Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 288 Ambush

Chapter 288 Ambush
"Susu..." Mo Mo roared, and swung his dagger to block Su Chengyun's front, helping her clean up the flying arrows.

"Little sister Su..."


Feng Jue and Mr. Ming Yi rushed over one after another.

With a wave of Feng Jue's hand, Jin Duoduo, who was waiting to support Su Chengyun, fell unsteadily to the ground. Scars were scratched on his arms, and she bared in pain.But the magnified light in her pupils choked her heart.

With a bang, the streamer was scattered, Jin Duoduo looked, and it turned out that Mr. Ming Yi who arrived later helped him.

"Su Xiaomei, how are you? Su Xiaomei..." Looking at Feng Jue, who was chattering and caring, Jin Duoduo smiled bitterly, as if he couldn't breathe because of the pain in his heart.

At a dangerous moment, Feng Jue actually pushed her out, not caring that the arrows would hurt her.

He only has Su Chengyun in his heart, not Jin Duoduo at all.

"Duoduo, how are you?" Su Chengyun also noticed the danger of Jin Duoduo just now, and asked hurriedly.

"I'm fine!" Jin Duoduo stood up with difficulty, but Feng Jue yelled at her, "Jin Duoduo, what's the matter with you, you won't shoot when the arrow is coming, and you won't hide if it's not good. If Su Xiaomei saves you, your little life will be over. Look, Su Xiaomei is injured now!"

At first, I thought Feng Jue cared about her, but it turned out that it was because she hurt Chengyun!
Jin Duoduo felt extremely cold.

"Feng Jue, what time is it and you are still noisy! Duoduo, I'm fine, don't care about Feng Jue's words!" Su Chengyun glared at Feng Jue and said.

"A lot, a lot..." Shangguan Youyue also rushed over without knowing when, and shouted worriedly.

"Ah, You Yue, be careful!" Seeing a stream of light flying towards Shangguan You Yue, Su Chengyun couldn't help shouting.

"Ah..." Shangguan Youyue drew her sword out of its sheath, knocked down Liu Guang, and ran over.

"Duo Duo, Cheng Yun, you scared me to death!" Shangguan Youyue said with lingering fear.

"I'm afraid you'll come here again, I'm really desperate!" Su Chengyun teased.

"Aren't you all here?" Shangguan Youyue replied directly.

"You still have time to joke around, let's get out of here quickly!" Feng Jue said.

"It's not easy to leave!" Su Chengyun said as he looked at the arrows that kept coming.

"Susu, wait for me to deal with them!" Mo Mo volunteered, those people dared to hurt Susu, he would fight them desperately.

"Mo Mo, I'll go with you! Feng Jue, I leave this place to you!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Okay, you guys go, I will protect Miss Su!" Feng Jue said.

Just to protect his little sister Su?After Jin Duoduo knocked out a stray arrow, a slight sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Shangguan Youlan watched from a distance, hesitating whether to come up to help, but when she saw so many arrows, she retreated from the steps she had just taken.

"Su Chengyun, you are so good that you actually let Feng Jue and Mr. Ming Yi willingly take risks for you!" Shangguan Youlan stomped her feet and looked at Su Chengyun and muttered in hatred.

"Shangguan Youlan, let's cooperate!" A figure walked out from the darkness behind and said to Shangguan Youlan.

"You... who are you?" Shangguan Youlan was startled, she didn't notice anyone behind her.

After seeing the person behind him clearly, Shangguan Youlan said in shock: "It's you!"

"That's right, it's me. How about we cooperate?" Human Shadow asked.

"What do you want to cooperate with me?" Shangguan Youlan asked.

"Hey, of course it's to make Mr. Ming Yi stop falling in love with Su Chengyun!" the figure said.

" have a solution?"

"If you are interested, you can come with me!" the figure said.

Shangguan Youlan looked at the figure, then at Su Chengyun and the others, hesitated for a moment, then nodded towards the figure.

Not long after, the sound of fighting came from the alley, and the arrows finally decreased a lot.

"Let's go help!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, Miss Su, be careful!" Feng Jue led several people to support.

The battle in the alley has turned into a pot of porridge. The joining of Su Chengyun and the others made the situation one-sided.

But when several people wanted to interrogate some survivors, several hidden weapons flew from a distance, and all survivors fell to the ground.

"Not good!" Feng Jue and Mr. Ming Yi jumped up and went after the person who cast the hidden weapon!

"Susu, how are you?" Momo worried that Su Chengyun didn't go.

"Momo, I'm fine!" Su Chengyun said.

She has activated the Phoenix bloodline, and now her body is very strong, that injury is only a minor injury.

After a while, Mr. Ming Yi and Feng Jue came back, shaking their heads at them.

"Let him run away!" Feng Jue slammed the wall angrily.

"Chengyun, I have notified the family members, and they will help us find out who wants to assassinate you!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"Can you find it? There are still a group of people who ambushed Su Xiaomei last time!" Feng Jue said.

"It can't be the same group of people, right?" Shangguan Youyue asked hesitantly.

"It's hard to say, I will pursue this matter!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"No, the patrol team is here! It's an afterthought, every time the matter is over before coming!" Feng Jue said disdainfully.

"I'm very surprised. Today is the Lantern Festival. There should be a lot of people on the road, but can you see if there are people passing by here?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously. Although it was late, there were still people at the Lantern Festival. The place they chose was not a particularly remote place, so someone should have passed by.

"Other things must have happened to prevent others from passing through here!" Feng Jue said, "Those people are really deliberate! Oh, I remembered, Su Xiaomei, do you still remember that we were dispersed by the crowd? I felt strange, how could they be dispersed so easily, could it be that those people have been planning since then!"

"Very likely!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"They probably didn't expect that we would meet here to go back together, and they had no other backup, so they made a hasty move!" Su Chengyun said, this location was chosen too close to their agreed place, so it can only be said that it was early They chose this ambush spot, and it was not within those people's expectations that they agreed to go back here together.

The patrol team came over at this moment, and Mr. Mingyi stepped forward as a representative to negotiate with several people.

"Let's go, the patrol team has promised to find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible!" Mr. Mingyi came back and said to several people.

"Okay, let's go back to the academy first!" Su Chengyun said, finding the murderer is not a matter of time, they should go back first.

"Hey, where is Shangguan Youlan?" Shangguan Youyue suddenly exclaimed.

"Didn't she come there? Where did she go?" Feng Jue looked at where Shangguan Youlan was originally, and frowned slightly.

"There is a person here!" Suddenly, a patrol member patrolling in the distance found a figure, and several people hurriedly looked around, only to see Shangguan Youlan lying on the ground.

"Youlan, Youlan!" Shangguan Youyue stepped forward and called out.

Shangguan Youlan slowly woke up: "Ah, are you all alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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