Chapter 290

"Su Xiaomei, have you found the person who assassinated this time?" Feng Jue came running over at night, and said directly before taking a breath.

"Ah... the wind is not in a hurry, you should take a rest first!" Feng Jue saw that he was running fast, and it took him a long time to slow down.

"Su Chengyun, guess who did it this time?" Feng Jue said after pouring a large cup of herbal tea.

"I can't figure it out, Feng Jue, just say it!" Su Chengyun said, but he kept switching between those enemies in his heart.

"Feng Jue, who is going to kill Susu until death!" Mo Mo asked, staring at Feng Jue fiercely.

"Okay, let me tell you!" Feng Jue said uncomfortably, being stared at by the two, "It's Lu Ruyun!"

"Lu Ruyun?" Su Chengyun exclaimed, as if he hadn't heard this name for a long time.

"En, that's her!" Feng Jue nodded.

"Are you sure?" Su Chengyun asked again.


"Can you find out why she attacked us?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.

"Miss Su, you don't know that Lu Ruyun gave birth to a son for the Yang family, and now she is being favored. She took advantage of the opportunity to gain Yang Ping's trust, and got a token from Yang Ping to order some forces in the Yang family. This assassination was hidden from her. The Yang family did it!" Feng Jue said.

This Lu Ruyun is married and has children, and he is still going on!

"But I still don't understand why she must kill me and Momo!" Su Chengyun said suspiciously.

"Su Xiaomei, who said she wants your lives? All she wants is your life! As for Mo Mo, her order is to capture him alive!" Feng Jue glanced at Mo Mo, curled his lips.

Su Chengyun stood up suddenly.

"Lu Ruyun, that woman hasn't given up on Momo yet? She kidnapped Momo once, so she wants to come again?" Su Chengyun said bitterly.

"Susu, don't be angry!" Mo Mo hurriedly persuaded.

Feng Jue said coolly from the side: "Mo Mo, do you think your face is too attractive, and you have recruited people to harm Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue said.

"Feng Jue!" Su Chengyun glared at Feng Jue, and then said to Mo Mo, "Mo Mo, it's Lu Ruyun that woman has something wrong, it's none of your business!"

"En, Susu, Mo Mo knows this!" Mo Mo said.

"Huh..." Didn't Mo Mo blame himself first when encountering such a thing?How did it change this time?

Su Chengyun's eyes swept across Mo Mo's face, and he smiled when he saw that he was really not depressed.

It seems that Mo Mo has made a lot of progress in Mo Qiling this time!
"Su Xiaomei, I can get news from here, and I must have got news from Mr. Ming Yi and the City Lord's Mansion! What are you going to do with Lu Ruyun?" Feng Jue asked.

"Hmph, if you want to harm Susu, you must not make her feel better!" Mo Mo said directly.

"Lu Ruyun is now protected by the Yang family, it is not so easy to touch her." Feng Jue shook his head.

"Hehe, it's not easy for us to move her. What if the City Lord's Mansion comes according to the law?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Haha, Miss Su, do you want to keep her to be tortured slowly? Alright, I'll find someone to go to the City Lord's Mansion!" Feng Jue laughed and left.

On the second day, someone from Mr. Mingyi and the City Lord's Mansion came to tell her the progress of the matter.

The City Lord's Mansion also brought news that Lu Ruyun had been taken into prison.

"Su Chengyun, please let Ruyun go!" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo were walking on the road to the academy when they were stopped by two figures.

Su Chengyun saw that they were the two brothers Lu Yuanze and Lu Yuanrui.

"Hehe, why did I let her go?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Su Chengyun, Ruyun is still young, she just did such a thing in a momentary obsession!" Lu Yuanrui said.

"Hehe, if I remember correctly, Lu Ruyun should be about the same age as me?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Chengyun..."

"Don't talk about it. Lu Ruyun is not young anymore. She should be responsible for her own actions. Last time she kidnapped Momo, I didn't care too much. This time it really got worse. Not only did she want to kidnap Momo, but she also wanted to Get rid of me, do you think I can tolerate it any longer?" Su Chengyun stared at the two and asked.

"If you let Ruyun go, we will definitely take good care of her in the future and prevent her from doing wrong things again!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Haha, Lu Yuanze, Lu Yuanrui, I don't believe you, let alone your Lu family. Your guarantees are of no use to me, and I don't think Lu Ruyun is the one you promised not to do wrong! We were able to guard against it once. I've only heard of Qian Ri being a thief, but I haven't heard of Qian Ri defending against bandits!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"Su Chengyun, can't we beg you?" Lu Yuanrui said.

"You don't need to say any more, I don't like to leave troubles for myself!" Su Chengyun said directly.

"Su Chengyun, are you so hard-hearted? Don't forget, you have also lived in the Lu family for more than ten years!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Hehe, Lu Yuanze, you are not guilty of saying this. Without your Lu family, would I have lived in your Lu family for more than ten years?" Su Chengyun stared into Lu Yuanze's eyes and said coldly.

Lu Yuanze was shocked when he heard the words.What does Su Chengyun mean?Does she know what happened back then.

"Su Chengyun, you... what do you mean?" Lu Yuanze's tongue curled up, "Su Chengyun, you...don't forget that our Lu family saved your father, so we have you!"

"Hehe, Lu Yuanze, remember, what your Lu family owes me and my father, we will pay back one by one in the future!" Su Chengyun's eyes were full of ridicule, and he wanted to deceive her at this time.

Does she really know?Lu Yuanze felt uneasy, and couldn't figure out whether Su Chengyun knew or didn't know.

Su Chengyun ignored the two of them, turned around and was about to leave.

"Su Chengyun, how did my father die?" There was a cold shout from Lu Yuanrui behind him, Su Chengyun paused, turned his head slowly, and said to Lu Yuanrui, "Lu Yuanrui, there is always a kind of person in the world who likes Courting death!" Su Chengyun said with a sneer and left with Mo Mo.

Lu Yuanrui stared at the backs of Su Chengyun and Su Chengyun, his face darkened.

"Yuan Rui, let's go!"

"Brother, I can feel that my father's death is definitely related to Su Chengyun!" Lu Yuanze said in silence for a moment.

"Yuan Rui, it's not your father's business anymore. Su Chengyun and the others seem to know what happened back then. We have to go back and inform the family, so that the family can find a way to deal with it!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Brother, how did they know?" Lu Yuanrui asked in surprise. His family told him about this, otherwise he would still not know about it. Where did Su Chengyun and the others know about it?

"How they know is not important anymore. The key is that they will definitely fight with our Lu family forever. Our Lu family must find a way to deal with it, otherwise it will be a catastrophe!" Lu Yuanze said.

Lu Yuanrui curled his lips: "Brother, aren't you being too alarmist, just because they can't threaten our Lu family?"

"Yuan Rui, they are really not a threat, but you can be sure that there is no one behind Su Chengyun!"


"Do you think that Su Chengyun will be able to return safely from the exile, and there will be no influence around him?"

(End of this chapter)

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