Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 286 Meeting Dou Yan Again

Chapter 286 Meeting Dou Yan Again
Su Chengyun and Mo Mo slowly resumed their study days, seeing that they were in the third year of Nancang Academy.

"Chengyun, the academy will give us a day off for the five-yearly Lantern Festival in Nancang City tomorrow night, you and Momo must come!" Shangguan Youyue invited with a smile.

Lantern Festival?

Su Chengyun nodded. She had also heard of this lantern festival. It was very lively and festive. It attracted many people to watch every year, and most of them were teenagers and girls.

Seeing Su Chengyun agreeing, Shangguan Youyue happily left.

"Su Xiaomei, go to the Lantern Festival tomorrow!" Feng Jue and Wei Ang came to invite after a while.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Hehe, I have promised You Yue to go!"

"Let's go together at that time!" Feng Jue didn't care who Su Chengyun invited, and said that he must go to see it together.

"Okay, there are so many people!" Su Chengyun didn't object.

On the evening of the second day, Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo came early, and seeing that they both dressed up deliberately, Su Chengyun teased unkindly: "Those who didn't know thought you were going on a blind date!"

"Chengyun..." Shangguan Youyue couldn't laugh or cry.

Jin Duoduo was much quieter, watching Su Chengyun silently most of the time, or bowed his head and remained silent.

"What's wrong with Duoduo?" Su Chengyun asked Shangguan Youyue in a low voice.

Shangguan Youyue shrugged: "I'm tired after practicing too much!"

"Oh, Duoduo, you have to pay attention to your body!" Su Chengyun sincerely persuaded, Jin Duoduo nodded weakly.

After a while, Feng Jue and Wei Ang also came, and they walked out together. Not long after leaving the dormitory, they heard a familiar voice.

"Chengyun, you guys go to see the lanterns!" Mr. Ming Yi stood straight in front of them in a scarlet shirt and smiled at them.

"Yes, is Mr. Ming Yi okay?" This was Feng Jue's voice.

"It happens that I also want to see the lanterns, but it's boring to go alone, you don't mind if I go with you!" Mr. Mingyi asked with a smile.

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" This was Jin Duoduo's voice, and she seemed to realize that she answered too quickly, so she couldn't help saying, "I thought that since we met, let's go together, Chengyun, Youyue, you guys I won't mind!"

"Hehe, as long as Mr. Mingyi shouts, all the girls in the academy would like to accompany you!" Feng Jue said coolly.

"Feng Jue, then I can't bear it, I'd rather be comfortable with you!" Mr. Ming Yi was not annoyed, and replied with a smile.

"Since we met, let's go together!" Wei Ang said with a pull.

But who would have thought that as soon as they reached the gate of the academy, Shangguan Youlan greeted them.

"You all go to see the lanterns, can I go with you?" Shangguan Youlan said with a smile, not forgetting to look at Shangguan Youyue, "Youyue, Daddy told us to get along well, and our sisters haven't gone out together yet. I’ve been to the Lantern Festival!”

Shangguan Youyue hesitated.

Jin Duoduo said: "You Yue, since you're here, let's go together!"

"Thank you, Duo Duo!" Shangguan Youlan hurriedly said, not forgetting to look at Su Chengyun and the others.

Feng Jue glared at Mr. Ming Yi, this is not yet a college, so he brought a peach blossom to make things difficult for them.

Mr. Mingyi smiled awkwardly, but said nothing.

"Then let's go together!" Shangguan Youyue whispered.

"You Yue, I knew you would agree!" Shangguan Youlan seemed to be very happy because of Shangguan Youyue's consent, and ran forward to join the two of them.

Su Chengyun looked at Shangguan Youlan's back, always felt that Shangguan Youlan was a little abnormal today.

The Lantern Festival was indeed very lively, with a sea of ​​people, as if it had attracted people from the entire Nancang City.

The few people still walked together at first, but they got separated as they walked. Fortunately, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo didn't get separated because they kept holding hands.

"Susu, they're all gone!" Mo Mo said.

Su Chengyun looked around, but couldn't see the voices of several people. He tried to call twice, but no one responded. It seemed that he was rushed away by the crowd, so he said, "Mo Mo, let's play by ourselves!"

"it is good!"

The two began to stroll around slowly, the various lanterns were dazzling, and all kinds of lantern riddles appeared endlessly.

"Susu, don't you guess riddles?" Mo Mo asked, guessing riddles with Susu's intelligence is no problem.

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head: "No, I only like to look at the lanterns, and I don't like to hold them in my hands. The lanterns will probably break after a while in my hands!" It still looks beautiful, so you don't have to carry it by yourself.

"Well, let's just look at it like this, without missing a single one!" Mo Mo said.

"it is good!"

"Susu, what is the table over there for?" Momo pointed to the big table in front of him.

"Which one should be holding a guessing competition!" Su Chengyun said after watching for a while.

"Hey, there is a sinus character written on it." Mo Mo said.

"Dou? Dou's family?" Su Chengyun hurriedly looked over, and indeed saw that the signature on it was Dou's family.

"Momo, let's go!" The Dou family is such a disgusting family, she doesn't want to stay here forever.

"Chengyun, Mo Mo, you're here, why leave!" A person appeared in front of the two of them, it was Dou Yan who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Dou Yan's eyes swept over Su Chengyun: "Chengyun, you are beautiful again!"

"What's none of your business?" Mo Mo stood in front of Su Chengyun, glaring at Dou Yan angrily.

"Hehe, Mo Mo, you are getting more and more handsome!" Dou Yan laughed.

"Mo Mo, let's go!" Su Chengyun didn't want to spoil the atmosphere of the lantern festival, so he pulled Mo Mo to leave.

"Chengyun, since we're all here, our Dou's family is about to start a riddle guessing meeting, why don't you and Mo Mo stay and have a look?" Dou Yan said.

"Sorry, I'm not interested!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"You really want to go?"

"I have to go!" Mo Mo said.

"Hehe, if you want to go, go!" Dou Yan suddenly laughed.

Su Chengyun raised her vigilance, she didn't think Dou Yan would be so talkative!
"I'm serious, you can leave as soon as you want!" Dou Yan said again.

"Mo Mo, let's go!" Su Chengyun weighed in and took Mo Mo away.

Dou Yan looked at the backs of the two leaving, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Su Chengyun, Mo Mo, don't think that you can escape from my palm, we have a bright future, you just wait for the trick!"

"Susu, what's the matter with everyone today? Mr. Ming Yi, Shangguan Youlan, Duo Duo, and now Dou Yan?" Mo Mo scratched his head in doubt.

Su Chengyun also can't figure it out, Mr. Mingyi and Shangguan Youlan can still see through it a little bit, but how much is she?
What happened to Dodo?
She came back this time, no, since before the experience, she felt that Duoduo was not quite right, and every time she met, she was alienated from her. Although Jin Duoduo controlled it very well, she still felt it, especially when she came back this time , the feeling is more obvious.

Jin Duoduo?
Su Chengyun drew a question mark in his heart, and decided to find some time to ask Shangguan Youyue carefully. She and Jin Duoduo have been living in the same dormitory, so they should know something.

"Mo Mo, leave them alone, let's continue playing!" Su Chengyun said.

"Okay!" Mo Mo responded.

(End of this chapter)

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