besides, I heard that my sister has a medicine called Dan in her brain." Medicines are many times better than medicines!" Su Junyu said with a smile.

Su Junyang glanced at Su Chengyun indistinctly upon hearing the words.

"Brother, you can directly talk about the second question, the first question is not a problem!" Su Junyu said carelessly.

Su Junyang nodded, and said: "The second question, if it is true as you said, the Su family frequently releases new medicines, it will be a big blow to other forces, how can you be sure that other forces will not kill you !"

As soon as Su Junyang finished speaking, Su Junyu fell silent. There would indeed be people who would take risks due to conflicts of interest and attack them.

"Sister..." Su Junyu turned his gaze to Su Chengyun, this question was too difficult for him.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Brother, second brother, it's normal for other forces to be jealous, but why didn't you think of tying them with the Su family, just like the cultivation place of Huoyanshan, isn't it also a few major forces and families?" Shared control?"

"But if this is the case, isn't our Su Family Pharmacy Hall a public property? Is it still called the Su Family Pharmacy Hall?" Su Junyu asked puzzled.

Su Chengyun rolled his eyes when he heard the words, this Su Junyu was obviously not enlightened.

But Su Junyang thought about it seriously, and said for a long time: "My sister's method is indeed feasible! If we tie up with other forces, we don't need to be on guard against them first, and second, they can still promote our medicine, and it will be a big hit for our Su family. Say it's very beneficial!"

"Ah, brother, why I still don't understand!" Su Junyu shouted.

"Hehe, second brother, the potions in our Su Family Pharmacy Hall are for sale, not for sale. Instead of letting the Su Family Pharmacy Hall be overwhelmed every day, it is better to divert it to other families and forces, you You can set a unified price lower than the market price for them, or adopt a consignment method, so that they will not only be profitable, but also drive the sales of other medicines in their pharmacy hall, and second brother, you can give up ordinary medicines , specializing in these new medicines!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, is it okay?" Su Junyu opened his mouth wide.

"Hehe, isn't this a good method?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Ah, sister, it's amazing how you came up with these methods!" Su Junyu praised.

"It's hard to think about it. The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. As long as you give them enough benefits, no one will embarrass you!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hehe, my sister, you are really inferior to not doing business!" Su Junyu sighed.

"Second brother, if you learn more from elder brother, these things will not be difficult!" Su Chengyun said.

Su Junyu looked at Su Junyang upon hearing this, and asked, "Brother, what do you think of my sister's method?"

Su Junyang nodded: "Very good!"

"Ah, brother, did you agree to have a big game?" Su Junyu asked.

"Yes, I will spare no effort to bring the Su family to a higher level!" Su Junyang said.

"Hehe, big brother, not only the pharmacy hall, but the Su family restaurant can also act immediately!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, by the way, I even forgot my sister's excellent cooking skills!" Su Junyu said.

"Hehe, I just thought of the reaction of those diners in Su's restaurant. They just smelled the aroma and clamored for Xincai. If we launch Xincai, wouldn't we be able to attract a group of people very quickly!" Su Chengyun laughed. Said.

"That's true!" Su Junyu also said happily, "Brother, you didn't see the people in the hall at that time, and their reaction was very intense."

Su Junyang frowned: "Sister, but only you can cook that kind of food, so you will have to work hard!" Although Su Junyang also wanted to expand the restaurant, he would feel very sorry if his sister was made to work so hard.

"Hehe, brother, you forgot Xiaocui in my courtyard?" Su Chengyun asked back with a smile.

"Xiao Cui?" Su Junyu said, "By the way, big brother, and Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui's craftsmanship is not inferior to those chefs!" Su Junyu clapped his hands, but then Su Junyu continued to say distressedly, "However, you can't Let my younger sister and Xiao Cui go to the back kitchen to help cook? My younger sister is the young lady of the Su family, how can she cook for others?"

Su Chengyun chuckled: "Second brother, of course I won't go to the back kitchen to cook. I can leave it to Xiao Cui first, and let Xiao Cui teach the back kitchen staff!"

Su Junyu blushed, why didn't he think of such a simple thing, it must be that his sister gave him too much shock today, which made his mind stop.

"Sister, what if someone has eyes for the restaurant?" Su Junyu said.

"Second brother, do you really think that restaurants are as profitable as medicine halls?" Su Chengyun looked at Su Junyu and said, "Second brother, this dish is different from medicine. It is difficult to imitate medicine without a prescription, but is it a dish, okay? The chef may be able to imitate it just by looking at it and tasting it!"

"Ah, sister, don't other restaurants come to our restaurant to steal teachers?" Su Junyu said.

"Hehe, there is a word called following the trend. If you think about it, the new dishes launched by our Su's Restaurant have attracted diners, and other restaurants will definitely follow suit. They can come to Su's Restaurant to steal their dishes, or they can go to find them. The other master cooks, in short, will find a way." Su Chengyun said.

"If everyone follows suit, wouldn't it be useless for everything our restaurant has done?" Su Junyu was a little discouraged.

"Hehe, how could it be? You can increase the publicity. Every time you release a new dish, you must confirm that the Sujia restaurant is the most authentic, and then control the ingredients or condiments. As long as these are well controlled, others No matter how imitated it is, it is still an imitation, not authentic!" Su Chengyun said.

"Haha, my sister's trick is good. Even if the taste they make is good, our Su's restaurant is authentic. We serve this brand. No one can surpass it. Who told this dish to be launched by our Su's restaurant? They are one step slower!" Su Junyu laughed.

"In this way, there will be a battle of survival of the fittest in the restaurants in Floating Cloud City, and whoever wins in the end will depend on their own abilities!" Su Chengyun said.

(End of this chapter)

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