Chapter 291

"Su Chengyun, why are you the only one here, Mr. Mo?" In the prison of the Nancang Mansion, Lu Ruyun saw that there was nothing behind Su Chengyun, and immediately asked politely.

Su Chengyun smiled coldly: "Lu Ruyun, don't say that Mo Mo disdains to see you, even I would like Mo Mo to be looked at more by your disgusting eyes!"

Hearing this, Lu Ruyun stared at Su Chengyun fiercely: "Su Chengyun, if I had met Mr. Mo earlier, do you think Mr. Mo would have looked at you more?"

"Haha, Lu Ruyun, you are too narcissistic, if you don't really think that you are unparalleled in the world!"

"Hmph, even if I'm not Wushuang, I'm better than you, Su Chengyun. I really don't know what tricks you used to make Mr. Mo give up on you!"

"Hehe, it's better than your means!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"It doesn't matter if my methods are not top-notch, as long as I get Mr. Mo!" Lu Ruyun said that Mo Mo's eyes were smiling, but she quickly turned cold, "Su Chengyun, if it wasn't for you repeatedly Obstruction, I have already succeeded!"

"Lu Ruyun, do you know that you are looking for death!" Su Chengyun stared at Lu Ruyun's eyes with a dangerous light.

Lu Ruyun was taken aback, but then immediately burst out laughing: "Haha, Su Chengyun, even if I do, what will you do with me? Now I am favored by the Yang family, and the Yang family will not ignore me."

"The Yang family, I'm afraid they won't be able to keep you!" Su Chengyun said.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, don't you know that the Nancang Lu family is behind the Yang family? The Nancang Lu family is still my family, and they will definitely protect me!" Lu Ruyun said.

"It seems that the Yang family has a big face, and Wangyue Lu's family has a small face!" Su Chengyun sighed seemingly unintentionally.

"Haha, of course, just because of the gift the Yang family gave to the Lu family, the Lu family will not abandon the Yang family!" Lu Ruyun said.

"Oh, I really don't know what kind of gift your main family values ​​so much, even more than the Mochizuki branch!" Su Chengyun asked.

"Haha, it's okay to tell you, it's really a beautiful thing, just the picture is so beautiful, as if there is moonlight flowing on it." Lu Ruyun murmured as if recalling.

"You haven't said what it is yet?" Su Chengyun reminded at the right time.

"It has a beautiful name, called..."

"Ruyun!" A sharp shout interrupted what Lu Ruyun was about to blurt out, Su Chengyun turned around and saw Lu Huiping and Yang Shanshan walking in slowly.

"Su Chengyun, what are you doing here?" Lu Huiping asked with a frown.

"Hehe, someone assassinated me, so I have to come and see the instigator?" Su Chengyun said with a smile, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Su Chengyun, I think you came to see Ruyun's joke?" Yang Shanshan sneered unceremoniously.

"Yes, I came to see Lu Ruyun's jokes, not only hers, but also your Yang family's! Your Yang family is really brave enough to assassinate me openly!" Su Chengyun said slowly.

"Su Chengyun, Ruyun is the only one who assassinated you, what does it have to do with our Yang family!" Yang Shanshan said with her eyes wide open.

"Hehe, Lu Ruyun is now a member of your Yang family, but she has dual identities, your cousin is also your aunt!" The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly.

"Su Chengyun..."

Lu Ruyun and Yang Shanshan yelled at the same time, and Lu Huiping's face was also very ugly.

Lu Ruyun thought it was a shame to be a concubine of the Yang family.

But Lu Huiping and Yang Shanshan thought that Lu Ruyun was a joke of their Lu and Yang families.

Yang Shanshan didn't even dare to talk about this matter with others, she was ashamed of herself.

"Su Chengyun, don't be complacent, when I, Lu Ruyun, go out, I will never let you go!" Lu Ruyun yelled.

"Hehe, let's wait until you go out! But I don't think you can go out again!" After Su Chengyun finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

"Su Chengyun, I will definitely be able to get out, just wait!" Lu Ruyun shouted.

Su Chengyun just turned his head and cast a contemptuous glance at Lu Ruyun before continuing to walk out.

"Su Chengyun, wait a minute!" As soon as Su Chengyun walked out of the government prison, Lu Huiping chased after him.

"What's the matter?" Su Chengyun looked at Lu Huiping and asked.

"Su Chengyun, let me ask you, has your father returned to Nancang City?" Lu Huiping hesitated for a while and asked Su Chengyun impatiently.

"Hehe, what did you ask my father to do?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.


"Lu Huiping, don't you think you and Lu Ruyun's aunt and nephew are very interesting? You never forget my father, and Lu Ruyun never forgets Momo, hehe, I really feel sad for Yang Ping, who has one wife and one concubine, and no one cares about him." on the body!"

Su Chengyun despised Lu Huiping and Lu Ruyun in his heart, and he didn't have the slightest sympathy for Yang Ping, so he was not a good person.

In short, this family is the best, just a nest of snakes and rats.

But it's a pity that the two closest men by her side, father Su Hongyi and Mo Mo, are thought of by such a superb person, it's uncomfortable to even think about it!
"Su Chengyun... I never miss your father!" Lu Huiping said.

Su Chengyun chuckled: "I don't care if you still miss my father or hate you, you can go to my father yourself, don't ask me!"

"Su Chengyun..."

"However, I advise you not to appear in front of my father, because my father hates your Lu family so much now, and he will never show mercy to you!" Su Chengyun turned and left with a sneer.

Su Hongyi knew the truth. Although the Su family's deaths were all guards, this still can't obliterate the Lu family's act of destroying the Su family. Su Hongyi hated the Lu family, especially after the Lu family treated her daughter harshly. He will not forgive the Lu family, and Lu Ruyun's assassination is likely to escalate Su Hongyi's hatred to the peak.

It seems that she is going to write a letter to Su Hongyi, telling him not to worry about this side, but to develop his power over there.

"Ruyun, what's the matter with you? Why are you talking about everything? Can you leak the gift to my family?" Lu Huiping's pent-up anger seemed to have found an outlet.

Lu Ruyun smiled lazily: "Auntie, just save yourself! It's not tiring to teach me every day!"

Lu Huiping was in a hurry, but Yang Shanshan jumped bluntly: "Ruyun, you thought it was mother who wanted to come, if it wasn't for father not worrying about you, he would let mother and I come to see you every day, we come to see you with good intentions, you think we are troublesome , I don’t even look at you causing trouble for the Yang family, killing so many people, and now being suppressed by other forces, and I’m being laughed at by others, you’re right!”

"Hmph, so what if I get into trouble again, Yang Ping is not afraid of me getting into trouble, what are you afraid of?" Lu Ruyun said indifferently.

"Hmph, who said that Daddy is not afraid, you don't know that Daddy is being blamed by the family now?" Yang Shanshan yelled, "Lu Ruyun, you think you are still the young lady of the Lu family, you should go out and listen, how many people want you to die! Su Is Chengyun someone you can offend now? Don’t you know how strong Su Chengyun’s backing is? The Yun family, the Feng family, the Nan family..."

(End of this chapter)

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