Chapter 280
"Hey, have you heard? The Su family pharmacy is going to launch a new thing called elixir today!"


"Haha, friend, haven't you cleared the world yet?"

"Hey, I really just came out of customs! Hey, what are they running?"

"Ah, they are going to see that thing called elixir, let alone, I have to rush to see it!"

"Hey, wait for me!"

"Have you heard? Have you heard?"

The road was full of conversations about new pills from the Su Family Pharmacy Hall.

"Isn't it just a small pill? Why are you curious?" Some people sneered, as if they didn't care, but they were quickly ridiculed by the people around them.

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything. What kind of small pill? What the Su Family Pharmacy Hall released is an ancient elixir. Is it comparable to pills?"

"Hmph, don't they all say that pills are lost?" the man said unconvinced.

"Haha, it's not refined at home!" The sarcasm sounded again.

"Hey, what's the name of that elixir?"

"It seems to be called Jingling Pill."

"That's right! It's the Jingling Pill! Didn't the Su Family Pharmacy Hall say that the medicine is three-point poisonous, and we cultivators usually leave toxins in the body when we take medicines. The more we take, the more toxins are left, and the toxins accumulate to To a certain extent, it will affect our cultivation, and Jingling Pill can purify these toxins and restore our body to its best."

"Haha, it would be great if this is the case. I also feel a stagnation in my body. I didn't pay much attention to it before. Now that you have reminded me, it must be the toxins left in the medicine! Grab a bottle."

"Hey, one bottle, the Jingling Pill of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall is sold by the pill!" A person ran past and said immediately when he heard the conversation between the two.

"Ah, push one?" The people around all looked over at the same time.

"Of course it's a pill, one pill will have an effect. And it's said that pills are difficult to refine and the quantity is limited!" the man continued.

"How do you know so clearly?" someone questioned.

"Hey, of course I found out through my connections! I won't tell you, I'll go ahead!" The man ran forward at top speed.

The rest of the people ran frantically when they saw this.

There was a lot of voices in front of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall, but the Su Family Pharmacy Hall was quiet and ignored them. It was not until the usual opening time that the door was slowly opened.

The shopkeeper took out a big sign and hung it next to the gate.

Everyone looked at it, and saw the letter: "New product: Jingling Pill! Efficacy: Purify the residual drug toxins in the body! Each person is limited to one, and the daily limit is [-]!" Below is the big price.

And quickly finished the scan, rushed towards the pharmacy hall, and the rest wanted to rush too, but they were stopped by the guards who had reacted.

"Please line up to enter!" The guard said coldly.

Although the people behind were in a hurry, they still didn't dare to offend the Su family pharmacy, and went obediently in line. Of course, there were some people who wanted to fight in order to be in the front, but they didn't dare. The Su family had already spoken, and anyone who caused trouble immediately expulsion.

Although they resented the Su family's arrogance, they were also very helpless. They could only exchange positions with the previous ones in a peaceful way. I don't know how aggrieved they are.

Floating Cloud City was originally a place where fists were used to speak, but their fists didn't work at all in the territory of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall.

On the second floor of the pharmacy hall, Su Junyu and Su Chengyun sat opposite each other, looking down at the excitement below.

"Sister, I didn't expect such a big commotion caused by just one Jingling Pill. It is estimated that other families and forces have received the news!" Su Junyu said.

"Second brother, Jingling Pill is just asking for directions. Judging from today's situation, everyone's acceptance of pills is relatively high. In the future, we will be able to launch many pills that are closely related to cultivators!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hehe, that's the case, the Su family can't give up on the medicine, hmph, even if I, Su Junyu, are a soft persimmon, I will let them see my energy burst." Su Junyu still hates the Li family's plotting him.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Second brother, the Li family is not afraid!"

"Hmph, I think the Li family is very courageous. They even bribed the pharmacist of the Su family to imitate our Su family's medicine. If you want me to say, they have caught the ready-made ones and returned them to the Li family with great fanfare. Let everyone in Liuyun City take a look at the face of the Li family, but you and your elder brother disagree." Su Junyu said regretfully.

Su Chengyun shook his head and said with a smile: "Second brother, you are certainly relieved by doing that, but the Li family may not recognize it? Others may think that you are upset that the Li family has also refined a new medicine, and deliberately framed it. !"

"It's taking advantage of them. They obviously have their tricks, but they can't use them!" Su Junyu said.

"Hehe, second brother, do you think that other families and forces in Floating Cloud City can't find out about Su's affairs? The story of the Su family's pharmacists may have been spread by various forces! Everyone has a good reputation for the Li family. !" Su Chengyun said.

Su Junyu still sighed.

"Second brother, since the Li family used commercial means, it is truly fair and aboveboard for our Su family to return them back through commercial means, making people impeccable!" Su Chengyun said.

"Sister, you are right, if the Li family dares to imitate our medicine, I will use the Su family medicine hall to defeat it!" Su Junyu vowed.

The Su family pharmacy really became popular today. Although there was very little work on the surface, it was just that the shopkeeper put up a sign, but the Su family did a lot of work in private.

However, some people felt refreshed immediately after taking the Jingling Pill amidst the booing of the crowd, and felt extremely relaxed all over their bodies. .

If you want to buy a net panacea, hurry up tomorrow!
Everyone moved back.

But at night, a gossip began to spread. In order to seize the front seat tomorrow morning, some monks went to wait in front of the Su family pharmacy during the night.

"Treacherous, it's really treacherous!" Everyone cursed in their hearts, and rushed towards the Su family pharmacy, annoyed why they didn't think of this way.

When Su Junyu heard the news, he was stunned. When did the Su Family Pharmacy Hall become so popular that people lined up overnight.

"Sister, this matter is getting too big! Why don't we increase the number of Jingling Pills tomorrow?" Su Junyu suggested.

"Second brother, it's not right! It's still the same sentence, the rare is the most valuable, just wait for this period of time!" Su Chengyun said.

"But those people?" Su Junyu's heart softened.

"Hehe, Second Brother, what's the problem? Say hello to the patrol team in Floating Cloud City and ask them to expel the people, and those people will naturally go home!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.


"Second brother, there are many things that we don't need to do by ourselves. We can use whatever we can, and the patrol team has a ready-made reason: curfew. If you give the patrol team some benefits, I believe they will be happy to do this little favor!"

(End of this chapter)

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