Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 281 Rush to Flame Mountain

Chapter 281 Rush to Flame Mountain

The Su family pharmacy hall is very popular now, very popular. After the Jingling Pill, several new medicines and elixirs have been released one after another, which amazed the people of Floating Cloud City.

As for the first new medicine and Jingling Pill, the Su family unexpectedly cooperated with the Chang family, the Feng family business, and the Nan family shop at some point, and distributed them to these three for sale, making other families and forces regret it.

It is said that the Chang family, the Feng family, and the Nan family frequently negotiated with the young master of the Su family for this cooperation, and pressed their own interests again and again. It was this kind of sincerity that moved the always indifferent young master Su, and agreed to cooperate .

The Nan family even sent back the slick shopkeeper who had occupied this place for many years for this cooperation, just because the shopkeeper had high eyesight and low abilities and looked down on the Su family, so he was directly rejected by the Nan family son, and sent a loyal, honest and unassuming man from the family again. The shopkeeper is here.

People can do this to this extent, no wonder the Su family will approve.

But everyone has not recovered from the upsurge of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall, and the Su Family Restaurant unexpectedly launched more than a dozen new recipes without any warning, arousing the palate of most people in Floating Cloud City.

The dishes are so delicious that many people have never seen them before, and even famous gourmet masters can't try the seasonings inside.

It can be seen that the Su family also invested heavily in the restaurant.

And with the leakage of the medicine formula of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall, the Su Family Restaurant must be very strict about the condiments.

In order to be able to taste new dishes, everyone did not hesitate to wait in a long line, and the Sujia Restaurant made samples very late every day.

And the most exciting thing is that a new dish will be launched every few days, which makes everyone addicted.

"Su Xiaomei, I knew that the Su Family Restaurant was your masterpiece. It tastes so familiar. Although it's not as good as Su Xiaomei's, it's still very good." Feng Jue said while eating carelessly.

"Hehe, Fengjue, I think the cook of the Su family will be very happy to let you give such a picky compliment!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hey, it's a pity that Su Xiaomei didn't make it herself. I really miss the days when we traveled together. At that time, the delicious food was endless, and it attracted other students to come to see it every day!" Feng Jue said with a smile.

Su Chengyun smiled knowingly when he recalled that time.

"Second brother of the Su family, I just told you, your Su family has Miss Su, it's definitely not that far behind!" Feng Absolutely said to Su Junyu.

Su Junyu also drank the wine and became dizzy: "Haha, Feng Jue, you are right, my sister is the lucky star of our Su family!"

"Hey, it's a pity, Su Xiaomei will go to the Flaming Mountain with me to practice soon!" Feng Jue said with a smile.

"Well, Feng Jue, you have to take good care of my sister. I visit her every once in a while. If something happens to my sister, my eldest brother and I will not let you go!" Su Junyu patted Feng Jue directly. shoulder road.

"Haha, second brother of the Su family, even if you don't tell me, I will take care of Su Xiaomei, so you can put your heart in your stomach!" Feng Jue replied.

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head looking at the slightly broken two.

The two have similar temperaments, and they don't know when they got so good.

Two days later, Su Chengyun bid farewell to the brothers of the Su family and rushed to the Flame Mountain together.

"Brother, I really don't want my sister to leave!" Su Junyu said a little disappointed.

There was also a trace of reluctance in Su Junyang's eyes: "My sister always wants to fly high, all we can do is support silently!"

"Brother, did Grandpa and the others reply? If you don't come back, my sister will go back to Nancang Academy after finishing her training!" Su Junyu said.

"Grandpa and the others have received the news from us and are trying to contact Second Uncle. They probably won't be able to come back in a while!" Su Junyang said.

"Hey, what a pity. I really want Grandpa and the others to meet my sister. They will definitely like such a smart and capable sister!" Su Junyu said.

Su Chengyun and Fengjue traveled day and night, and finally arrived at the Flame Mountain two days later. Before they entered, they felt waves of heat coming.

"Miss Su, this is the Flame Mountain!" Feng Jue and Su Chengyun got off their horses and walked towards the reception.

"You two want to rent a training room?" A man at the reception asked.

Feng Jue nodded: "Not bad!"

"Oh, which area do you want to rent? I see that you are unfamiliar, it is the first time you come here to practice, it is recommended to rent the first area!" The man suggested.

Feng Jue and Su Chengyun had discussed this matter a long time ago, Feng Jue said directly: "Okay, we will rent the practice room in the first area!"

"Please register your information!" the man said.

Feng Jue and Su Chengyun stepped forward to register.

"Young Master of Feng Family Firm? Miss Su Family?" The man asked in surprise.

"Huh? Didn't expect you to know us?" Feng Jue asked in surprise.

"Hehe, in the land of exile, the news is not well-informed, so I can't get along!" The man smiled, got up and led the two towards the training room.

"Are you renting one, or two?" the man asked.

"Oh, two adjacent rooms!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun quickly arrived at his practice room. As expected, the temperature here was much higher than the outside as recorded. Su Chengyun hurriedly meditated and practiced.

I remember what Mo Qiling once said, let her adapt to the heat of the flames here before considering the next step of cultivation.

Su Chengyun kept Mo Qiling's words in mind, guided the flame power into his body and began to temper his body slowly.

But Su Chengyun didn't know that a crimson figure in the training room not far from his training room was also seriously practicing.

Because it was the first time he came into contact with such flame power, it took Su Chengyun ten days to get out of the first area and start heading towards the second area.

With the foundation of the first area, Su Chengyun's time in the second area was relatively short, only eight days.

She headed towards the third area, but saw a familiar figure in the third area.

"Master Mingyi?" Su Chengyun exclaimed in surprise, she did not expect to meet Mr. Mingyi here.

"Chengyun..." Mr. Ming Yi looked at Su Chengyun with a bright smile.

"Master Mingyi, when did you come here?" Su Chengyun asked.

"I've been here for a while, Chengyun, when did you come?" Young Master Mingyi asked.

"I've only been here for more than ten days. Oh, I came with Feng Jue, but since I entered the training room, I haven't seen him again!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Well, everyone's cultivation progress is different, so it's hard to meet, but you can leave him a message!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

Su Chengyun's eyes lit up, and he patted himself on the head: "I really forgot about this. Thank you for reminding me!"

"Hehe, Chengyun, even if I don't remind you, with your cleverness you will remember it soon!" Mr. Mingyi said.

Su Chengyun smiled: "By the way, this is my practice room this time. Where is yours, Mr. Mingyi?"

"Coincidentally! It happens to be next door to Chengyun!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"It's a coincidence!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, "I've entered cultivation, see you, Mr. Mingyi!" Su Chengyun and Mr. Mingyi waved goodbye.

Mr. Mingyi nodded with a smile, and waited for Su Chengyun to disappear before entering his practice room.

(End of this chapter)

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