Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 292 Mother is here

Chapter 292 Mother is here
Su Chengyun didn't let Mo Mo come to the prison this time, she walked slowly towards the college, but she kept thinking in her heart.

Although Lu Ruyun admitted that it was her idea this time, does a concubine who doesn't have much foundation in the Yang family really have that much energy?And Yang Ping's reaction was also very strange. Lu Ruyun caused such a big disaster for the Yang family, yet Yang Ping didn't even blame him. Instead, he asked Lu Huiping and Yang Shanshan to enlighten Lu Ruyun.

If Yang Ping loved Lu Ruyun very much, it would be reasonable, but according to the information she got, it was just so-so.

The attitude of the Yang family is really suspicious.

There should be something hidden about the assassination incident, which Lu Ruyun probably doesn't even know.

Su Chengyun calculated for a long time and finally calculated such a result.

"Yo, who did you think it was, so it's Miss Su?" A voice sounded from the side, Su Chengyun raised his eyes, and it turned out to be Yun Ziyang.

"It's you!" Su Chengyun said.

"Isn't it just me? Could it be that Miss Su thinks it's my elder brother? It's a pity that my elder brother is so busy that he won't hang out in this street!" Yun Ziyang's eyes showed sarcasm, this woman really didn't know how to pick on his elder brother, It turned out that his elder brother helped him in everything.

Thinking of his elder brother's attitude towards him, Yun Ziyang felt a little uneasy.

Hearing Yun Ziyang's big brother, big brother, it seems that this person doesn't know his life experience, Su Chengyun felt sorry for Yun Ziyang, and was about to walk over.

"Su Chengyun, you are really lucky. You have sent out so many people from the Yang family, but you have not been injured, and you have also thrown Lu Ruyun into the government prison!" Yun Ziyang snorted coldly.

"Hehe, I've always been fateful!" Su Chengyun glanced over Yun Ziyang, and said, "Yun Ziyang, why do you want to try to assassinate me, I'm afraid you don't have anyone in your hands?"

"Who said I don't have anyone in my hand?" Yun Ziyang jumped up when he heard this, "Uncle Nan..." Yun Ziyang closed his mouth at this point, and stared at Su Chengyun fiercely.

"Hehe, you're talking about your Uncle Nan? The one who looks like your chin?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!" Yun Ziyang turned his head and left, but he was very worried, what does Su Chengyun mean by this?Uncle Nan looks like his chin?

Thinking of how many times he had hidden his father's mother and helped his mother to meet with Uncle Nan, a big question mark floated in Yun Ziyang's heart.

The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly, and he continued to walk forward.

But when approaching the gate of the academy, a person rushed out suddenly.

"Miss Su!" The man delivered a letter.

Su Chengyun opened his heart and read it. After reading it, he squeezed his hand hard, and the letter immediately turned into fly ash.

"Where is she?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Miss Su, please follow me!" The man brought Su Chengyun to an inn, and stopped at the "Tianzi No. [-] Room" of an inn.

"Miss Su, please come in!" The man gently pushed the door open, Su Chengyun walked in, only heard a slight sound behind, the door was closed, but felt that the person just now hadn't left, and was still standing by the door , Su Chengyun breathed a sigh of relief, and began to think about looking inside the house.

I saw a beautiful woman looking at her excitedly, with longing and pain in her eyes.

"Yun... Yun'er!" The woman called out a name tremblingly.

Su Chengyun bit her lip and called out, "Mother!"

"Hey!" The woman replied happily.

This person is Su Chengyun's mother Wen Xinlan.

"Mother, why are you here?" Su Chengyun waited for Wen Xinlan to stabilize before asking.

"Yun'er, I met your father, he told me, I wanted to come, but your father said you went to Floating Cloud City, so I had to wait for you to come back!" Wen Xinlan said, " Yun'er, these years, your parents have not been by your side, you have suffered!"

"Mother, I haven't suffered much, so don't be sad!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said when he saw Wen Xinlan wiping away tears.

"Your father told me about your sufferings, the goddamn Lu family, how dare they treat my daughter like this, I will never let them go!" A gleam of light flashed in Wen Xinlan's eyes.

"Mother, I really didn't suffer much!" Su Chengyun said.

"Daughter, you don't have to be so lenient. Mother rushed over quickly. She didn't expect to come here and heard the news that the daughter of the Lu family sent someone to assassinate you. The Lu family bullied you before, but now they want you Fuck, they are really impatient!" Wen Xinlan clenched her fists angrily.

"Mother, don't worry, they will get retribution one day! The daughter of this enmity is kept in my heart!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, my daughter has grown up and is becoming more and more beautiful! Your father is right, you are stronger than my father and I imagined, your father started telling me, I still don't believe it!" Wen Xinlan said .

"By the way, mother, are you free to see my father now?" Su Chengyun asked.

Wen Xinlan shook her head: "It's not enough, I haven't cleaned everything around me, even this time, I have tried my best to hide it!"

"Mom, you've worked hard!" Su Chengyun said.It must not be easy for Wen Xinlan to be tempted every day in a place like Xingyue Palace.

"Yun'er, I can't stay too long, I have to return tomorrow night!"

" fast!" Su Chengyun was surprised.

"Yun'er, I'm sorry, mother doesn't have that much time to accompany you!" Wen Xinlan said apologetically.

"Mother, it's okay, you have your own things to do, I know that!" Su Chengyun said.

"Yun'er, you are still as well-behaved as when you were a child!" Wen Xinlan laughed, "When my mother is free, I will think about your childhood, and thinking about it will make my heart sweet."

"Mom, when things are over, our family will be together!"

"Okay! Mother will help you realize Yun'er's wish! By the way, according to your father, isn't there a boy named Mo Mo?" Wen Xinlan suddenly mentioned Mo Mo.

This is when the mother-in-law wants to see her son-in-law.

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "Mother, I went out to do some errands today, and Mo Mo is still in the academy! I'll call him over!"

"The person guarding outside is called A Dai, and she belongs to me. Let her call her!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mother, Momo doesn't know Adai, and she won't come if her name is Momo, I'd better go, this place is not far from the academy, I'll be back soon!" Su Chengyun said.Mo Mo would not go with a stranger, even if that person used her name.

Wen Xinlan thought for a while, and said: "Okay! Then Yun'er go early and come back early! I have already booked all the best rooms here, so you can stay here tonight!"

"Okay, mother!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile, and walked out after speaking.

Wen Xinlan called Adai after Su Chengyun left: "Adai, send two people to protect Yuner secretly, and why it took so long to pick up Yuner, what did Yuner do?"

"Master, I immediately sent someone to protect the young master. According to the news from the dark guards, the young master just went to the prison of Nancang Mansion to meet Lu Ruyun!" Adai replied.

Wen Xinlan waved her hand: "Go to work!"

The government prison, Lu Ruyun?Lu family?
There was a cold flash in the warm blue eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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