Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 303 Hidden Strength

Chapter 303 Hidden Strength
"Haha, Su Xiaomei, I won!" Feng Jue yelled after coming down, "Hey, I have completely abused Chu Weiming, when I look back, I will ask Hua Shao to ask him to thank me!"

Both Su Chengyun and Shangguan Youyue laughed.

"Hey, it's Momo's match after this! Who is Momo's opponent?" Feng Jue began to care about other people after he finished his chatter.

"No, it's him!" Momo pointed to a boy from Dongqi.

"Ah, Momo, your opponent is also from Dongqi Academy, and so is mine!" Shangguan Youyue exclaimed.

"No way, the four of us, except for me, all three of you are Dongqi's opponents?" Feng Jue couldn't believe it.

"Hey, Youyue must have been troubled by me and Momo!" Su Chengyun sighed, Nangong Yu found someone to deal with Shangguan Youyue because she saw Shangguan Youyue getting close to them, just like she did with her.

"Chengyun, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter who is the opponent, besides, I am ranked behind in the competition, it must be tomorrow's turn, I still have one night!" Shangguan Youyue said optimistically.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, what Youyue said is really good. You forgot that genius Huashao. With him around, Youyue is [-]% sure of winning!" Feng Jue said with a smile, he guessed that Huashao must be fighting now. Tan Youyue's opponent may have already come up with a plan for the enemy.

"Maybe!" Su Chengyun also laughed when he thought of Hua Shao.

"Mo Mo, it's your turn!" At this moment, the competition on the ring was over, and it was Mo Mo's turn to play.

"Mo Mo, come on, beat Dong Qi's gang!" Feng Jue cheered Mo Mo.

"Well, Mo Mo will work hard!" Mo Mo strode towards the ring with his head held high.

But Momo's match ended unexpectedly quickly, so fast that people didn't even realize it, and the opponent had already conceded.

"Fake hit, Mo Mo, you are fake hit!" Feng Jue said, pointing at Mo Mo who came down.

"Feng Jue, this is not Mo Mo's fake fight, it is obviously the other party's fake fight!" Su Chengyun said.

"That's right, Feng Jue, it was obviously caused by Dongqi's students. They didn't try their best and gave up so quickly, how could they blame Momo!" Shangguan Youyue also began to support Momo.

"Oh, that's true!" Feng Jue thought for a while and said embarrassedly, "Hey, Mo Mo, how does it feel to win? I think it's probably because of that crazy woman Nangong Yu who wants to please you!" Feng Jue guessed.

"Pfft!" Su Chengyun burst out laughing, and Shangguan Youyue couldn't help laughing too.

"Su Xiaomei, what I said is true, if you don't believe me, look at Nangong Yu!" Feng said unconvinced.

Su Chengyun and the others looked over, just in time to see Nangong Yu smiling at Mo Mo like an idiot.

"Hmph, it's really Nangong Yu who messed up!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Su Chengyun looked at Nangong Yu, deep thought appeared in his eyes, did Nangong Yu not care that their academy lost the game, or did they have something more to rely on?And the students of Dongqi College seem to listen to Nangong Yu's words. Is it just because Nangong Yu is the daughter of the city lord?The city lord's daughter has so much energy?

The more Su Chengyun thought about it, the more doubts he felt.

"Su Xiaomei, next is Master Mingyi's match!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun looked over, and sure enough, he saw the handsome Mr. Ming Yi stepping onto the ring, and his opponent was a student of Bei Ming.

Not surprisingly, Young Master Mingyi won in the end.

"Hmph, you know how to show off your demeanor!" Feng Jue curled his lips in disdain.

Soon the day's game was over, and the rest who didn't have a game had to wait until the second day.

Su Chengyun and the others had all compared each other, so naturally there was nothing to worry about, and she had a good night's sleep, but Shangguan Youyue was not so lucky, Hua Shao gave her a special training for one night.

But Shangguan Youyue's special training was not in vain. After hard work on the second day, she won the opponent with a half-stroke advantage, which made her very happy.

So far, except for Nangong Yu who has a bye, the first part of the final is over, and 13 people have been selected.

"Haha, congratulations to the thirteen of you who have entered the second part of the finals. Since there are only 13 of you, the opponents will be selected by lottery this time, and you will get an empty lottery bye!" Qiu Tianqi announced at the start of the competition on the third day.

Soon, everyone drew lots.

"Hey, my opponent turned out to be that crazy woman Nangong Yu!" Feng said in disbelief.

"Ah, my opponent this time turned out to be the one with the highest cultivation in Beiming!" Shangguan Youyue wailed.

"Su Xiaomei, who is your opponent?" Feng Jue asked.

Su Chengyun shook the lottery in his hand: "Empty lottery!"

"Ah... Miss Su, you are so lucky!" Feng Jue said speechlessly.

"Mo Mo, where's yours?" Feng Jue began to ask Mo Mo.

"Mine is a student of Xiyue, named Kong Yu!" Mo Mo said.

"Oh my god, Momo's opponent this time is also very strong. It seems that except for Su Xiaomei, we are all at a disadvantage!" Feng Jue concluded.

"I guess I won't be able to make it this time, and the important task of winning honor for the academy will be left to you!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Hey, Nangong Yu, it's in my hands this time, let's see how I, Feng Jue, deal with that crazy woman!" Feng Jue said with the corners of his mouth pulled.

"Feng Jue, don't underestimate Nangong Yu, she is not as simple as she appears!" Su Chengyun hastily reminded, after thinking about it, she still felt that there was something wrong with Nangong Yu.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, just watch it and see how I teach her a lesson!" Feng Jue obviously didn't take Su Chengyun's words to heart.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun shook his head, let Feng Jue try Nangong Yu's details!

Soon the battle began.

Mr. Mingyi played against Dongqi student, and won slightly!
Shangguan Youyue battled Beiming students, and she lost miserably!
Momo lost against Xiyue Kongyu.

"Susu, Mo Mo has lost!" Mo Mo said disappointedly.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Momo, if you lose, you lose. It's no big deal. That Kong Yu is Xiyue's strongest student, and you won't be wronged if you lose to him!"

"Yeah, Momo, didn't I lose as well?" Shangguan Youyue also began to comfort Momo.

"En!" Momo finally stopped worrying about the defeat.

"Chengyun, I don't know if Fengjue can win or not, this Nangongyu seems to be different from before?" Shangguan Youyue watched the match between Fengjue and Nangongyu, doubts appeared in the courtyard.

Hey, this Nangong Yu really hid her cultivation, it's rare that she pretended so well and deceived many people.

"Feng Jue, this time it's a bit ominous!" Su Chengyun said in a deep voice.

"Ah, Nangong Yu is so strong?" Shangguan Youyue didn't believe it.

"Hey, I also hope it's just my guess, but Nangong Yu has only shown her basic strength now, and some hidden things have not been shown yet!" Su Chengyun said helplessly.

"Since this Nangong Yu is so strong, why did she still..." Shangguan Youyue asked suspiciously.

"It's just Dongqi Academy's blindfold!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah, what about Nangong Yu treating Mo Mo?" Shangguan Youyue glanced at Mo Mo.

"I guess that might be Nangong Yu's disposition, she just hides her strength!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, I don't know whether to say that Dongqi Academy is complicated, or that Nangong Yu is complicated!" Shangguan Youyue sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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