Chapter 318
Time passed by in a hurry, and soon it was time for the assessment of this semester. Su Chengyun had turned down the usual courses. She was just resting in peace of mind, but this assessment cannot be postponed. Nancang College has regulations, and the assessment fails Candidates will continue to take the test until they pass.

Of course, it is impossible for her not to participate, unless she gives up her status as a student.

"Sister, are you really going to take the assessment?" Su Junyu frowned and looked at Su Chengyun's already bulging belly, which could not be covered even by loose clothes. Doesn't everyone know that her sister is pregnant after going out? There have been rumors, but those people are just speculations in their hearts, but now that the facts are in front of everyone, it is conceivable that rumors must be flying all over the sky again. My sister has only been quiet for a few months, and it will not be calm again.

"Second brother, it's okay, isn't it just being said a few words by others? I just don't care!" Su Chengyun said.

"Sister, it's not a question of whether you care or not. You don't know how hurtful rumors are. Sister, I advise you not to go!" Su Junyu persuaded in a deep voice, he didn't want his sister to be hurt.

"Second brother, it's okay!" Su Chengyun was not as nervous as Su Junyu, and she was going to give birth sooner or later. There would still be rumors at that time, but in fact the rumors only spread for a while. When Mo Qiling came back, everything would be fine. No problem.

"younger sister?"

"Second brother, stop talking, I'm going to participate in the assessment, you wait for my good news!" Su Chengyun walked out with a smile, but when he opened the door, he saw Feng Jue reaching out to knock on the door. Standing Wei Ang and Shangguan Youyue.

"Miss Su, we are looking for you to take the assessment together!" Feng Jue said with a smile.

"Yes, Chengyun!" Shangguan Youyue and Wei Ang also said.

Su Chengyun smiled gratefully at the few people: "Then let's go!" She knew that these people were here to support her, after all, in this era, pregnancy without marriage is condemned.

Looking at the few people who left, Su Junyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked out quickly. He was going to find Adai. They had to do their best in this matter. No matter what, they couldn't let their sister get hurt.

As soon as Su Chengyun and the others walked out of the top dormitory area, they saw Mr. Mingyi waiting in front.

"I knew you guys would come together, I'm specially waiting for you here!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Then let's go together!" Feng Jue replied.

It seems that the two are not as tit-for-tat as before.

Going forward, I met more and more classmates. Of course, everyone noticed Su Chengyun's belly, after all, it couldn't be covered up.

Buzzing and low-pitched discussions sounded behind him, Feng Jue wanted to train others with a straight face, but was held back by Wei Ang.

"Wei Ang, why are you pulling me?" Feng said unconvinced.

"Feng Jue, if you want to cause more trouble for Cheng Yun, then go!" Wei Ang said directly.

"Hmph, how could I cause trouble for Su Xiaomei, they are obviously villains!" Feng Jue said.

"They're villains, let's just ignore them, what's the matter between you and villains, I don't know that villains are the most difficult to deal with!" Wei Ang said.

"Hmph, I just can't understand them like that? No quality, no brains, no compassion, Su Xiaomei is obviously a victim, but now she is being accused by others!" Feng Jue said.

"Feng Jue, stop, you don't do anything, that's the greatest protection for Cheng Yun, or that sentence, don't make trouble for Cheng Yun!" Wei Ang said directly, "Didn't you see that Mr. Ming Yi didn't speak? This matter If you can't argue, the more you argue, the more you will suffer!"

"Hmph..." Feng Jue snorted coldly.

"Feng Jue, Wei Ang, hurry up!" Shangguan Youyue urged from the front.

"Let's go, do you want Chengyun to invite you in person?" Wei Ang said.

Feng Jue saw Su Chengyun, who was looking back, immediately raised his footsteps, and Wei Ang was speechless for a while.

"You Yue, why didn't Young Master Hua accompany you?" Su Chengyun asked curiously, didn't Young Master Hua never leave You Yue?That guy simply regarded Nancang as his own home, regardless of his father's objection, he insisted on staying here, and even pretended to want revenge.Obviously he was chasing girls every day, but it was not in the name of revenge.

"Young Master Hua has returned to Xiyue!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Huh, have you gone back?" Su Chengyun raised his eyes in doubt.

"I just went back a few days ago. I wanted to say goodbye to you, but I stopped him. Anyway, he will come back soon!" Shangguan Youyue's voice lowered.

"Hehe, so it's Xiaobie?" Su Chengyun teased with a smile.

"Chengyun..." Shangguan Youyue stomped her feet.

Su Chengyun didn't tease Shangguan Youyue any more, but started to think about it. Young Master Hua has no benefit, so he must take action before going back. Go back and ask the second brother, the second brother wants to prevent her Being involved, she must have concealed a lot of things, which made her not well-informed now.

"Yo, who is this? Look at such a big belly, is it about to give birth?" Several people were walking when suddenly a bad voice sounded.

The people next to him turned their eyes to Su Chengyun's stomach when they heard the words, and some laughed disdainfully.

"Yang Shanshan?" Feng Jue frowned and looked at the man in front, it turned out to be Yang Shanshan.

Yang Shanshan ignored Feng Jue, but looked at Su Chengyun mockingly: "Su Chengyun, I didn't expect you to be so shameless after leaving the Lu family. Pregnant before marriage, it's a shame to us girls!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What does Su Xiaomei have to do with you and Yang Shanshan? Why do you judge me?" Feng Jue shouted.

"Haha, Su Chengyun didn't expect you to be so charming, and you were pregnant with other people's children. Feng Absolutely, you are still so protective. What kind of medicine did you say you gave them?" Yang Shanshan asked with a big laugh.

"Yang Shanshan, we are going to the assessment, don't get in the way!" Shangguan Youyue took a step forward, blocking Su Chengyun's front.

"Miss Shangguan, I heard that Miss Shangguan was taken back to the mansion by the city lord to teach in person, and she just returned to the academy, why don't you, a relative, go to see it?" Yang Shanshan asked with a smile.

Shangguan Youyue bit her lips when she heard this, stared at Yang Shanshan and said: "It seems that you like to meddle in other people's business, do you want to greet everyone present?"

"Ah, I don't mean that? I'm just worried that there will be news in Nancang City that the city lord's two daughters are not getting along soon, especially the news that Miss Di looks down on Miss Concubine!" Yang Shanshan said with a smile.

Hmph, a threat?
If Shangguan Youyue was afraid before, but now she is nothing to be afraid of.

"Bold, you dare to talk about the affairs of the city lord's mansion. Is it possible that you will be able to deal with the strategy of the four major cities tomorrow? It's really nonsense. Is it you, Yang Shanshan, or your Yang family? Does your Yang family have a different heart." Shangguan Youyue scolded with a straight face, Hua Shao said that the identity of the daughter of the city lord's mansion should be used if it should be used, there is no need to be idle.

Yang Shanshan was shocked when she heard the words, she looked at Shangguan Youyue in disbelief, is this still the cowardly person from before?Why did it become stronger all of a sudden?

Not only Yang Shanshan was puzzled, but the others were also puzzled.

Only Su Chengyun laughed, it seems that Hua Shao's influence is really too great.

(End of this chapter)

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