Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 293 Lu Ruyun's Death

Chapter 293 Lu Ruyun's Death
Su Hongyi looks down on Mo Mo, thinking he is not strong enough, not decisive enough, and relies on Su Chengyun for everything, but Wen Xinlan likes Mo Mo very much, she thinks Mo Mo is pure and kind, and puts her daughter first in everything.

Of course, Su Hongyi had already told Wen Xinlan about Mo Mo's situation, but Wen Xinlan hadn't seen Mo Qiling, so naturally she couldn't feel Mo Qiling's aura, so she was more partial to Mo Mo.

It really is a word, the mother-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more satisfied she is.

Mo Mo originally had the treatment that Su Hongyi didn't want to see at the beginning, and he was prepared not to be liked by Wen Xinlan, but who knew that Wen Xinlan treated him so well, he was really flattered and at a loss.

Wen Xinlan talked with Su Chengyun and Mo Mo until very late before letting them go back to their rooms respectively.

Su Chengyun's room is next to Wenxinlan's. In the middle of the night, she suddenly heard the sound of Wenxinlan's door opening, followed by two footsteps. She recognized that it was the footsteps of her mother and that person named Adai.

Hearing the footsteps getting farther and farther away, Su Chengyun frowned suspiciously.

"It's so late, where is mother going?"

Although puzzled, Su Chengyun didn't get up to follow up to watch, she continued to sleep.

Lu Ruyun was falling asleep in the government prison, and suddenly instinctively felt the danger. She opened her eyes suddenly, but saw two men in black robes standing in front.

"You... who are you?" Lu Ruyun asked in horror.

"Lu Ruyun, haven't you known me in just these few years?" Wen Xinlan took off the hat on the black robe, revealing her beautiful face.

Lu Ruyun recognized it after a while, and couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Are you Xinxinlan?"

"Hehe, yes, it's me!" Wen Xinlan replied.

"You... When did you come back?" Lu Ruyun asked.

"It doesn't matter when I come back, the important thing is that I heard about your assassination of my daughter right after I came back!" Wen Xinlan stared at Lu Ruyun and said coldly.

"Hmph, so what if I assassinate your daughter? Who told her to dominate Mr. Mo and not give it to me! I only hate that those people are useless, but they didn't kill her!" Lu Ruyun said bitterly.

"Lu Ruyun, I didn't expect my daughter to be bullied by people like you all the time!" Pain flashed in Wen Xinlan's eyes. The Lu family is a bunch of lunatics. Hearing Lu Ruyun's casual tone, bullying her daughter must be commonplace.

"Haha, Wen Xinlan, so what if you come? Do you know how we bullied Su Chengyun in the past? Our brothers and sisters in the Lu family like to bully her. She is so talented, she is obviously not from the Lu family, but she dominates our Lu family in everything. This makes our brothers and sisters of the Lu family think, how not to be jealous! Haha, blame you for making Su Chengyun too good , but thanks to her severed tendons, we were even happier when we bullied her. It is the happiest thing in the world to be able to step on the former genius..."

"Stop talking!" Wen Xinlan growled.

The Lu family abused their daughter because they were jealous of her excellence. If she didn't recover the debt, she would be a mother in vain.

"Haha, Wen Xinlan, you feel bad, don't you? I really should have killed Su Chengyun at once. Without her, Mr. Mo would naturally be mine." Lu Ruyun said.

"Crazy!" Wen Xin Lan cursed secretly, but Lu Ruyun heard it clearly in the silent night, she laughed loudly: "Haha, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy for Mr. Mo! My Mr. Mo, I will never let Su Chengyun get him!" Lu Ruyun's eyes began to turn red.

"Lu Ruyun, you have challenged my bottom line, I will not give you another chance to hurt my daughter!" Wen Xinlan said coldly.

"You... what are you going to do?" Lu Ruyun was startled.

"Since you want my daughter's life, then pay for your own life!" Wen Xinlan said quietly, looking at Lu Ruyun as if watching a dead person.

"You want to kill me?" Lu Ruyun opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"What do you say?"

" can't kill me, the Yang family won't allow you to kill me, and the Nancang Lu family, they will definitely not allow it!" Lu Ruyun said anxiously.

"Hmph, what are they? No one has dared to stop what I, Wen Xinlan, want to do! Adai, do it!" Wen Xinlan said sarcastically.

" Chengyun just came here today, and you let me die now, wouldn't it make people suspect Su Chengyun."

"Don't worry, no one will know that you were killed. After tomorrow, everyone will know that you committed suicide because of guilt!" Wen Xinlan said.

"No..." Lu Ruyun yelled.

"I can't stand you saying no!" Wen Xinlan waved her arm.

Adai nodded, stepped forward mercilessly, and held Lu Ruyun down.

Early the next morning, Fengjue came, and after visiting Xinxinlan, he brought the news that Lu Ruyun committed suicide in the government prison, and brought a rubbing copy of Lu Ruyun's bloody book on the wall.

"It's Lu Ruyun's notes, and her tone is very similar!" Su Chengyun said after reading the rubbings.

"Ah... Su Xiaomei, don't you think Lu Ruyun didn't commit suicide?" Feng Jue asked.

"Hehe, who knows!" Su Chengyun glanced at Wen Xinlan who was smiling quietly.

This is probably done by Wen Xinlan, she was venting her anger for her daughter, Su Chengyun, as a student of Nancang College, cannot openly kill people in Nancang City, but Wen Xinlan is different, even if someone finds out about her, since With her identity, no one dared to do anything to her.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I actually don't think Lu Ruyun would commit suicide. How could such an arrogant and domineering person commit suicide and leave a letter of repentance? It's too unreasonable!" Feng Jue said, "Su Xiaomei, you don't know Well, I went to the jail two days ago, Lu Ruyun doesn't seem to regret it at all, she can't wait to come out and assassinate you, Xiaomei Su, right away. That woman is crazy, she's a demon."

"Hehe, Feng Jue, what you said is still targeting Lu Ruyun. It's because of a demonic obstacle that he took his own life!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"I heard that her parents are rushing here, hehe, I guess I can only catch up with Lu Ruyun to collect the body! Su Xiaomei, they may come to trouble you when they come, be careful!" Feng Jue reminded.

What, Lu Wenbo and the eldest lady are coming?
A gleam flashed in Su Chengyun's eyes.

Wen Xinlan frowned slightly.

"Yun'er, if they come, you can hide in the academy, and forgive them for not daring to break into the academy to trouble you!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mother, they don't need to break through if they want to enter the academy. There are quite a few of the Lu family in the academy!" Su Chengyun shook his head.

"Yun'er, those two are very sinister, why don't you leave with me for a while!" Wen Xinlan thought for a while.

"Mother, you don't have to face a big enemy, your daughter is not a soft persimmon, and she won't let them bully her!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hey, but thinking of the Lu family, I just..."

"Mother, what the Lu family owes us, we will get it back one day!" Su Chengyun said.

(End of this chapter)

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