Chapter 279
When Su Chengyun came to the refining room again, Su Junyu rushed forward and said: "Sister, I figured out something, please help me to see if my analysis is correct!"

Su Chengyun smiled: "Second brother, don't worry!" But she still walked in with Su Junyu.

Su Junyu didn't wait for Su Chengyun to sit down, so he couldn't wait to say: "Sister, I sent someone to buy the new potion from the Li family, and after careful research, the formula of those potions is similar to the one we developed, but there are some differences in the details. .”

Su Chengyun nodded when he heard the words, and motioned for Su Junyu to continue, which she had already thought of.

Su Junyu continued: "Sister, the Li family can develop potions, unless they find a powerful potion master, or steal the teacher. I recalled our development of new potions, how can it be so easy to develop new potions, if not I'm afraid I won't be able to understand my sister's advice for the rest of my life, and according to the news from the Su family, although the Li family has been looking for people who can refine medicines, they have never heard that they have found a powerful person! So..."

"So, second brother thinks that the Li family didn't research those medicines with reference to our Su family's medicines, but stole the master directly from the Su family?" Su Chengyun said.

"That's right, sister. I've deduced it many times, and it's the same result. But I still haven't figured it out. The potions of the Su family are all made by my sister and me. This refining room has never been entered by outsiders. How did they steal the teacher?" Su Junyu frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

Neither he nor his sister could have leaked the formula, so how did other people know?What method did the Li family use?
"Hehe, second brother, if you want to know the formula of a medicine, you don't necessarily have to see the formula." Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, sister, can you figure out the tricks inside?" Su Junyu asked excitedly.

Su Chengyun said slowly: "Second brother, let's give an example. For example, you accidentally found that your friend was picking up medicine at the pharmacy, but you knew that your friend didn't want to tell you what disease he had. The soonest to know?"

Su Junyu thought for a while: "I will go to the medicine hall to ask?"

"What if the medicine hall also keeps silent?" Su Chengyun asked again.

"Then I will bribe the people around my friend, but this method is not very good, and my friend will be angry!" Su Junyu scratched his head.

"Hehe, second brother, actually the easiest way is to go to the pharmacy and tell the shopkeeper to grab a copy of the same medicine as your friend!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah..." Su Junyu opened his mouth wide, and then smacked his head, "Sister, I'm so stupid, as long as I know what medicine my friend took, I will naturally know what disease he has. did not expect."

"Hehe, it's not too late to think about it now, our medicine formula might have been leaked like this!" Su Chengyun said.

Su Junyu stared and said for a long time: "I understand, they are the medicinal formulas researched from the herbs we prepared."

"Sister, although we made the new potion by ourselves, the work of preparing the herbs has always been handed over to two alchemists. They are very sensitive to potions, so it is not difficult to deduce the approximate formula from the herbs. "Su Junyu's thoughts flowed like a spring, and he quickly figured out many unexpected key points.

"It's really a thousand days to guard against thieves. I didn't expect it to be difficult to guard against family thieves. Sister, I will ask them why they did this now?" Su Junyu got up and went to find two alchemists to settle the score.

But Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped him: "Second brother, we are just speculating now. If you rush to find them in such a hurry, what will happen? They will definitely deny it. Besides, can you be sure which one is the house thief?"

"Sister, my heart hurts. First I was betrayed by Ah Rong, and now I was betrayed by my own pharmacist." Su Junyu's mood sank.

Su Chengyun comforted: "Second brother, if a family wants to develop, this is a process that must go through, because the Su family has already been watched, so someone will buy people from the Su family. Otherwise, you will be unknown, and no one will care about you! "

"Sister..." Su Junyu, who was still in a low mood, suddenly couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, "Sister, why is such a sad thing so funny when you describe it like this?"

"Hehe, it's just that the second brother didn't think clearly! The Su family is developing rapidly now, and the last ones left are the most sincere people who were eliminated. Second brother, you just feel sorry for them, there is no need Waste your feelings!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hehe, what my sister said is really true. They are the ones who are sorry for the Su family first, and I, Su Junyu. Why do I always feel sad for them? Why not put more energy on other loyal people." Su Junyu said firmly.

"Second brother is right to think so!" Su Chengyun gave Su Junyu a smile.

Su Junyu is too affectionate, so it is painful to be betrayed by someone he values.

"Sister, let's get down to business, how did we catch that thief?" Su Junyu asked.

"Hehe, second brother, since the Li family made a move, there must be a follow-up. Now that we have a general goal, we can completely put down the bait before fishing!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, my sister's method is good. The man has succeeded a few times, and he must have tasted the sweetness. We will follow the trend and catch him." Su Junyu nodded.

The two muttered and began to arrange.

Two days later, Su Junyu and Su Chengyun swept away the haze of the previous two days, and walked out of the refining room happily, Su Junyu danced and said, "Hmph, the Li family really thinks that my Su family only has those few new medicines? I, Su Junyu, have developed another one, which is better than the previous one. Haha, sister, I will refine a large amount tomorrow, and try to get it on the market as soon as possible, so that the Li family will be caught off guard!"

"Congratulations, second brother!" Su Chengyun congratulated at the right time.

The two passed by two alchemists, and Su Junyu said with a smile on his face: "Let's go back early today, we will be busy starting tomorrow!"

The two pharmacists nodded when they heard the words, packed up their things and went back.

Su Chengyun and Su Junyu left here without even looking at them.

Another two days later, a sneaky figure evaded the guards in the mansion and came to the wall. After checking that there was no one around, he tapped on the wall lightly. After a while, there were three knocks on the other side of the wall. .

After the figure heard it, it raised its arms, and something flew out of the wall.

After a while, there was a knocking sound from the other side of the wall. The figure smiled slightly and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he saw a group of people coming out of the dark and looking at him.

He opened his mouth in surprise and wanted to escape, but the guards who came suddenly blocked all his escape routes.

The torches were lit one by one, illuminating the figure's face, and Su Chengyun recognized that it was one of the two pharmacists.

There were a few fighting sounds from outside the wall, and then disappeared without a sound. After a while, several guards walked over with a man in black pressing down on him.

(End of this chapter)

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