Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 296 Jin Duoduo's Betrayal

Chapter 296 Jin Duoduo's Betrayal
The arrival of Nangong Yu completely disturbed the lives of Su Chengyun and Mo Mo, except for the dormitory, as soon as they went out, Nangong Yu's figure would immediately come over, and began to chatter silently.

And what she said the most was: "Momo, I want to take you back to Dongqi!"

Momo was so annoyed that he didn't even leave the dormitory in the end.

Nangong Yu wanted to barge in angrily, but Su Chengyun was jealous, as long as she dared to barge in, she dared to attack. Nangong Yu cursed and cursed Su Chengyun every time she saw her after suffering two losses from Su Chengyun. A high-spirited look.

"Su Chengyun, you wait, I must Momo and I go back to Dongqi City. You are a little orphan, why are you arguing with me!"

Su Chengyun didn't reply, but gave Nangong Yu a cold look, and slammed the door of the dormitory in front of her.

"Chengyun, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Momo wouldn't be entangled by that crazy woman!" Shangguan Youyue said apologetically, her face was full of shame.

"You Yue, what's your business? It's just that you can't see Mo Mo this time, and you won't be able to see Mo Mo in the competition! It's just a matter of time, and trouble will always come!" Su Chengyun said.

"But, later is better than earlier, right?" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Haha, Xiaoyue'er, don't blame yourself, it's time to teach that crazy woman a lesson!" Hua Shao said aside, "Chengyun cares, why do you care so much?"

"Young Master Hua, why are you still in Nancang City and not returning to Xiyue?" Su Chengyun raised his eyebrows and looked at Young Master Hua.

"Hey, Chengyun, are you so willing to drive me away? It's a pity, I won't leave yet, my little Yue'er was frightened, I want to stay and comfort my little Yue'er!" Hua Shao said with a smile .

"Young Master Hua..." Shangguan Youyue tugged at his sleeve in shame.

"You... When will you be able to have sex?" Su Chengyun's eyes swept over the two of them, she hadn't noticed this before.

"Chengyun..." Shangguan Youyue lowered her head in embarrassment, her smiling face blushing.

Young Master Hua grinned and said, "Chengyun, are you envious? Are you jealous? Now that my master is in charge, don't worry about it!"

Su Chengyun rolled his eyes: "Hua Shao, don't be too narcissistic. If you appear in front of Shangguan City Lord like this, you might be kicked out before a cup of tea! Do you believe it or not?"

"How is it possible? Xiaoyue'er's father is not a person who doesn't know right from wrong, besides, I, Hua Shao, have boundless charm, and I will definitely conquer her father!" Hua Shao said.

"I've convinced you, as long as you know it in your own mind!"

"By the way, You Yue, why did you confront Nangong Yu?" Su Chengyun suddenly thought of this question.

A light flashed in Hua Shao's eyes when he heard the words: "Hmph, this matter has nothing to do with Xiaoyue'er, it's all caused by that woman Shangguan Youlan!"

"Oh, how did she get into trouble?" Su Chengyun asked with interest.

"Hmph, didn't you see students from other colleges coming, and put on the posture of the lady of the city lord's mansion, but it turned out that a concubine's daughter met Nangong Yu, a real daughter of the first line, of course it was a tragedy! Nangong Yu has always maintained her identity and felt that Shangguan You Lan insulted her identity, she was going to teach Shangguan You Lan a lesson, but who would have thought that your friend Jin Duoduo jumped out and pushed Xiao Yueer, the prostitute daughter, out."

"A lot?" Su Chengyun looked at Shangguan Youyue suspiciously, and saw a trace of disappointment and pain in her eyes.

"It doesn't make sense, why did Duoduo help Shangguan Youlan?" Su Chenyun asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, who knows? After she pushed Xiaoyue'er out, she helped the frightened Shangguan Youlan and left, leaving Xiaoyue'er alone to fight against that crazy woman Nangong Yu!" Hua Shao pouted.

"Perhaps, Duoduo feels that Nangong Yu won't do anything to me because my daughter-in-law's identity is there." Shangguan Youyue excused Jin Duoduo, but the language was too pale, maybe even she couldn't explain it herself.

"Xiaoyue'er, you still speak for her and tell you that if she is not such a friend, if she pushes you out and faces you together, I will give her a high look, but how did she do it? Run away! Xiaoyue'er, why do you still think about her good for such a person, forget about it as soon as possible!" Hua Shao said, "Xiaoyue'er, don't forget, if I didn't arrive in time, Nangong Yu That whip hit your face, and you were completely disfigured!"

Shangguan Youyue fell silent, and Su Chengyun also fell silent.

Simply put, Jin Duoduo took refuge in Shangguan Youlan, but Youyue has always been very kind to her, why did she betray Youyue?
"You Yue, after what happened, you saw too much, what did she say?" Su Chengyun, who has been friends for so many years, certainly does not want any misunderstandings.

Shangguan Youyue shook her head: "Duoduo hasn't returned to the dormitory!"

The kind-hearted Youyue probably doesn't want to give up this friendship easily, she is waiting, waiting for Jin Duoduo's explanation.

On the second day, Shangguan Youyue came with a smile, and said happily as soon as she came in: "Chengyun, Duoduo didn't mean it. She came back last night and even apologized to me!"

"You Yue, speak slowly!" Su Chengyun asked Shangguan You Yue to sit down, and poured her a glass of water.

Shangguan Youyue took two sips of water and said: "Chengyun, Duoduo said that she was very angry when she heard Nangong Yu's words, because Nangong Yu's words not only looked down on Shangguan Youlan, a concubine, but also looked down on her, a concubine. She is my friend. At that time, I wanted to argue with Nangong Yu, but I didn't expect Nangong Yu to be so ruthless that she would hit Shangguan Youlan without saying a word, and she pushed me out in a hurry. Nangong Yu can't even hit me, my daughter-in-law. Okay, so Duoduo went to help Youlan with peace of mind, but Youlan was frightened, and when she saw Duoduo passing by, she kept pulling her and asked her to take her away. Duoduo had no choice but to push Youlan away in public Well, let's help her go. Duoduo was also worried about me. After she sent Youlan back to the dormitory, she wanted to find me, but Youlan refused to let her go. Seeing that Youlan was really frightened, she stayed I came down to accompany her. Later, when I heard that you guys arrived and saved me, Duoduo felt relieved and was not in a hurry to come back!"

Seeing Shangguan Youlan who was happy because of this, Su Chengyun didn't want to say anything to hurt her at this moment.

What Jin Duoduo said was really full of loopholes, Shangguan Youlan had countless people around her, how could she trust You Yue's friends?

Furthermore, Shangguan Youlan is also a domineering person, so it is too fake to be frightened by the whip that fell on her.

It was a coincidence that the two of them left, very coincidental, thinking of the arrogant look they had when they first met Jin Duoduo, how could they be someone who couldn't escape being dragged by Shangguan Youlan?
Maybe Jin Duoduo really thought that Youyue would be fine with her identity, but Su Chengyun found it hard to accept that she pushed Youyue out in order to save Shangguan Youlan.

Jin Duoduo, Shangguan Youlan, these two must have reached some kind of agreement, it should not be aimed at Youyue, so who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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