Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 295 So Domineering

Chapter 295 So Domineering
After Wen Xinlan left, half a month passed peacefully, just when Su Chengyun thought that the Lu family would not come looking for trouble, Lu Yuanze blocked her way.

"Su Chengyun, I didn't expect you to be so capable. My parents can't even get close to you!" Lu Yuanze said coldly.

Su Chengyun looked over strangely.What Lu Yuanze meant was that someone from the Lu family came to look for her, but they couldn't get close to her. What's going on.

"Su Chengyun, don't think that you are protected by the academy's guards, our Lu family can't do anything about you, I warn you, Ruyun's account will be settled sooner or later!" Lu Yuanze sternly said.

"Haha!" Su Chengyun laughed, "Lu Yuanze, you said you wanted to settle accounts with me. Coincidentally, I also want to settle accounts with your Lu family. Lu Ruyun is to blame for her own death. I have nothing to do with her death, but your Lu family There are a lot of debts owed to our Su family, and our Su family will get them back one by one. You Lu family, just wait!"

"Hmph, what are you asking for?" Lu Yuanze shook his sleeves and left.

Su Chengyun became pensive.

It's no wonder that Lu Wenbo and the others couldn't get close to her.It seems that Mr. Ming Yi made the move, and only Mr. Ming Yi can mobilize the academy's guards to protect her.

I must thank him well some other day.

"Have you heard? It's our college's turn to compete in the four major colleges!"

"Why haven't I heard that in the college competition held every ten years, someone will steal the show!"

"Last time, a student from Beiming College won No.1. I wonder who will get it this time?"

"Everyone, try your best to participate. As long as you can reach the finals, the rewards will definitely make people jealous."

"Haha, that's right! Now that I've caught up this time, I must sign up! Even if I fail in the end, I have no regrets!"

On the way back to the dormitory, Su Chengyun heard all about the big competitions of the four colleges.

Sure enough, two days later, at the class meeting, Teacher Liang Yuling officially announced the matter.

"Students, this four major college competitions will be held in our college. The competition will be held in two months. Everyone is welcome to sign up. The college will select outstanding students to compete!"

Teacher Liang Yuling also listed a lot of things about the previous big competitions, but the rules and regulations of each competition are formulated together by the four colleges in the last few days, so the specific rules and regulations have to wait for the final announcement.

"I hope you can all participate. My student Liang Yuling is brave and fearless, and is not afraid of any challenge. Will you participate?"

"Yes!" came the neat reply.

"Are you going to back down?"

"will not!"

"Okay, I will sign up for all of you! What you have to do now is to practice hard and wait for further notice from the academy!" Teacher Liang Yuling said with a smile.


The anger and tension in the academy was accompanied by anticipation, and soon a month passed, and Su Chengyun broke through the Lingzun in one fell swoop.

Don't look at the short promotion time this time, but during this period of time she went to the Flame Mountain to practice and accumulated enough, and now the promotion is a matter of course.

The selection was carried out in the academy, and Su Chengyun, Mo Mo, Feng Jue, and Young Master Mingyi all passed. Even Shangguan Youyue and Shangguan Youlan barely passed. Jin Duoduo fell short and lost the selection.

Of course, those who were selected were also divided into two groups, one group was the official candidates for the competition, accounting for the majority, and the rest were considered as backup personnel.

Su Chengyun and other official contestants were of course ordered to practice more diligently, and they were also equipped with special teachers to help them train their fighting skills.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo collapsed and didn't want to wake up after being trained every day, which shows how hard it is.

Later, when the date of the Grand Competition was approaching, other academies rushed over one after another.

"Su Xiaomei, have you heard that the contestants from Dongqi City have rushed over, and there is a proud little princess inside who is said to be the youngest daughter of Dongqi City Lord. She is very arrogant and domineering. Feng Jue shared gossip with Su Chengyun in his spare time.

"That's really domineering!" Su Chengyun said.

"Not only is she domineering, but she also has a quirk, she likes beautiful boys, Su Chengyun, you have to watch Mo Mo, don't let that little girl find out!" Feng Jue reminded.

"Ah... Could it be that she still wants to take it back?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, you are right, she is that kind of person. In short, you and Momo be careful!" Feng Jue glanced at Momo who was standing beside him, Momo's face was really a disaster, Lu Ruyun just left, Now I am worried about being spotted by that little princess.

"Thank you, Feng Jue!" Su Chengyun thanked with a smile, continued to devote himself to the intense training, and put this matter aside for the time being.

But in less than two days, Shangguan Youyue was bullied by the little princess.

If Hua Shao hadn't brought Shangguan Youyue to move away, the little princess would have whipped Shangguan Youyue.

"What's the matter with you woman? Can the whip be used indiscriminately?" Hua Shao comforted Shangguan Youyue while yelling at the little princess.

The little princess was very angry when someone blocked her whip, but after seeing Hua Shao's face, she immediately put her anger aside.

"My lord, my daughter Nangong Yu is very polite, may I ask your surname?" The arrogant and domineering little princess immediately turned into a polite lady, which surprised the people around her.

"Hmph, why should I tell you that a poisonous scorpion like you is not worthy of knowing my name!" Young Master Hua sneered, "You want to hurt even the weak daughter of the Lord Shangguan, you really don't think so!"

"Young master, is she worthy of being the daughter of a city lord? Huh, I am the youngest daughter of Dongqi City lord. Only someone like me is worthy of being the daughter of a city lord. Look at her, she is so ugly that she has lost all of our city lord's dignity." Therefore, I will destroy her ugly face so that she will never come out again to be ashamed!"

Everyone was speechless, just because they were all the daughters of the city lord, on the one hand they were ugly, and they felt that they had lost their face and wanted to ruin their face.

This little girl is too violent.

"Hmph, as the daughter of the city lord, wouldn't it make people think that the other daughters of the city lord are black-hearted if you are a femme fatale woman like you? Do you want to dig out your heart?" Feng Jue said coldly. Sarcasm rang out from the crowd.

"You Yue!" Su Chengyun took a step forward, seeing Shangguan You Yue who was still in shock frowning slightly, and seeing Nangong Yu staring at Mo Mo intently, suddenly a surge of anger rose from his heart.

"Young Master Hua, take care of You Yue!" Su Chengyun took a step forward after speaking, blocking Nangong Yu's sight, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a man?"

Nangong Yu, who was admiring the handsome man, immediately became displeased when Su Chengyun interrupted him: "Who are you, why should you meddle in my business?"

"Hehe, why? You hurt my friend and you are looking at my man. Do you think I can ignore it?" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"You... what did you say? You said he was your man?" Nangong Yu pointed at Mo Mo and said incredulously.

(End of this chapter)

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