Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 332 Spy

Chapter 332 Spy
Su Chengyun's life continues to be as calm as water, but recently she always has a vague feeling, as if there is an ethereal thread trying to connect.

On this day, Su Chengyun leaned on the soft sofa and wanted to take a nap, but he did not expect to enter a world like a dream and fog.

Seeing the misty white mist in front of him, Su Chengyun frowned slightly, not knowing where he was.



Just when she was at a loss, she suddenly heard two clear and ethereal child voices, that vague feeling reappeared, but this time it was extremely clear.

"Who?" Su Chengyun's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced around while asking.

"Mother, go forward!" After a long time, the child's voice sounded again.

Su Chengyun had a faint feeling in her heart, and she tried to walk forward.

"Mom, hurry up!" Another child voice urged.

Hearing this, Su Chengyun quickened her pace, but after she had walked more than ten meters, a dazzling white light shone in front of her eyes. Su Chengyun hurriedly protected her eyes, and when she opened them again, she found that she was in the previous hall surrounded by It is a familiar decoration, how can there be white mist.

"Yun'er, what's the matter, are you sleepy?" Wen Xinlan couldn't help joking when she saw the confused Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Mother, are you making fun of me?"

"Where is it?" Wen Xinlan didn't admit it.

"By the way, mother, haven't daddy and the others come back yet?" Su Chengyun looked outside and asked.

"I've come back, they are discussing things in the study!" Wen Xinlan said.

"What's the matter, things have changed?" Su Chengyun caught the fleeting helplessness in Wen Xinlan's eyes.

Seeing that her daughter is so smart, Wen Xinlan nodded and sighed, "The matter of stealing the phoenix feather armor has been leaked!"

Su Chengyun was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Mom, what's going on?" This matter is very confidential, how could it be leaked?

"Hey, do you still remember that Ah Rong from the Su family?" Wen Xinlan asked.

"Remember!" Su Chengyun nodded, "What does this have to do with Ah Rong?"

"Arong is someone from the Lu family who was placed in the Su family. Apart from Arong, the Lu family has also arranged for people. There are also people from the Lu family in the Xingyue Palace and the Temple, and they have lurked beside me and your father!" Wen Xinlan was furious. the way.

"How could this happen?" Su Chengyun was completely surprised this time. Before, he only knew that the Nancang Lu family had placed a lot of people in various major forces and families, but now they have so many people around them!

"Mother, how did you find out?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, this time the plan failed, we have been looking for the reason, and finally found so many spies!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mother, are there any missing people?"

"There won't be any here. We've dealt with the ones that were a little bit suspicious, and the rest are the ones we trust the most. But there should be some left over from the Xingyue Palace, the Shrine, and the Su family!" Wen Xinlan said.

"The energy of the Lu family is really strong enough to arrange so many people. Mother, I suspect they already knew that the Su family in Liuyun City was with us. At the beginning, the Lu family suspected that we had the blood of the Phoenix. Take action to destroy the family, all the actions of Wangyue Lu's family are under the control of Nancang's Lu family!" Su Chengyun said.

"They shouldn't be sure at the beginning!" Wen Xinlan hesitated for a moment.

"Even if they have a little suspicion, they will make arrangements, just like how parents deal with suspected spies. Besides, my appearance is similar to that of the second brother. It is easy to think that we are related. The Su family also It is not a small family, so it is very thought-provoking for my father to leave the family, and they may have determined that our family is the Su family with the blood of the phoenix!" Su Chengyun analyzed.

"Yun'er's analysis is very reasonable. This can also explain why so many people sneaked into the Su family early. As for me and the people around your father, they should have been lurking in the Xingyue Palace and the Temple for a long time, but they just broke into it recently. They came to us! Hey, we were careless too. We were eager to expand our power and neglected to investigate these people, so we were taken advantage of." Wen Xinlan sighed.

"Mother, luckily it didn't cause any serious disaster. It's not too late to pay attention now. The Lu family is slowly leaking out. We are not the only enemies!" Su Chengyun comforted.

"This mother knows, it's just a pity for the Phoenix Feather Armor. Your father and the others have worked hard for the Phoenix Feather Armor for a long time, and now they have failed. They must be very disappointed!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Loss is certain!" She would be lost too. The phoenix feather armor is the key to their awakening of the phoenix bloodline, and Su Junyang is only one step away from awakening. "Mother failed this time, we can do it again next time, the phoenix feather armor belongs to the Su family, it must be taken back from the Lu family, even if it is snatched!" Su Chengyun said firmly.

"The Lu family must be prepared, and it may not be so easy to snatch it again!" Wen Xinlan sighed.

"Don't worry, mother, there will always be a solution!" Su Chengyun comforted.

"En!" Wen Xinlan looked at Su Chengyun and said hesitantly, "Yun'er, mother may have to leave for a while!"

"Mother wants to go back to Xingyue Palace?" Su Chengyun immediately understood what Wen Xinlan meant.

Wen Xinlan nodded: "That's right, I want to go back and reorganize the power of Xingyue Palace, and get rid of all the spies!"

Su Chengyun pondered for a moment when he heard the words: "Mother, are you going to take strong measures?"

"Yes, I was too kind in the past, so the power of the Xingyue Palace has never been able to shrink together. This time I will be tough and forcefully integrate the forces. No matter what, I am the legitimate owner of the Xingyue Palace. In this troubled autumn, Yu Gongyu You can't let the Xingyue Palace fall apart!" Wen Xinlan exuded an aura of power when she said this, which is the aura of a long-term high-ranking person, and the aura that belongs to the owner of the Xingyue Palace.

"Mom, are the people around you reliable?"

"Don't worry, Yun'er. I am surrounded by trustworthy people, and they will swear to protect me to the death. Moreover, most of the forces in Xingyue Palace have been incorporated by me. Although the remaining ones are a bit powerful, mother is not afraid. I There is still the means from the previous palace lord, which is enough to frighten them and make them surrender!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mother has success in mind!" Su Chengyun said, Wenxin Lan must have made such a plan with complete assurance, and now she can support it if she can't help, "By the way, daddy will come back ?"

"If your father doesn't come back, mother doesn't want your father to be involved in the matter of Xingyue Palace. Mother will use her own strength to regain the power of Xingyue Palace!" Wen Xinlan replied.

"Well, that's fine! Mom, when are you leaving? Does daddy know?" Su Chengyun asked the key point.

"Your father and I have already mentioned it, and he also supports it. I am going to leave early tomorrow morning!"

"Mother, before you leave, go to the second brother and ask him to refine some potions for you. If you can solve it with a simple method, use a simple method!" Su Chengyun said indifferently.

"Little clever ghost!" Wen Xinlan said angrily, "Mother knows, mother will preserve her power, and if she can fight recklessly, she will never fight recklessly with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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