Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 298 Don't be arrogant in other people's territory

Chapter 298 Don't be arrogant in other people's territory

The big competition of the four colleges finally started.

The four city lords and the deans of the four colleges are sitting on the high platform at the moment, watching the game condescendingly.

"The first match, two-in-one-elimination match! Contestants with the same number will face off, the loser will be eliminated, and the winner will advance!" Qiu Tianqi announced loudly. The four major college competitions stipulate which college's turn it is to be hosted by the dean of which college , at Nancang Academy, naturally presided over by Qiu Tianqi.

"Draw lots now!" Every candidate went up to draw lots, and soon everyone got a lottery.

"Please come on stage for the competition on the [-]st!" Qiu Tianqi's voice just fell, and the two jumped onto the ring immediately, which opened the prelude to this big competition.

Those selected by the four major colleges are undoubtedly the masters of the colleges, so they have attracted the attention of many people from the beginning, and everyone has come to watch this grand event that is held once every ten years.

There are [-] participating students from each college, adding up to [-] students, and [-] matches between two people.

Time passed by long and fast, and every game was extremely exciting, and none of the masters had any real skills, so on such occasions, they naturally tried their best.

Many candidates were eliminated by just one move.

Su Chengyun was number 210 of [-], and it was not his turn until the second day.

Her opponent was a boy from Beiming College, who was quick and accurate, and didn't show mercy because she was a girl. Of course, Su Chengyun was not a vegetarian, so he counterattacked beautifully, and finally defeated the boy with one move.

Mo Mo, Feng Jue, and Young Master Ming Yi competed one after another, and they all advanced. Shangguan Youyue was also struggling to advance.
Originally, Shangguan Youyue was just a back-up player, but whoever made an official player have a stomachache, she had no choice but to step up.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, today's match was really fun. Even though that person is not as skilled as me, I gained a lot from fighting him. If time didn't allow me, I would fight him for a day and a night!" Feng Jue said It was his opponent, a student of West Moon Academy.

"Feng Jue, don't worry, the second match will start tomorrow, you will fight some!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, I really don't know how to compete in the second match? Every big match is different, I wonder if it will be exciting this time!" Feng Jue said expectantly.

"Feng Jue, if you are guaranteed to win the first place, it is reasonable to seek excitement the most. Now that the first competition is over, it is too early to pursue excitement!" Su Chengyun laughed.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I found that you seem to have improved again, let's practice together some other day?" Feng Jue said, he knew that Su Xiaomei won the first round easily, didn't he put in all his strength at all!

"Okay!" Su Chengyun also happily agreed.

Feng Jue seemed to be unsatisfied, and looked at Mo Mo again: "Mo Mo, there is still you!"

"Okay!" Mo Mo also responded.

Feng Jue finally turned his gaze to Shangguan Youyue, and shook his head: "Youyue, forget it!"

"Hehe, Feng Jue, I know I'm not your opponent, so you don't have to hit me like this!" Shangguan Youyue sneered.

"That's right, Feng Jue, my Xiaoyue'er is smart, so she won't fight you! You can find me, Hua Shao? I guarantee that you will find your teeth all over the place!" Hua Shao said provocatively from the side.

"Hua Shao, why aren't you a student of West Moon Academy? This way we can fight in a fair manner, and I can step on your West Moon Academy by the way, lest you West Moon Academy's arrogance be too arrogant!" Dare to say Hitting him so hard that he was looking for teeth all over the place, this little flower is really too courageous.

"Feng Jue, I'm waiting for you to stomp down the geniuses of West Moon Academy, remember to stomp hard!" Hua Shao replied with a smile.

"Ah... Young Master Hua, you probably hold a grudge because you were not selected by West Moon Academy, right?" Feng Jue looked at Young Master Hua suspiciously.

"I'm not that boring. It's just that there is a person in West Moon Academy who can't stand it. If you help me defeat him, I'll buy you a drink!" Young Master Hua stepped forward and said.

"Drinking? It depends on what kind of wine it is, is it worth my shot?" Feng Jue said with a smile.

"Haha, of course you are the altar of wine in my heart! Feng Jue, I'm sure enough!" Hua Shao blinked.

"Hehe, you have winks, I made this deal, I want to see what kind of genius it is that makes our Young Master Hua jealous!" Feng Jue said in a drawn out voice.

"Hehe, the genius will definitely surprise you that day!" Hua Shao didn't explain it first, but put it off.

The second match was about to start soon, and Qiu Tianqi began to announce the rules of the match.

"Four players, one person from each academy, one person will be left at the end, and the rest will be eliminated!"

"What an overbearing rule!" Feng Jue sighed, "If three of them know each other, it would be fun to deal with one of them together!"

"Hehe, Feng Jue, so what if we know each other, but in the end, only one person will be left. You should pray that there will be no lovers among the four of you, otherwise it will hurt your relationship!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, why do you like reading jokes more than I, Feng Jue!" Feng Jue asked with a smile.

"Feng Jue..." Is she a little afraid that the world will not be chaotic?

"Everyone come up one by one to draw lots!" Qiu Tianqi's voice sounded from above, Su Chengyun and others did not dare to neglect, and went to draw lots one after another.

"Number 21!" Su Chengyun looked at the number on the signature and pursed his lips.

"Susu, you go first!" Mo Mo glanced at the "No. 59" that he had signed, and said involuntarily.

"Okay, I'll take the lead for you!"

Originally, Su Chengyun thought that his match would be tomorrow, but who would have thought that in the afternoon there were two matches with great disparity in strength, and the battle ended in a short while, Su Chengyun still caught up with today's end.

The four people from the four major academies occupied four positions, and everyone's eyes turned unkindly to the other three. Here, they are enemies, and only one of them can stay.

"I advise you to admit defeat early, so as not to lose too badly when you get it!" The boy from Dongqi College said foolishly.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, are all Dongqi Academy like this?At first it was Nangong Yu, and then there was such a stinky boy again.

"Hmph, let's admit defeat, and don't look at whether we have that weight!" The boy from Beiming College seemed to have a bad temper at first glance, and he was unhappy when he heard this.

"Hehe, I, Xiyue, don't admit defeat so easily!" The girl from Xiyue College also spoke out.

Knowing that she had to make a statement, Su Chengyun smiled at the boys of Dongqi College and said, "A word of advice, don't be so arrogant in other people's territory, otherwise you won't know how you died!"

"" The boy from Dongqi College didn't expect that his words would provoke more harsh words from other people, and he couldn't help feeling that he was insulted.

"Hmph, I'm just kindly reminding you, it will be too late to beg for mercy after being beaten down by me!"

"Haha, we don't need your kindness!"

"The competition begins!" Qiu Tianqi gave an order, and Su Chengyun and the three of them attacked the boys of Dongqi College with a tacit understanding.

"You..." The boy was so angry and furious that he could only fight back continuously, but he was knocked out of the ring within two blows, no matter how the three of them teamed up.

(End of this chapter)

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