Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 283 Return

Chapter 283 Return
"Mo... Mo Qiling!" Just as Su Chengyun packed up and was about to leave the practice room, there was a pain in his back, and Mo Qiling appeared in front of him.

"Susu, congratulations on your success in stimulating the Phoenix blood!" Mo Qiling said.

"Hehe!" Su Chengyun smirked, she was also very happy to be able to stimulate the blood of the Phoenix Phoenix.

"Oh, by the way, I contracted a little fire bird!" Su Chengyun rolled up his sleeves for Mo Qiling to look at.

Mo Qiling nodded: "He is a type of Phoenix, Susu is lucky!"

"Hehe, if you didn't let me come here, I wouldn't have such luck!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"It's a pity that it's too young, so I can't help you now!" Mo Qiling said, "However, you can feed it pills, which can speed up its growth!"

"Ah... will there be any after-effects like this!" Su Chengyun asked hesitantly.

"No, you underestimate the little Firefinch!"

"Hehe, that's good, anyway, I know how to make alchemy, and little fire bird will be lucky in the future!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, by the way, I have advanced, can I enter the Phoenix Divine Orb?" Su Chengyun suddenly remembered this question and asked.

Mo Qiling shook his head: "I can't do it now, I'm doing an experiment with the Phoenix Divine Bead, and you won't be able to enter until a year later!"

a year?

Su Chengyun nodded, isn't it just one year?She can afford to wait.

"Also, after a year, you can bring Little Firefinch to practice at the Phoenix Divine Orb!" Mo Qiling added.


"Mo Qiling, my phoenix bloodline has been stimulated successfully, but what if the rest of the Su family want to activate the bloodline? I have the phoenix divine bead for body protection, but they have nothing!" Su Chengyun thought of Su Junyang and Su Junyu brothers, short After getting along for a short time, she already regarded them as family.

"Susu, there should be something in the Su family, you tell them to go back and look for it!" Mo Qiling said.

"Ah, what is that?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Phoenix Feather Armor!" Mo Qiling said.

Phoenix Feather Armor?

"Is this equivalent to the function of the Phoenix Divine Bead for body protection?" Su Chengyun asked.

Mo Qiling nodded: "Not bad!"

"Okay, then I'll go back and let them look for it!" I just don't know if this thing is here or in my family.

"Susu, take care, I'm leaving!" Mo Qiling said goodbye, "By the way, Momo will pay you back when you return to the academy!"

"Oh!" Su Chengyun reluctantly bid farewell to Mo Qiling, and walked out of the ninth area in a depressed mood.

"Miss Su, have you come out?" Someone acquainted came forward to say hello.

"Well, by the way, is there any news about Feng Jue?" Su Chengyun asked.

The man shook his head: "Miss Su, after estimating the time, Mr. Feng should be coming out soon!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for him here!" Su Chengyun came to the nearest inn, rented a room, and began to wait.

Finally, after waiting for three days, Feng Jue's figure finally appeared.

"Ah, Miss Su, have you been waiting for a long time?" Feng Juexiao asked.

"No!" Su Chengyun also replied with a smile. After practicing for such a long time, these three days are just for her to relax.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, I heard that you have broken through the ninth area, it is really not easy!" Feng Jue praised.

"Hehe, Feng Jue, I didn't expect you to be so well-informed just after you came out!" Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I let people pay special attention to your news. I will know if you have trouble." Feng Jue smiled.

Su Chengyun was speechless.

"Miss Su, how did I find out that you are more beautiful than before?" Feng Jue glanced across Su Chengyun's face, and asked strangely.

Su Chengyun touched her face: "Is there?" She only felt that her skin was much better than before.

Feng Jue nodded fiercely.

Hehe, this may be the effect of stimulating the Phoenix bloodline!

"Su Xiaomei, I really don't know what kind of monster you are. I feel more and more difficult in the area behind the Flame Mountain, and I feel more and more powerless, but looking at you, it seems that the further you go, the easier it is. Su Xiaomei, how do you cultivate? "Feng Jue was puzzled.

"Ah, is it that difficult? Didn't you just endure it?" Su Chengyun said lightly. She really didn't feel how difficult it was, but the process was painful.

"Su Xiaomei, you are awesome!" Feng Jue gave a thumbs up, "As far as I know, Mr. Mingyi is still wandering around in the eighth area!"

"Ah, you still have news about Mr. Ming Yi. I only saw him once at the beginning, but I never saw him again!" Su Chengyun said.

Feng Jue curled his lips, he has never seen Su Xiaomei here, what kind of luck did Mr. Mingyi have?
"By the way, Su Xiaomei, your training here is over, do you have any plans?" Feng Jue asked.

"Oh, I'm going back to Liuyun City, and I have to tell my eldest brother and second brother some things!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I'm going to go to the eighth area, how about you waiting for me in Floating Cloud City for a month, one month, no matter whether I go through or not, I will go back to Nancang City with you!" Feng Jue said.

"Feng Jue, you don't have to hurry!" Su Chengyun shook his head, it's rare to come here, it's better to visit all nine regions once.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, you think everyone is like you, and it's pretty good to break into the eighth area!" Feng Jue said.

"Alright then!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Hey, I know Su Xiaomei is the best!" Feng Jue praised.

Su Chengyun stayed here for another day, and on the second day after Fengjue entered the eighth area, she was going to return to Floating Cloud City.

"Miss Su, I have a letter from you!" Su Chengyun just led the horse and a man handed over a letter.

"Miss Su, that young master told me to hand over the letter to you personally. I have been on a rotation for the past few days, and I didn't know about your coming out until now!" the man said embarrassedly.

Su Chengyun waved his hand to express his indifference, and opened the letter to read it.

"Hey, it's Mr. Mingyi!" She looked at the signature first.

Looking at the past at a glance, it turned out that Mr. Mingyi wanted to go back to Nancang with his company, and he also said the approximate time. Su Chengyun did the math, and it happened to be about the same time as she was going to return, which was also a month later, so he wrote a reply letter and agreed. up.

This time, he returned to Floating Cloud City unimpeded.

Su Junyang and Su Junyu seemed to have received the news from Huoyan Mountain long ago, and were waiting at the gate of Floating Cloud City.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Su Chengyun was very surprised to see the two of them.

"Sister, you are finally back!" Su Junyu ran forward and said happily.

"Well, big brother, second brother, I'm back!" Su Chengyun also replied with a smile.

"Ah, sister, other people's skin will be baked dry after practicing in Huoyan Mountain. Why do you look more beautiful?" Su Junyu asked strangely.

"Hehe!" The corners of Su Chengyun's eyes slightly curled up. This is the second person who said that she has become prettier. It looks like she has really become prettier. She must look in the mirror before going back.

"Jun Yu, take your sister back and have a good rest!" Su Junyang said.

Su Junyu patted his head hurriedly: "Look at me! My sister must be very hard in training and traveling. Sister, let's go back to Su Mansion first. If there is anything to do, we will talk about it after my sister has rested!"

(End of this chapter)

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