Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 319 Reborn

Chapter 319 Reborn
"If I hear you talking about the city lord's mansion again, you will be overwhelmed!" Shangguan Youyue glanced across the audience, threatening coldly.

"Yang Shanshan, do you have anything else to do?" Shangguan Youyue stared at Yang Shanshan and asked with emphasis.

"!" Yang Shanshan hurriedly said, at this moment, Shangguan Youyue seemed to have been completely reborn, which made her afraid to face the teasing.

"Then get out of the way!"

Yang Shanshan got out of the way, Shangguan Youyue turned back and walked forward with Su Chengyun's arm.

"You Yue, you are awesome today!" Su Chengyun praised sincerely.

But Shangguan Youyue broke down the tense face just now: "Chengyun, don't talk about it, my heart is beating right now!"

"Hehe, since you are afraid, why are you so brave?" Su Chengyun laughed.

"Little heartless! Am I supporting you?" Shangguan Youyue twisted Su Chengyun's arm.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" Su Chengyun yelled hastily.

"Come on. Don't I know how much effort I have used?" Shangguan Youyue rolled her eyelids, and then said, "Chengyun, I have also figured it out. To live in this world, one must be brave and fearless. It was also what you taught me when we participated in the selection competition at the very beginning, but it is a pity that I only realized it now."

"You Yue, why do you have such emotion?" Su Chengyun asked strangely, it is definitely not a trivial matter that can make You Yue learn from the pain and change.

"Chengyun, Youlan and her mother found out about my hidden appearance, and they poisoned me to destroy my appearance!" Shangguan Youyue sighed.

" did it get discovered?"

"It's a lot!"

"Huh?" Su Chengyun looked at Shangguan Youyue, glared at her and explained that she hadn't heard from Jin Duoduo for a long time.

"Youlan was taken back to the mansion by her father to face the wall and think about it, and Jin Duoduo was also excluded by her classmates in the academy. The two of them can be said to be connected by fate, so they came together again. I sigh every day. Duoduo also accidentally mentioned the matter of my hidden appearance. !” Shangguan Youlan explained.

"Unintentional? Was it really unintentional?" Su Chengyun sneered, knowing that Shangguan Youlan's mother and daughter regarded Youyue as a thorn in their side, and leaked such important information to them. Was it really unintentional to say it?
"A servant in the mansion told me this quietly! My mother was kind to her once. She eavesdropped on Youlan's mother and daughter, and she knew that they were going to deal with me, so she reported to me!" Shangguan Youyue smiled wryly. , she also hopes that Jin Duoduo said it unintentionally, but the possibility is too low.

"Did they poison you?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Well, it's off. Fortunately, I got the news and I was prepared and escaped that catastrophe!"

"Does Young Master Hua know?" Su Chengyun asked.

"This is what happened after Hua Shao left. They may have been afraid that Hua Shao would notice, so they waited until Hua Shao left before doing anything!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"You Yue, after the assessment is over, go to my dormitory to get some detoxification pills. There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but not a thousand days to prevent a thief. You have to be careful in the future!" Su Chengyun said.

"I know! To be honest, I don't want to go back to that home at all. At least I'm still safe in the academy. If I go back to that home, I may die!" It's too hard to have a home and not be able to go back. Swallowed.

"You Yue, don't worry, everything will pass, I will let the second brother and the others help you!" Su Chengyun comforted.

"Thank you, Chengyun! Relying on others is worse than relying on yourself. That family can't be relied on, and neither can dad. I was stupid before. I didn't know how to use my own status and status, and I was bullied for nothing. From now on, I You have to show off your identity and see who doesn't have eyes to bully me, I'll use my identity to smash them to death!" Shangguan Youyue said angrily.

"Haha, You Yue, you should have done this a long time ago!" Su Chengyun smiled and supported, since that family can no longer be counted on, let's make good use of his status.

"You Yue, are Shangguan Youlan and Jin Duoduo here today?" Su Chengyun asked.

"En!" Shangguan Youyue nodded.

"Since they know all about you, what are you hiding? If you can piss them off, piss them off!" Su Chengyun said bluntly.

"Ah, Chengyun, what do you mean?" Shangguan Youyue looked at Su Chengyun with wide eyes.

"You Yue, aren't you bothered by wearing a thick head curtain for so many years?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Annoying, annoying, I'm really annoying!" Shangguan Youyue also knew what Su Chengyun was thinking, and hurriedly said.

"Then let's remove it?" Su Chengyun said.

"Okay!" Shangguan Youyue replied with a smile, "Chengyun, I want to be myself, I'm just Shangguan Youyue from now on!"

"Well, let's just be ourselves!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Shangguan Youyue looked at Su Chengyun's stomach, Chengyun had the courage to face the world's accusations, there was nothing she couldn't face, and she couldn't always hide behind Hua Shao, she had to be strong herself.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, who is that?" At the assessment venue, everyone looked at a pleasing beauty with their mouths wide open.

"Hey, so familiar? Who is it? I'm sure it's our classmate?" a classmate said.

"Who is she? Am I going to chase her?"

"Look, she is with Su Chengyun and Mr. Mingyi? That person is Shangguan Youyue!"

"Shangguan Youyue?"

"Impossible? Shangguan Youyue is far behind her!"

"No, that's Shangguan Youyue!"

"Ah, really?"

"I don't believe it, when did Shangguan Youyue become a big beauty?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Haha, she is a great beauty!" Some young masters and young ladies of aristocratic families quickly figured out the key point. A young lady who is a direct descendant has been hiding her beautiful face for many years. If she is not threatened, how could she be like this? As for the situation, I immediately guessed that it must be that the concubine lady and the aunt couldn't tolerate the concubine lady, and the concubine lady had no choice but to play ugly to keep herself safe.

Thinking of this, many people became disdainful towards Shangguan Youlan, the city lord's mansion is really chaotic, and Miss Yi Chu was forced into this position.

Seeing the disdainful and mocking looks from all around, Shangguan Youlan suddenly became annoyed.

She also thought about ruining Shangguan Youyue's face secretly, but she didn't expect Shangguan Youyue to do this to her, and even exposed her face in front of everyone, making everyone laugh at her.

Shangguan Youlan took a deep breath in her heart, and asked Jin Duoduo who was beside her: "Didn't you say that Shangguan Youyue is timid? Is this timid?" With her in the army like this, she would have no choice but to destroy her face Don't think twice about it!

"I'm also wondering when Youyue put all her eggs in one basket!" Jin Duoduo had doubts in her eyes, but when she glanced at Su Chengyun and Fengjue beside Shangguan Youyue, hatred flashed in her eyes.

"I see, it must be Su Chengyun who gave her the idea, and only Su Chengyun would come up with such an idea!"

Shangguan Youlan's eyes swept towards Su Chengyun, Shangguan Youyue's weak temper, no one encouraged her, she really wouldn't be so bold, that person should be Su Chengyun without a doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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