Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 287 Attacked

Chapter 287 Attacked
"Jin Duoduo, what are you doing with me?" Feng Jue asked, staring at Jin Duoduo who had been following behind him.

Jin Duoduo raised his head: "We are now separated from the others, and there are only two of us left. If I don't follow you, who will I follow?" She has been staring at Feng Jue, otherwise she would not be separated. Time to catch up.

"You can go to Youyue, Youyue is a girl, what will happen at the lantern festival?" Feng said impatiently.

"Feng Jue, am I not a girl anymore?" Jin Duoduo was annoyed.

"You..." Feng Jue's eyes swept over Jin Duoduo, "You count as half!"

"Feng Jue, you..."

"Hurry up and find You Yue, I'm still going to find Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue was about to leave after finishing speaking.

But Jin Duoduo took a step forward and grabbed Feng Jue by the corner of his clothes: "Feng Jue, riding the cloud with Mo Mo, I don't need you at all, why bother to make trouble!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What if Su Xiaomei and Mo Mo get separated? How dangerous is it for a girl like her to be in this place full of fish and dragons!" Feng Jue shouted.

"Chengyun is dangerous. Am I not dangerous as a girl? Fengjue, you can only see Chengyun, can't you see me, Jin Duoduo?" Jin Duoduo asked, biting his lip.

Feng Jue frowned: "Jin Duoduo, how many years have you lived in Nancang City, and how long has Su Xiaomei been here?"

This?Does the danger depend on how long you live here?

"Feng Jue, don't think that I don't know that you like Chengyun, but Chengyun only has Momo in his heart, so why bother! Don't you see other people in your eyes?" Jin Duoduo asked.

"Jin Duoduo, don't mind my affairs!" Feng Jue opened his clothes and was about to leave.

"Feng Jue, does she know that you have done so much for Chengyun? I can do for you what you can do for Chengyun, why don't you look back at me!" Jin Duoduo growled.

Feng Jue paused, and turned his head slowly. Just when Jin Duoduo was delighted, Feng Jue said coldly: "I am willing to do as much for Su Xiaomei. Don't waste your affection on me in the future!"

"Ah...why...why?" Jin Duoduo didn't expect Feng Jue to say so ruthlessly, and suddenly he was a little dazed.

The wind fell silent.

"Is it because of Chengyun, because of Chengyun, you don't like me!" Jin Duoduo asked seriously.

"Don't involve Su Xiaomei in everything, what's the matter with Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue was a little displeased.

"Ah, Feng Jue, just protect Cheng Yun like this. In order to avoid her danger, you chased her to the land of exile, but what happened? , Wake up! What's the use of your dedication? Chengyun won't put his heart on you!" Jin Duoduo said.

"Jin Duoduo, I said you don't have to deal with my affairs!" Feng Jue left completely after speaking this time, leaving Jin Duoduo alone standing there crying.

"Duo Duo, Duo Duo, where are you?" Shangguan Youyue's anxious call came from a distance.

Jin Duoduo wanted to respond, but she opened her mouth and pursed it again, she turned and left here.

You Yue, I'm sorry, let her be quiet!She doesn't want to see anyone now.

"A lot, a lot!" Shangguan Youyue called Jin Duoduo's name while looking left and right.

"Ah..." Shangguan Youyue accidentally bumped into a figure in front of him who was seriously watching the lantern.

"Girl, be careful!" An arm stretched out to help.

The panicked Shangguan Youyue looked up, and saw a handsome young man looking at her with shining eyes, which were particularly dazzling against the background of the lantern.

"Girl, why do you want to cover up your beautiful forehead?" The young man said with a worried voice.

"Ah..." It was discovered!
Shangguan Youyue was shocked when she heard the words and hurriedly brushed down the curtain of her head, and looked at the young man warningly: "Don't tell others!"

"Why is this?" The young man asked suspiciously, and then looked at Shangguan Youyue's gloomy face and said, "Don't worry, girl, I won't tell others without your permission!" Just try to help her keep it a secret.but……

"Girl, I can keep it secret for you, but I haven't asked the girl's name yet!" the boy asked with a smile.

Shangguan Youyue pursed her lips, squinting at the young man.

This boy is going to talk about conditions!
Shangguan Youyue thought for a moment, and seeing that the young man didn't intend to leave, she couldn't help but compromise.

"I... My name is Shangguan Youyue!" After finishing speaking, Shangguan Youyue didn't even dare to look at the young man, and ran away.

"I'm Huahong, known as Young Master Hua!" The young man's bright voice sounded from behind, and Shangguan Youyue ran even faster, but she remembered the name Young Master Hua in her heart!

It's almost midnight, Su Chengyun said: "Momo, it's getting late, let's go back!"

"Yeah!" Mo Mo nodded and said, "Fortunately, Susu has the foresight and has long expected that there may be a separation, and they agreed with Feng Jue on the time and place to go back early!" Mo Mo's eyes are full of Worship, Susu is so smart!
Su Chengyun shook his head and laughed, what is this? The Lantern Festival has always been a time when there are many disputes, and many people will get separated and get lost!
She was just taking precautions.

"Let's hurry up, don't keep them waiting!" Su Chengyun said.

The two quickened their pace.

The place they agreed on was in front of a tea house, at this time Feng Jue, Mr. Mingyi, Shangguan Youyue and Shangguan Youlan were all there.

"Why hasn't Duoduo come back?" Shangguan Youyue looked anxiously at the road ahead and muttered.

Shangguan Youlan curled her lips in disdain, and turned her head to look at Mr. Ming Yi who was staring at the intersection from time to time, with a trace of bitterness in her eyes.

"Hey, isn't that Duoduo?" Momo pointed to a lonely figure in front of him.

Su Chengyun raised his eyes and saw that it was really Jin Duoduo, and hurriedly greeted him: "Duo Duo, Duo Duo!"

Jin Duoduo seemed to hear the voice, and turned his head numbly.

"Duo Duo, you just came back too, let's go, let's go find them together!" Su Chengyun walked forward two steps quickly.

"Okay!" Jin Duoduo walked towards the teahouse with the two of them.

"I'm back, I'm back! Chengyun and Duoduo are back!" Shangguan Youyue kept watching the first discovery, and couldn't help shouting.

"Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue raised his eyes and waved his hands and began to shout.

"Fengjue!" Seeing that everyone was there, Su Chengyun couldn't help but replied with a smile.

But the swishing sound from both sides made her shiver.

"Miss Su, be careful!" Feng Jue said anxiously.

"Chengyun, be careful!" Mr. Mingyi said anxiously.

"A lot..." Shangguan Youyue's trembling voice.

Su Chengyun didn't have time to pay attention to these voices, she drew her dagger out of its sheath, and slashed towards Liu Guang.

"Momo, Duoduo, be careful!" Su Chengyun did not forget to remind the two of them.

Mo Mo reacted very quickly and took out his dagger to fight side by side with Su Chengyun, but Jin Duoduo reacted a beat slower, and a streamer went towards her.

"Duo Duo, be careful!" Su Chengyun stepped forward and pushed Su Chengyun without thinking, the stream of light passed through her shoulder, and blood flowed immediately.

"Chengyun, Chengyun..." Jin Duoduo called out hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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