Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 331 Eavesdropping

Chapter 331 Eavesdropping
Su Chengyun's life became ordinary again, every day besides recuperating, he still rested, but the people of the Su family were busier.

This day, Su Chengyun was walking in the courtyard, and faintly heard voices outside the wall. She couldn't help walking towards the wall, but heard a warm and blue voice.

"Lu Huiping, Ma'am, what are you doing here?" Wen Xinlan's voice was sullen.

"Hmph, why can't we come, Xinxinlan, your daughter killed my daughter, I'm here to seek justice for my daughter!" The eldest lady said directly.

"Haha, ask my daughter for justice, let alone say that Lu Ruyun was not killed by my daughter, so what if it was my daughter who killed her? Don't look at how you have educated your daughter. Don't say you have vicious thoughts. Take my daughter's life, hmph, my daughter's life is hard, whoever wants my daughter's life will take it!" Wenxin Lan said coldly.

"Win Xin Lan, can your daughter compare with mine? Your daughter's thousand lives are not as good as my daughter's one life!" The eldest lady roared.

"Hmph, how noble you really think of your own daughter, now she's just a ghost!" Wen Xinlan said indifferently.

"Win Xinlan, if it wasn't for your daughter to take over the man my daughter likes, would Ruyun go into a dead end? It's all your fault, this woman. Su Hongyi should have belonged to Huiping, but you snatched her away. Now your daughter You stole my daughter's beloved man again, you mother and daughter are really enough!" said the lady.

"Sister-in-law!" Lu Huiping tugged on the sleeve of the eldest lady.

"Huiping, what are you afraid of? I'm telling the truth. Back then, you were going to be engaged to Su Hongyi. If she hadn't appeared for Wen Xinlan, things would have changed?" The eldest lady patted Lu Huiping's arm.

Lu Huiping lowered her head slightly, an undetectable light flashed in her eyes.

"Haha, what a joke! Lu Huiping, if Su Hongyi liked you, he would naturally get engaged to you. Would he give up on you just because of my appearance? It can be seen that Su Hongyi doesn't like you at all. Besides, Su Hongyi thought he was rescued by your Lu family Those who returned home treated you as relatives and got engaged to them. He couldn't accept it at all, so everything was just your Lu family's wishful thinking. You never asked Su Hongyi's attitude, but seeing me and Su Hongyi together, you It was just revealed that he and Lu Huiping were going to get engaged, haha, were you also surprised when you didn't see Su Hongyi? He didn't even know this happened!"

"As for my daughter and Mo Mo, they have known each other in the World of Warcraft Forest for a long time. Your daughter just saw that Mo Mo is beautiful, so she wanted to post it, and she didn't care about her reserve and the overlord's bow. What happened, did Mo Mo ever feel tempted? Don’t want any, it shows that Mo Mo doesn’t take your daughter seriously! It seems that wishful thinking is a tradition of your Lu family, if you don’t get it, you will send someone to assassinate my daughter, your daughter is really enough!” Wen Xinlan said to The eldest lady roared.

"Wenxinlan, you are talking nonsense!" The doctor shook her fingers angrily.

"Haha, everything I said can be verified, but I didn't talk nonsense! Your daughter is dead, don't rely on my daughter, I, Wen Xinlan, will be the first to refuse!" Wen Xinlan said coldly the way.

"My daughter was killed by your daughter. After Su Chengyun visited the prison, my daughter died. Was it her or who?" The eldest lady insisted.

"Haha, haven't you seen your daughter's letter of repentance? Your daughter is apologizing to my daughter because of her death!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Impossible, Ruyun is not such a person?" The eldest lady said angrily, how could her Ruyun atone for her sins like Su Chengyun.

"No, Xinxinlan, you ask Su Chengyun to come out, I want to confront her personally!" the eldest lady yelled.

"Hmph, why should my daughter come out to confront you? You clearly know that my daughter is pregnant, and you still ask my daughter to come out to do something. If you play tricks, my daughter is still alive!" Xin Xinlan directly refused.

"What, Su Chengyun is guilty? Dare not come to see me?" The lady said with a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, how can my daughter be afraid of you! My daughter won't see you, your Lu family doesn't have a good person!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Win Xinlan, how can you say that? At least Su Hongyi has lived in our Lu family for so many years!" Lu Huiping said.

"Haha, you can go and ask how Su Hongyi ended up in your Lu family? Don't think that no one knows the truth because your Lu family kept it a secret!" Wen Xinlan said coldly.

"You...what do you know?" Da Furen stopped mourning and asked.

"Haha, don't worry about what I know, in short, your Lu family has done so many outrageous things, there will always be retribution!"

"Hmph, it's not up to you whether the retribution will happen or not. Our Lu family has already moved back to Nancang City. As long as Su Chengyun is in Nancang City, I will never give up!" said the lady.

"Returning to the original family is also being used as cannon fodder. You should ask for more blessings!" Wen Xinlan sneered, and hoped that you would all survive until the day of their revenge.

"Sister-in-law, let's go!" Lu Huiping also saw that they couldn't please Wen Xinlan at all, so she persuaded.

"Wenxinlan, don't be complacent, the pain of losing my daughter will be felt by you one day!" The eldest lady threatened coldly.

"There won't be such a day. If you want to follow in your daughter's footsteps, I can help you!" Wen Xinlan said to the lady, and then looked at Lu Huiping, "Lu Huiping, Su Hongyi didn't belong to you before, and won't be in the future." It will belong, so don’t think about things that don’t belong to you!”

"Win Xin Lan, you... what are you talking about?" A trace of panic appeared in Lu Huiping's eyes.

"Hehe, is it nonsense that you know the most in your heart, let your own husband not miss you, but miss someone else's husband, Lu Huiping, you are enough! I don't know if you will feel ashamed when you see your husband and daughter ?” Wen Xinlan asked with a smile.

"Warm Lan..." An angry look appeared on Lu Huiping's face.

"Huiping, don't worry about it! Her Wenxinlan is just a villain's success!" The eldest lady hastily persuaded.

"Hmph, sister-in-law, let's go!" Lu Huiping helped the eldest lady and left, Wen Xinlan looked at the backs of the two and sneered.

"Hey, Yun'er, what are you doing?" When Wen Xinlan returned to the courtyard, she happened to see Su Chengyun walking out from the bottom of the wall, and asked suspiciously, then looked at the courtyard wall, thinking of the location outside, "Yun Son, are you eavesdropping?"

"Mother, did you overhear it?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that those two people will be angry and push you to the courtyard wall?" Wen Xinlan nodded Su Chengyun's forehead, "Go, go back to the house, it's cold outside!"

"Hey, my daughter is very relieved to have someone as powerful as my mother here!" Su Chengyun smiled and flattered her.

"Hmph! Stay away from the courtyard wall in the future, do you understand?" Wen Xinlan ordered.

"Of course, Mother!" Su Chengyun hurriedly replied, she was not an eavesdropper, this time it was just an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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