Chapter 326
In the following days, Su Chengyun managed to convince Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi to let go, but someone from the Su family came.

Wen Xinlan was going to stop a few people, but Su Chengyun said: "Mother, they want to see me by name, if they don't see me, I'm afraid they won't give up, let's meet!"

Wen Xinlan finally nodded, and invited a few people in unhappily.

There were three people who came, an elderly man and two young boys. As soon as they saw Su Chengyun, they looked at her stomach in surprise: "Why haven't you given birth yet?" They rushed here counting the time when Su Chengyun gave birth , But what's going on, why hasn't it been born yet, the three of them don't look very good for a while.

As soon as the three of them spoke, everyone in the dormitory had some guesses about the matter.

"Are you here to see the child? The child hasn't been born yet?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Whoever comes to see the child, we are here to invite you back to the family!" A young man said.

"May I ask who you are?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"I am Su Zhexing from the direct line of my family, this is Su Zheshi from the collateral line, and this is the second elder!" The man introduced arrogantly.

"Are you here to invite me back to the family?" Su Chengyun asked casually.

"That's right! Since you have awakened the Phoenix bloodline, you must return to the family!" said the second elder.

"But, can you go back seeing me now?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three of them became pale.Things were beyond their expectations, which caught them off guard and exasperated them.

"Hmph, we'll just wait for your child to be born, it won't take too long anyway!" said the Second Elder.

"Haha, you are all wrong, my daughter will not be born for more than two years!" Wen Xinlan said with a smile.

"What?" All three of them opened their mouths wide in surprise, and looked over in disbelief.

"You are talking nonsense, no one would be pregnant for such a long time!" Su Zheshi was the first to curl his lips in disbelief.

"That's right, who are you fooling!" Su Zhexing didn't believe it either.

The second elder frowned slightly and asked, "Really?" He was asking about Su Hongyi. Su Hongyi was the head of the family, and his right to speak was the most important.

Su Hongyi nodded: "That's right!"

"Second Elder, do you believe their words?" Su Zhexing looked at the Second Elder with a frown, not understanding why the Second Elder believed such outrageous words.

The second elder waved his hand to signal Su Zhexing not to speak, he looked at Su Chengyun: "Where is the father of the child?"

"He's not here!" Su Chengyun said directly.

"Can you let me see you!" the second elder said.

"My sister said that her brother-in-law is not here, how can I let you see her!" Su Junyu said displeased.

"Second Elder, you suspect that my long pregnancy has something to do with the child's father, why don't you guess it's because I awakened the Phoenix blood!" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"This..." The second elder fell silent, and said for a long time, "Su Chengyun, since there are still more than two years to go into labor, you don't feel at ease in the family outside, why don't you go back to the family, be careful on the way and you'll be fine!"

"No!" Wen Xinlan was the first to object, staring at the second elder and said, "What if something happens, my daughter won't take this risk!"

"The child belongs to the Su family and must return to the family!" Seeing Wen Xinlan's objection, the second elder couldn't help but become firm.

"Hmph, I've never heard that the daughter of the family has given birth to a child. The child has become a family. What's the matter without my son-in-law?" Wen Xinyan retorted.

"Hmph, what do you know? Su Chengyun has awakened the Phoenix bloodline, and the child has been pregnant for so long, so it must be extraordinary when he is born. This is all because of the Phoenix bloodline. Of course, the child will belong to the family!" said the second elder.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, this was an idea to hit her child, this family has a big heart, not only wants her to return to the family, but also wants her child to return to the family.

"Aren't you afraid that the child's father will find him?" Su Chengyun asked softly, if Mo Qiling made a move, would the family be able to handle it?
"Isn't that kid helpless? Let him join our Su family. Besides, he disappeared while you were pregnant, so it can be seen that he is not a responsible person. Don't worry! I will find you a good one when you go back." Man!" The second elder said directly.

"Hmph, no one in the world can compare to Mo Mo, my son-in-law is only Mo Mo!" Wen Xinlan is not happy, this family still wants to influence her daughter's future life?

"Your family is so unreasonable. Why do you treat my sister like this? Besides, have you ever raised your sister? Why must my sister follow you back to the family now?" Su Junyu said displeased.

"Boy, it's you again. You are as stubborn as your elder brother. What's wrong with Su Chengyun returning to the family?" Su Zhexing said.

"Hmph, what's so good, how can I be as comfortable as I am now!" Su Junyu said.

"Hmph, no matter what you say, as long as the Phoenix blood is awakened, it must stay in the family, and no one can stop it!" Su Zhexing said.

"No, I, the father, don't agree!" Su Hongyi said firmly.

"Su Hongyi, don't forget, you are also from the Su family!" said the second elder.

"Haha, I'm from the Su family, that's why our branch will become the bait, and we've been doing it for many years. We can say that we have been dedicating to the Su family, but what about you, are you going to imprison my daughter?" Su Hongyi sternly said .

"Why is it imprisoned? After Su Chengyun returns to the family, we will take good care of it!" said the second elder.

"Yeah, I can only move within an inch of space and live in hiding like you. My daughter now has an aboveboard status, so why should she hide with you? She can't see the light!" Su Hongyi said.

"Su Hongyi, don't forget, everything you have is given by the Su family!" The second elder was also a little angry.

"Wrong, your Su family didn't give us anything other than our blood. Everything we have now was earned by ourselves, and the moment my ancestors made the bait, they already expressed that they were given by the Su family. Abandoned, life or death is all due to my own efforts, so what does it have to do with you!" Su Hongyi said.

"Second Uncle is right! You separated us a long time ago, and I remember that the bait can freely choose whether to return to the family! You can't force my sister like this! As long as my sister doesn't want to, you can't let her return to the family! " Su Junyu also said.

"On the contrary, as the Su family, you actually say such a thing?" Su Zheshi said angrily.

"Haha, did you think of our Su family in the past? Did your younger sister awaken the phoenix blood before you remembered that our branch was drifting away!" Su Junyu said.

"How could it be, the family has always remembered it!" the second elder hurriedly said.

"Second Elder, I'm young, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid! Do you remember that you know best in your own hearts!" Su Junyu said bluntly.

"It seems that none of you want Su Chengyun to return to the family, Su Chengyun, do you mean the same?" The second elder looked at Su Chengyun who was sitting leisurely.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Since they have been separated, it's better not to go back. Everyone, please be safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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