Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 304 There are only 4 people left

Chapter 304 Only Four People Left
Feng Jue lost. After fighting for a long time, he still lost. Although he lost slightly, he was still very unwilling to lose.

"Su Xiaomei, you want to avenge me!" Feng Jue bombarded Su Chengyun indiscriminately as soon as he came down, "Su Xiaomei, that Nangong Yu is really disgusting, I didn't expect it to be all fake before, even though I lied to it I'm so windy, Su Xiaomei, you must help me teach her a lesson!"

"Feng Jue, Cheng Yun has already reminded you to be careful of Nangong Yu, it was you who didn't pay attention!" Shangguan Youyue shook her head and sighed.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I will believe whatever you say from now on, I will never doubt your words again, I will never question you again! You have to help me teach that crazy woman Nangong Yu a lesson!" Feng Jue caught this girl again in the blink of an eye The topic seems to be extremely unwilling to lose.

"Okay, if they match, I will teach her a lesson! However, who knows if she has any hole cards!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hmph, so what if she has more hole cards? Is there still room for Su Xiaomei to jump around?" Feng Jue said trustingly.

Su Chengyun smiled and shook her head, she definitely had too much hope for this wind.

Two more games are over, and the second part of the game is all over.

The remaining students of Nancang Academy are Su Chengyun and Mr. Ming Yi.

Dongqi College is Nangong Yu.

Beiming Academy retains two students, namely Lu Ziping who defeated Shangguan Youyue and another student Gu Yu.

Xiyue College is Kong Yu who defeated Mo Mo and a girl named Tan Shuiqing.

"Haha, this is the end of today's competition. Tomorrow will be the third round of the final. The rules of the competition will be announced tomorrow. Let's go!" Qiu Tianqi said.

When they met back home, they met Hua Shao without any surprise.

"Hua Shao, I lost!" Shangguan Youyue said in shame.

Hua Shao smiled slightly: "Xiao Yue'er, you have performed very well. To me, it is an honor to lose, but Hua Shao is proud of you!"

"Ah..." Shangguan Youyue looked at Hua Shao in disbelief.

"Hehe, Xiaoyue'er, I never thought of you taking the first place, as long as you try your best to go anywhere!" Hua Shao said with a smile.

"Young Master Hua..." Shangguan Youyue had a bright smile on her lips.

"Hey, Young Master Hua, we've persuaded You Yue for a long time, so it's not as useful as your two words of praise!" Feng Jue teased.

"Hey, of course, this is my little Yue'er!" Young Master Hua replied without shame.

"Young Master Hua..." Shangguan Youyue lowered her head and gently tugged on Young Master Hua's sleeve.

"Hehe, Xiaoyue'er is shy. I won't tell you. Anyway, there is nothing about Xiaoyue'er tomorrow. I will take Xiaoyue'er to have a big meal. Seeing that my Xiaoyue'er is tired in just a few days Already!" Young Master Hua shook his head and sighed.

"Young Master Hua, I stepped on Chu Weiming hard for you, don't forget to promise me good wine!" Feng Jue hastily reminded.

"I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, just wait!" Hua Shao took Shangguan Youyue away, and Shangguan Youyue still smiled at everyone shyly.

"Hua Shao saw You Yue working hard, why didn't he see us working hard as well?" Feng Jue complained.

"Okay, I know you've been hurt today, how about I cook to comfort you?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, I knew you were the best!" Feng Jue's eyes were full of smiles, but he still refused, "Su Xiaomei, you still have a competition tomorrow, and you have to teach that crazy woman Nangong Yu a lesson. Can it make you tired?"

"It's okay, the ingredients are ready-made anyway!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.Even if the ingredients in the dormitory are not enough, she has a lot in her storage ring.

But before Su Chengyun and the others returned to the dormitory, they were invited back by Wei Ang. Looking at the piles of delicious food on the table, Feng Jue called Wei Ang enough.

"Hey, when I saw your defeat, I knew you must be upset, so I set up a table of food to comfort you, so that you don't have to worry about Chengyun!" Wei Ang said.

"Wei Ang, am I that kind of person?" Feng Jue stared at him.

"Hey, don't you know it best!" Wei Ang replied.

"Wei Ang..."

"Okay, okay, we can't live up to Wei Ang's intentions, let's eat quickly!" Su Chengyun said hurriedly.

"That's right, Feng Jue, why are you still acting like a child?" Mo Mo also persuaded, but the Feng Jue he persuaded was even more speechless. Being told by Mo Mo that he is like a child is really not a good experience.

"Eat, eat!" Depressed Feng Jue put his head down and started to eat, Su Chengyun and the others smiled and started to eat too.

The second day arrived as scheduled, and the seven people of Su Chengyun were particularly conspicuous, who left only a few people in the waiting area for the huge contestants.

Qiu Tianqi arrived as scheduled.

"Today's rules are the same as those of the previous two rounds. The lottery is still drawn, with one bye!" Qiu Tianqi announced the rules.

The results of the lottery came out soon.

Su Chengyun battles Beiming Gu Yu.

Young Master Ming Yi faced off against Xiyue Kong Yu.

Nangong Yu battles Xiyue Tanshuiqing.

Beiming Lu Ziping had a bye.

Although there are fewer people this time, the difficulty of the competition has increased a lot. They are all the best players left at the end. There is no one to rely on. The end of the three games is almost close to the usual end time.

And the result of the competition was also very surprising, one person from each academy was retained.

Su Chengyun in Nancang beats Gu Yu, Kong Yu in Xiyue wins Young Master Yi of Ming Dynasty, Nangong Yu in Dongqi wins Tan Shuiqing, and Lu Ziping in Beiming dies bye.

Seeing such a result, Su Chengyun had to guess that it must be the result of the operation of several college deans and several city lords.

There is definitely a problem with the lottery.

"Chengyun, congratulations on making it to the end!" Mr. Ming Yi didn't feel disappointed about losing the game, but congratulated Su Chengyun in a very gracious manner.

"I didn't expect to make it to the present!" Su Chengyun replied, Mr. Ming Yi's strength is not weak, but he met the more powerful Kong Yu, so he had to lose.

Mr. Mingyi didn't say anything, just left with a smile.Su Chengyun was able to fight him to a tie before, but now he has grown faster than he expected. During this period of time, he has been a little slack in cultivation. This time the defeat was not unfair. It seems that he will practice more diligently in the future up.

Mr. Ming Yi is also an arrogant master, he failed, and immediately made up his mind to make a comeback.

"Haha, Miss Su, I knew you would definitely win!" Feng Jue said excitedly.

"Feng Jue, are you still counting on Chengyun to help you deal with Nangong Yu? Didn't you watch her match?" Shangguan Youyue asked.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that Nangong Yu would hold back against me yesterday. Xiaomei Su, did Nangong Yu display her greatest strength today?" Feng Jue asked.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I'm afraid not. I asked Feng Shao about it. It is said that there is a little girl in Dongqi College who has a very powerful contract beast. But Feng Shao didn't inquire about who it is! But according to my estimation, that person should be It's Nangong Yu!" Su Chengyun said.

"I remember that in the final competition between the four colleges, they couldn't help but use contracted beasts!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Yes, it's for the players to display their maximum strength!" Feng Jue also said.

(End of this chapter)

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