Chapter 297
Goodbye Jin Duoduo, it was on the eve of the game when I watched the scene, but Su Chengyun couldn't help but pay attention to Jin Duoduo's dodging eyes in the face of Su Chengyun.

Looking at the still happy Shangguan Youyue, Su Chengyun shook his head slightly.

Jin Duoduo is no longer the Jin Duoduo they knew, maybe not a long time ago, no wonder I always feel that there is something wrong with Jin Duoduo, it turns out that I have already had my own little thoughts.

You Yue must have noticed something, but she stubbornly chose to deceive herself, and Su Chengyun didn't want to break her illusion.

"Momo, you're finally out! Su Chengyun actually stopped me from seeing you, hmph, is this lady someone she can stop? Sooner or later, she'll be all over her face!" Nangong Yu leaned forward to say goodbye Said in ink.

Mo Mo stared at Nangong Yu and said displeasedly: "If you dare to hurt Susu, I will fight with you!"

"Momo, you are working so hard for Su Chengyun and me. What's so good about her? Is she as beautiful as me? Is she as rich as I am? Does she have such a high status as me? Su Chengyun is not as good as me in everything, you Why are you looking for me desperately for her?" Nangong Yu's young lady also became angry.

"Go away, let me hear you say bad things about Susu again, I'll beat you up!" Mo Mo threatened.

"You... Huh... I will step on Su Chengyun this time, to see how arrogant she is, I will show you, only I, Nangong Yu, are the strongest!" Nangong Yu said, "Momo , what future do you have with Su Chengyun, only with me, Nangong Yu, will you have a great future, my father loves me the most, and he will definitely help you!"

"Hmph, Mo Mo doesn't need it!" Mo Mo turned his head away, unwilling to look at Nangong Yu again.

Nangong Yu refused to leave even though she was left out in the cold, insisting on watching Mo Mo here.

"Hmph!" Mo Mo frowned, turned his footsteps, and turned to the other side of Su Chengyun. Nangong Yu wanted to follow, but Su Chengyun stopped him.

"Nangong Yu, if you dare to go any further, believe it or not, I will break your leg!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"Su Chengyun, how dare you? Do you know who I am? My father will never let you go!" Nangong Yu said.

"Even if your father doesn't let me go, so what? I'm barefoot and I'm not afraid of you wearing shoes. By the time your father finds me, you'll already be out of breath. Why are you so proud?" Su Chengyun sneered, threatening Who wouldn't.

Nangong Yu was taken aback. No one dared to threaten her so blatantly at such a big age. Su Chengyun was the first one.

But Su Chengyun's cold gaze indicated that she would do what she said, and the raised foot could not help but retract.

Nangong Yu was extremely annoyed at her backing down: "Su Chengyun, you are so good that you even dare to threaten me. Believe it or not, I will tell daddy to let him destroy your prestige right now!"

"Nangong Yu, besides having a city lord father, what else can you do? Beauty? Wisdom? Strength? I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning!"

"Su Chengyun, are talking nonsense, I am the most beautiful, who is more beautiful than me here? Hmph, wait for me to defeat you in the competition of the four colleges, then you can talk about my strength!" Nangong Yu pointed at Su Take the cloud road.

A stone flew over and hit Nangong Yu's finger. Nangong Yu immediately retracted her finger, looked around, and shouted angrily, "Who? Who attacked Miss Ben?"

Young Master Mingyi in scarlet clothes slowly walked out from the crowd, with a bright smile, like a dazzling light, which caught Nangong Yu's face blankly.

"My lord, may I ask your surname and name?" Nangong Yu greeted him with a smile and raised her head to ask.

"I'm Nanmingyi!" Mr. Mingyi stared at Nangongyu, and began to let out his coldness slowly, "I don't care who you are, and I don't care where you come from. If you point your finger at Chengyun again, you Don't take your hand!"

Nangong Yu was taken aback when he heard that!
Su Chengyun?Is it Su Chengyun again?
Mr. Ming Yi passed by, looking at Su Chengyun with a smile in his eyes: "Chengyun, are you okay?"

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I'm fine! Is Mr. Mingyi also coming to see the venue?"

"En! I'm with you!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"it is good!"

Looking at the few people leaving, Nangong Yu clenched her hands.

Su Chengyun, how can you have so many excellent men around you?

You wait, wait for me to step on you.

"Su Xiaomei, I heard that your crazy woman came to trouble you again?" Feng didn't know where he heard the news, and rushed over in a hurry.

"Fengjue, it's okay!" Su Chengyun said.

"Su Xiaomei, you must call me when you go out in the future, so as not to run into that crazy woman again!" Feng Jue said.

"Okay, I got it!" Seeing the persistence in Feng Jue's eyes, Su Chengyun nodded.

"Exactly, I didn't look at the venue, I'll be with you!" Feng also joined this camp without any explanation.

"Duoduo, let's go!" Shangguan Youyue urged Jin Duoduo who was at the end.

"Okay!" Jin Duoduo replied, while looking at Feng Jue and Su Chengyun in front of him, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then he became firm.

And in a courtyard of Nancang College, the four major city lords and the deans of the four colleges sat separately.

"City Master Nangong, your daughter Nangong Yu is a bit outrageous. She almost beat up my two daughters when she first arrived!" Shangguan Bing took the lead in attacking her.

"Haha, haha, why should Shangguan City Lord make such a fuss? Although Yu'er is sometimes naughty, she is still very measured, even if she strikes, she won't be too heavy!" said a chubby man.

"City Master Nangong, do you mean that it is normal for your daughter to hit my daughter?" Shangguan Bing was displeased.

"City Master Shangguan, this is just a dispute between juniors, why should we intervene, let them settle it themselves!" Nangong City Master said.

"Hey, City Master Nangong, if my daughter beats your daughter, would you say the same?" Shangguan Bing stared at City Master Nangong and asked.

City Lord Nangong was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Of course, if my daughter is beaten, she will be inferior to others! There is no reason to cry about inferior skills, let her improve her memory!"

Is this a satire that her daughter's skills are inferior and she can't afford to lose?

Shangguan Bing narrowed his eyes: "Since City Master Nangong said so, presumably if your daughter loses to someone else, you won't help her get ahead?"

"Haha, yes!" Nangong City Master said, making a joke, her daughter is the strongest, how could she lose?

The corner of Shangguan Bing's mouth curled up coldly, hoping that you would not jump when Nangong Yu lost too badly.Don't even look at who Nangong Yu offended?Mo Mo, Su Chengyun, Feng Jue, Mr. Ming Yi, which one can she offend?
"Haha, now that the two city lords have settled on private matters, it's time for us to study the matter of the four college competitions. The rules and regulations will be finalized immediately!" Qiu Tianqi said haha, he is the host, so he really deserves his words Say.

"Yes, yes, hurry up and make the rules, I can't wait to see the performance of the students in this competition!"

"Now let your Beiming Academy take the first place, this time we Xiyue Academy will definitely come back!"

"You think our Dongqi Academy is a display?"

"Haha, our Nancang Academy is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"


(End of this chapter)

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