Chapter 282
Time flies by, Su Chengyun soaks in the practice room every day, not only successfully advanced, but also finally broke through the barrier of the eighth area, and was able to enter the ninth area.

"Miss Su, the flame temperature in the ninth area is very high, and it erupts frequently, you have to be careful!" The person leading her patiently explained the precautions of the ninth area.

Su Chengyun listened carefully, thanked this person, and entered the ninth area without hesitation.

The practice room in the ninth area is actually built on top of magma, the room is fiery red, the heat wave is rolling, and magma jumps out from time to time.

Su Chengyun squinted his eyes involuntarily as he looked at the continuously boiling magma below him.

Such a strong magma power, which is several grades higher than the previous flame power. No wonder there are so few training rooms in the ninth area. It turns out that there are not many people who can enter this place!
I don't know what's going on with Feng Jue. I think of the news that Feng Jue Liu said last time that he has entered the seventh area. I don't know when he will be able to come to the ninth area.

Su Chengyun shook his head, began to get rid of complicated thoughts, and prepared to practice.

At first, she was familiar with the atmosphere here as before, guiding the power of magma into her body, and tempering her body.

A few days later, Su Chengyun felt that she was completely familiar with the power of magma here. She stretched her body, took a deep breath and jumped into the hot magma.

The clothes on his body turned into fly ash, and the phoenix pattern behind him shone with dazzling light.

The power of hot magma continuously entered the body, constantly transforming the body.

Su Chengyun died in pain, lived and died, this is a hundred times more painful than the ice and fire twin pools.

But she can't back down, this is the only way to activate the phoenix bloodline, and she must withstand the baptism of magma power.

I don't know how many days later, Su Chengyun felt his back began to burn, and a burning pain different from body training began to spread to his whole body.

And her whole body exudes a faint golden light.

"This is?" Su Chengyun looked at the changes in his body in doubt.

"Huh..." There was a soft humming sound suddenly from the magma.

Su Chengyun was shocked: "Who?"

A firebird-shaped thing flew out of the magma, floating in front of her, watching curiously.

"Huh, Firebird?" Su Chengyun looked at the little thing in front of him and said in surprise.

"What fire sparrow, she is a phoenix!" The little fire sparrow flapped its wings dissatisfied.

"Haha, it looks like a fire bird!" Su Chengyun laughed.

"Hmph, I'm still young, and when I grow up, I'll turn into a beautiful phoenix!" Little Flamingo said with her head held high, her beautiful eyes full of longing for the phoenix.

Su Chengyun nodded: "It looks really small!"

"Hmph, it's all your fault. She slept soundly in the egg, but you insisted on waking her up!" Little Fire Sparrow complained.

"Ah, what's none of my business?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

"Hmph, it's none of your business, who let you emit a special aura that woke me up, so I came out early!" Little Huoque said aggrievedly.

"Ah!" The little fire bird of emotion was just born, but it seems that it is not easy to have such wisdom at birth!

"I'll make it up to you!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"How do you want to compensate me?" Little Firefinch asked, tilting her head.

"How about this, you make a contract with me, and I will bring you with me for all the popular and spicy food!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah, you're bullying me that I'm young, I'm a beast, you want to abduct me in just a few words, hmph, I'm not that stupid!" Little Huoque turned her head arrogantly.

"Hey, little Huoque, you really don't want to make a contract with me? What a pity?" Su Chengyun shook his head.

"What's the pity?" Little Fire Sparrow couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, if you miss my master, you may never find a suitable master in Lanling Continent!" Su Chengyun said with a regretful smile, she has the Phoenix Divine Orb on her body, this little Huoque really doesn't know what to do.

"Hmph, don't talk sweet words. I don't believe in human beings. All I know is to enslave us. I have it in my inheritance memory! You can't fool me!" Little Huoque said.

"Hehe, I didn't lie to you! Since you don't want to make a contract with me, then you can leave here and don't affect my cultivation!" Su Chengyun issued an order to expel the guest.

"" Little Huoque was impatient, "This magma is mine!"

"Hehe, you can tell the people outside to see if they admit it!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

The little firefinch flapped its wings angrily, how could this woman be like this, don't think that he doesn't know that there are all humans outside, he will definitely be caught if he goes out.

"Hmph!" Little Huoque turned his head away, too lazy to look at the woman who made him angry.

Su Chengyun didn't care, and continued to practice.

The golden light on his body became more and more intense, and the phoenix pattern behind him became more and more vivid, as if it was about to fly out from behind.

When the golden light on her body became brighter to a certain extent, the phoenix pattern really floated up, floating in the air, and a roar of phoenix resounded throughout the world. In fact, this was just Su Chengyun's feeling, and nothing could be heard outside. sound.

But the little firefinch was taken aback, and almost fell into the magma in fright.

"Phoenix...Phoenix..." The little fire bird looked at the phoenix pattern in surprise, and made a gesture of submission.

A moment later, the phoenix pattern returned to Su Chengyun's back, and Su Chengyun only felt a special force swimming in his blood.

"Hey, the bloodline has been stimulated successfully! Is this the Phoenix bloodline?" Su Chengyun reached out to grab the magma, but the magma let her play like an obedient child.

" do you have the blood of the Phoenix?" Little Huoque finally regained consciousness and asked hesitantly.

"Hehe, didn't I say it earlier? I am the only one who is suitable to be your master in Lanling Continent!" Su Chengyun looked at Little Huoque with a smile.

Little Huoque pondered for a long time before saying: "Okay, I will make a contract with you, but you are not allowed to treat me as a thug in the future!"

"Don't worry, I'll treat you as a friend from now on!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Satisfied with the words, the little firefinch began to mutter words, and after a while a formation flew out of its forehead.

"Blood to recognize the Lord!" Little Huoque said.

Su Chengyun hurriedly dripped a drop of blood, and the formation pattern burst into light, split into two, and submerged into the foreheads of Su Chengyun and Little Huoque respectively.

Su Chengyun immediately felt something extra in his mind.

"Chirp, chirp!" Little Firefinch's cheerful voice sounded in his mind, it turned out that it felt like Little Firefinch!
Su Chengyun laughed.

"Master, I'm tired!" Little Fire Sparrow said.


"Master, she was just born and contracted by you, now she is going to rest!" Little Huoque said.

"Oh, where are you going to rest?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Of course, wherever the master is, I will be there!" After the little fire bird said, it turned into a stream of red light and went towards Su Chengyun's arm, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Su Chengyun saw that there was a small fire bird on his arm again. pattern, resting with eyes closed.

"Hee hee, so it can be done like this!" Su Chengyun became happy.

(End of this chapter)

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