Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 305 Contract Beast

Chapter 305 Contract Beast

The next day, the four-person finals began.

Qiu Tianqi rose into the air and said with a smile: "Today is the penultimate final match. The top four will be contested. You can choose your opponent freely! The winner will fight again, and the loser will fight again."

As soon as Qiu Tianqi finished speaking, Nangong Yu jumped out: "I choose Su Chengyun!"

Kong Yu and Lu Ziping all looked over.

"What are you looking at, do you men want to participate in the battle between us women?" Nangong Yu stared at him bluntly, and added, "Hmph, depending on how you look, this lady is not interested in fighting!"

Lu Ziping curled his lips directly, and said disdainfully: "Hmph, an arrogant woman who thinks she is a flower is actually a weed!"

Su Chengyun almost burst out laughing, this Lu Ziping from Beiming is really tough and poisonous, dare to speak to Nangongyu like this.

Sure enough, Nangong Yu was furious: "Hmph, if I were a weed, then you would be the mud that was trampled on the soles of your feet. As the saying goes, mud can't support the city wall, and you are the pile of mud that can't support it!"

Lu Ziping was not angry when he heard the words, but re-examined Nangong Yu: "I was wrong, I shouldn't say you are a weed!" Just when Nangong Yu was proud, Lu Ziping's next words almost drove her away in anger, "Nangong Yu, to say that you are a weed is an overestimation of you. At most, you are sewage discharged into the river. Everyone despises you, and finally disappears in the water!"

"Lu Ziping..." Nangong Yu gritted her teeth and stared at Lu Ziping with wide eyes.

"Hmph!" Lu Ziping stared back arrogantly, without any fear.

"Lu Ziping, do you dare to fight me?" Nangong Yu said, but she quickly realized, "Hmph, I was almost led by the nose by you. I will fight Su Chengyun first. If you beat Kong Yu , I will fight you again!"

"Haha, Nangong Yu, you are so sure that you can beat Su Chengyun, you are too overestimating yourself!" Lu Ziping mocked.

"Nangong Yu, do you think I will lose to Lu Ziping?" Kong Yu also said.

"Hmph, you'll only know if you can win or not!" Nangong Yu said, "I'll fight Su Chengyun first!"

"Hmph, why should I let you, Kong Yu, let's go first!" Lu Ziping jumped onto the ring, and Kong Yu jumped up with a laugh.

"" Nangong Yu was very annoyed at being preempted, but she couldn't pull the two of them down, so she could only watch angrily.

The battle between Lu Ziping and Kong Yu started, and the competition between the two was earth-shattering.

Lu Ziping is not the champion academy of the last four major college competitions, the strength is shocking, especially his contract beast, Snow Eagle, is the king of the sky, always suppressing Kong Yu's contract beast Silver Moon Wolf.

Although Kong Yu was also very strong, he was still a little bit weaker than Lu Ziping, and finally ended in failure after two hours of hard work.

Lu Ziping glanced at Nangong Yu provocatively.

"Hmph, just wait, I'll show you the win right away!" Nangong Yu said unconvinced.

"Su Chengyun, it's time for our match!" Nangong Yu greeted Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun jumped onto the ring and faced Nangong Yu.

"Su Chengyun, let's make a bet. If I win, how about Momo coming with me?" Nangong Yu looked at Su Chengyun and said.

"Hehe, Nangong Yu, do you want to bet on Momo?" Su Chengyun asked back.

"Hmph, it's not a bet, it's a symbol of my strength!" Nangong Yu argued.

"No matter what it is, Mo Mo is Mo Mo, he is not something you Nangong Yu can imagine!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, don't say such big words, which man doesn't worship strength?" Nangong Yu said disdainfully.

"Hehe, what a man worships is his own strength, not the strength of the woman he admires. If you want to impress a man with strength, you are making a big mistake!" Su Chengyun said, "Nangongyu, do you really think that the one you met before Do all the men take a fancy to your strength? They just take a fancy to the power of the City Lord's Mansion, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, fight if you want, I will let you know how powerful I am, Nangong Yu!" Nangong Yu started to attack Su Chengyun after speaking.

Su Chengyun was not afraid, and went forward.

The two of them showed various spiritual power skills frequently, and the people below were dazzled.

"Ah, when did Su Xiaomei become so strong, I really should drag Su Xiaomei to challenge every day!" Feng Jue regretted.

"Feng Jue, didn't you know about Cheng Yunqiang?" Shangguan Youyue pursed her lips and laughed.

"I knew Su Xiaomei was strong, but I didn't expect her to be this strong! Mo Mo, do you know?" Feng Jue turned to look at Mo Mo beside him.

"Mo Mo knows!" Mo Mo said.

"Then if you let Su Xiaomei surpass you, you won't aim at Su Xiaomei and surpass Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue said.

"I've been catching up, but Susu's progress is too fast, Mo Mo can't catch up!" Mo Mo said helplessly.

"Forget it, I've convinced you! I, Feng Jue, will never let Su Xiaomei go, what a challenger!" Feng Jue began to fantasize about his future life.

"But, Nangong Yu doesn't seem to be weak!" Shangguan Youyue couldn't help but worried when she watched Nangong Yu sacrifice the contracted beast.

"Wow, colorful tyrannosaurus!" Feng Jue also exclaimed, and then cursed, "Nangong Yu, this crazy woman, is really hiding deep enough to contract a colorful tyrannosaurus, which is a higher-level existence than spirit beasts, Su Xiaomei It's dangerous! What should I do? What should I do?" Feng Jue became anxious.

"Momo, aren't you worried about Chengyun?" Shangguan Youyue looked at the calm Momo and asked.

"Worry!" Mo Mo said.

Shangguan Youyue was speechless, and Mo Mo looked worried.

"By the way, Momo, what exactly is Su Xiaomei's contracted beast?" Feng Jue only thought of this question now.

"It's a little fire sparrow!" Momo replied.

"Little Huoque?" Feng Jue and Shangguan Youyue became even more worried when they heard the words, how could Little Huoque deal with the Colorful Tyrannosaurus?

Su Chengyun was also taken aback when he saw Nangong Yu's contracted beast.

"Haha, Su Chengyun is afraid, this is a colorful Tyrannosaurus, you just wait to die!" Nangong Yu laughed loudly.

The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly. The colorful tyrannosaurus, despite the word "dragon" in its name, has nothing to do with dragons. It is like a big lizard.

"Su Chengyun, you look down on my contract beast?" Originally, I wanted to see the frightened expression on Su Chengyun's face, but I didn't expect it to be disdain for the colorful tyrannosaurus, and I was immediately angry.

"Hehe, what's so proud of this kind of contracted beast!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"You..." Nangong Yu glared at Su Chengyun angrily, and waved his arm, "Go, tear her up for me!"

"No, Miss Su is in danger!" Feng Jue let out a low voice.

Shangguan Youyue also became nervous.

Su Chengyun stretched out his left arm indifferently: "Little Huoque, go!"

A small bird in the shape of a firefinch flew out of her arm, fluttered its wings and flew upwards, stopping in front of the colorful Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, is this your contract beast? A little bird, it's so funny!" Nangong Yu laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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