327 Threat
"Su Chengyun, you really don't want to return to the family?" The second elder asked again with a frown.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I think I'm doing well now, there's no need to return to the family!"

"Su Chengyun, returning to the family will help you develop better!" The second elder persuaded again.

"I'm developing very well now!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

The second elder saw Su Chengyun, who was not in the oil and salt, and was anxious: "It's really stubborn, Su Chengyun, I told you clearly that letting you return to the family is a unanimous decision of the whole family, and you can't object to it. We will come here in good spirits." Please return to the family, you don’t want to toast and eat fine wine, if you let the family take measures, the gain will outweigh the loss, you should think about it!”

"Don't think about it, I won't return to the family!" Such a barbaric family doesn't care if they don't return.

"Su Chengyun, you really think it over!" The second elder asked sharply.

"Think it over!" Su Chengyun said.

"Don't change your mind?"

"to not fix!"

"Okay, Su Chengyun, it seems that you are going to force us to take measures!" said the second elder.

"What are you going to do to my daughter?" Su Hongyi stopped in front of Su Chengyun, glaring at the second elder and the three.

"Hmph, since you are all against it, what else is there to talk about, Su Hongyi, Su Chengyun, we will definitely take him away, and none of you can stop it!" said the second elder.

"How dare you?" Su Hongyi said angrily.

"Hmph, it's just you guys who want to stop us from taking people away, you're beyond your control!" The Second Elder finished speaking and took out a small tube from his body, reaching out to open it.

When Su Chengyun saw this, the cup in his hand popped out instantly, Xiao Guan was taken away, Su Junyu jumped up, and with a wave of his sleeve, Xiao Guan flew out of the door again.

"It's medicine, it can make people stunned instantly, and the medicine is very strong!" Su Junyu closed the dormitory door again, and took another pill.

"You guys are so despicable, you actually drugged us?" Su Hongyi's face turned livid.

The faces of the second elder and the three were also extremely ugly. They did not expect that the medicine they prepared would be destroyed so easily.

Su Chengyun was also very angry, even taking medicine, what if he hurts the child?
"Hmph, the Su family is really well-mannered, it's so aggressive, my daughter will never go back to the Su family!" Wen Xinlan said angrily.

"I don't believe that you have been able to hide once, and you can hide twice. Anyway, Su Chengyun's return to Su's house is settled. If you, Su Chengyun, go back with us obediently, everything will be easy to talk about. If you continue to be stubborn , then don’t blame us for being rude, you can imagine the result when you go back!” the second elder threatened coldly.

"That's right, don't think that you can look down on the Su family so much because you have awakened the Phoenix bloodline. There is no such bold member in the Su family!" Su Zhe said.

"Hmph, we are not the Su family!" Su Hongyi said coldly, there is no need to recognize such a Su family.

"If you say you won't do it, then don't do it. This is not something you can decide. It's okay if you don't do it, unless you get rid of your Phoenix bloodline!" said the second elder.

"You guys... are deceiving people too much!" Su Hongyi was furious.

"That's right, don't bully people too much, we are not easy to bully!" Su Junyu also said angrily.

"Daddy, second brother, don't be angry!" Seeing that the two were very angry, Su Chengyun hurriedly advised.

"Hey, Yun'er, I really shouldn't let you see disgusting people like them!" Wen Xinlan sighed.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, have you changed your mind and want to go back with us?" the Second Elder asked.

Su Chengyun looked over coldly: "Second Elder, I didn't say to change my mind! Second Elder, if you are sensible, please turn around and leave the door. If you are not sensible..." Su Chengyun's eyes flashed A trace of cruelty.

"Hmph, what if we don't agree to you?" The second elder asked with squinted eyes. This Su Chengyun dared to threaten them in turn.

"Hehe, Second Elder, although the glory of the Su family has passed for a thousand years, there should be quite a few families and forces looking for the Su family!" Su Chengyun said casually.

The second elder opened his eyes in surprise when he heard the words: "Su Chengyun, you actually want to spread news about the Su family!"

"Su Chengyun, you are also from the Su family, how could you do this?" Su Zhexing stared.

"Hmph, what an unfilial son of the family!" Su Zheshi also said.

"If you force me again, I don't mind spreading all the news about your Su family!" Su Chengyun said.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, even if you confess us, you won't be able to shake the foundation of the Su family. Could it be that we will betray the family?" Su Zhe said.

"Hehe, you really have been out of the world for too long, so naive! Do you really think that no one knows where the Su family is?" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"It's impossible for anyone to know!" Su Zheshi said.

"Hehe, if you hide well, no one will know, but you have come out and sneaked around before, so no one knows?" Su Junyu said.

"Su Junyang, Su Junyu, you actually sent someone to follow you?" The second elder immediately thought of the mystery inside. He must have been followed by the two brothers the last time he had contact with the Su family brothers and found the family's location.

"Hmph, you guys are really treacherous!" The second elder shook his sleeves.

"I can't help it. With your family being the burden, we always have to prevent the day when your head gets hot and drags us into the water!" Su Junyu said.

The second elder and the three were anxious when they heard the words, what does this mean, they are so worried about their family.

"Su Chengyun, Su Junyu, don't forget that you are also from the Su family, if the news leaks out, what good will you get?" Su Zhexing said.

"Hehe, the Su Family Pharmacy Hall is very popular now. Some people are so greedy that they want to annex the Su Family Pharmacy Hall. You say that the news is spreading, how true is it?" Su Chengyun said slowly.

"Haha, sister, this method is good, and I can completely separate myself from my family!" Su Junyu laughed.

The second elder and the three were stunned for a while, and then their faces became extremely ugly, and they couldn't help thinking in their eyes.

"Could it be that you really have the idea of ​​annexing the Su Family Pharmacy Hall?" Su Chengyun frowned and asked, the reaction of these three people was too strange.

"Su Family Pharmacy Hall belongs to me, Su Junyu. I will fight with anyone who makes up his mind!" Su Junyu said sharply.

"Why are you making up your mind, aren't you from the Su family?" Su Zhexing said quickly.

"Hmph, it seems that you have that idea. We haven't returned to the clan yet, and we are not counted as the Su family. Besides, we have returned to the clan. The Su Family Pharmacy Hall was built by our team. What does it have to do with your family?" , you don’t want to think about our Su family’s property!" Su Junyu said coldly, the Su family’s family is really a good idea, seeing their property is booming, they want to belong to the family, is there such a good thing?
"Hmph, do you want to take over the Xingyue Palace and the Temple?" Wen Xinlan asked coldly, she didn't believe that the Su family didn't find out about them.

The second elder and the three had embarrassing expressions on their faces. Give them a little courage, and they don't dare to think about the central area!
(End of this chapter)

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