Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 284 Phoenix Feather Armor

Chapter 284 Phoenix Feather Armor
"What? Sister, you mean you have inspired the blood of the Phoenix?" Su Junyu stood up excitedly and asked, Su Junyang stopped holding the teacup, and looked over with glowing eyes.

Seeing the reaction of the two brothers, Su Chengyun nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's true, absolutely true!"

"Ah, sister, how did you do it?" Su Junyu began to sweep Su Chengyun back and forth, "Sister, do you know that grandpa said that the real head of the Su family failed to stimulate the Phoenix blood hundreds of years ago?" thing!"

"It shouldn't be, it's very simple to master the method to activate the Phoenix blood!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, we all know the method of stimulating the blood, but none of them succeed!" Su Junyu sighed.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun was puzzled.

"Sister, how did you activate the Phoenix bloodline?" Su Junyang asked the important point.

"I inspired success in the ninth area of ​​the Flame Mountain!" Su Chengyun replied directly.

"Sister, you are amazing, I just broke into the seventh area!" Su Junyu said.

But Su Junyang frowned, and said: "Sister, I also broke into the ninth area, but the Phoenix blood didn't respond at all!"

"Ah, brother, did you practice directly in the training room in the ninth area?" Su Chengyun asked.

Su Junyang nodded.

"Well, brother, you still need to jump into the magma!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah, jump into the magma? Sister, the temperature outside is indispensable, can people stand in the magma?" Su Junyu opened his mouth wide.

"Oh, big brother, second brother, I forgot to tell you that the Su family should have a phoenix feather armor, and they need to wear it!" Su Chengyun said hurriedly, remembering what Mo Qiling said.

"Phoenix Feather Armor?"

Su Junyang and Su Junyu looked at each other.

"Not bad!" Su Chengyun said.

Su Junyang paused and said: "Grandpa seems to have said that our family does have a phoenix feather armor, which has always been a treasure of the town!"

"What a waste!" Su Chengyun shook his head.

"But, sister, you don't have the phoenix blood, how did the phoenix feather armor inspire it?" Su Junyu looked up and down, and asked strangely.

"Hey, I have something that has the same effect as the Phoenix Feather Armor, but it can only be used by me alone!" She couldn't borrow the Phoenix Divine Bead.

"What a pity!" Su Junyu said regretfully.

"Brother, do we want to recognize our family now?" Su Junyu looked at Su Junyang.

"You forgot the rules of our family. We can't go back to our family before the time is up!" Su Junyang said lightly.

"But, brother, you have already broken into the ninth area of ​​the Flame Mountain, and you are the one most likely to activate the Phoenix bloodline. It would be a pity if you gave up!" Su Junyu said hastily.

"I'll write a letter to grandpa about this, and see what grandpa means!" Su Junyang said.

"Brother, I don't think it needs to be so troublesome. Our family has been looking forward to having family disciples who can inspire the blood of the phoenix. Now that my sister has successfully inspired them, they must be eager for us to go back!" Su Junyu said with a smile.

"Ah, second brother, what you mean, if my family knows that I have successfully activated the Phoenix blood, they will ask me to go back? Does it mean that I will not be able to leave my family in the future?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

"I think so!" Su Junyu said.

"Brother!" Su Chengyun turned his gaze to Su Junyang again.

"What Jun Yu said is not unreasonable!" Su Junyang also said.

Su Chengyun became angry, why should he be bound and free by his family?
"Sister, don't worry, we won't tell our family about the fact that you inspired the Phoenix blood!" Su Junyu hurriedly said after seeing Su Chengyun's unhappy expression.

"Jun Yu, my family may already know!" Su Junyang's voice.

"Ah, we just heard the news from my sister, how could my family know?" Su Junyu asked.

"Every time a family member in my family successfully activates the Phoenix blood, they will know it. You forgot that grandpa once said it!" Su Junyang shook his head.

"Then, sister..."

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "I won't go back to my family! I have to go back to Nancang Academy!"

Su Junyang nodded: "Sister, go back to the academy with peace of mind, we are still here!"

"Ah, brother, do you have a solution?" Su Chengyun asked hurriedly.

"Sister, no matter what, we have been separated from our family for so long. Even if we go back, we will be regarded as outsiders. How can they rest assured, so I will tell my family the method and let them train their own people. As long as one of the family's children succeeds If you stimulate the blood, you won't bother your sister!" Su Junyang said.

"Well, it's a way!" Su Junyu also said.

"Okay, big brother, let's do it this way, but the Phoenix Feather Armor must be lent to you, otherwise you should not tell them this method!" Su Chengyun said, not to let the Su family brothers suffer.

"Hey, sister, brother and I know!" Su Junyu chuckled.

In the following days, Su Chengyun lived comfortably.

The Su Family Pharmacy Hall is also on track, and Su Junyu can make alchemy and prepare new medicines by himself.

Su Junyang even assigned several people from the Su family's training to serve him. These people were all strictly checked and sent to Su Junyu after he was sure that there was no problem.

And the pharmacist who didn't betray the Su family was also praised by Su Junyu, promoted his position, and handed over all the refining of the previous new medicine to him, which flattered the little pharmacist and made him even more devoted to Su Junyu.

The Su family restaurant is also thriving. Although other restaurants have followed suit and introduced many new dishes, the Su family is not far behind. They send people to the folks to search for special dishes, and even Xiaocui, a top-notch cook, improves them and makes them even more delicious. It turned into delicious dishes and put them on the dining table, so that the people of Floating Cloud City could feast on their mouths.After hearing the news, many people from other places also came to have a real treat.

Su Junyang is also a person with a unique vision. Seeing that the improvement of the Su Family Pharmacy Hall and the Su Family Restaurant had such an effect, he decisively improved other industries of the Su Family.

All of a sudden, the Su family's industries all entered a period of rapid development, attracting waves of people to Floating Cloud City, not only made a lot of money for themselves, but also stimulated the business of other families and forces.

Naturally, a discerning family will not let go of this shareholder style and promote their own business development.

The Su family's weight in Floating Cloud City has become even heavier.

A month later, Feng Jue and Mr. Ming Yi rushed back one after another, and finally it was time for the three of them to leave.

"Sister, I will miss you, remember to write to me!" Su Junyu said reluctantly.

"Second brother, don't worry, I'll write you a letter when I go back! The Su family pharmacy is all in your hands, you have to take care of it!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"En!" Su Junyu nodded.

"Sister, take care!" Su Junyang said concisely, but he couldn't hide the concern in his eyes.

"Brother, take care too!"

The three of them raised their hooves and left.

"Feng Jue, take care of my sister!" Su Junyu shouted from behind.

"Jun Yu, let's drink together next time!" Feng Jue also turned back loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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