Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 336 Discussion

Chapter 336 Discussion
"Chengyun, in fact, what Jun Yu said is not unreasonable. What if, like my mother, I don't have the life to have a boy, or what if I only have a son?" Chang Shao said annoyed.

"Hey, Young Master Chang, in fact, the inability to have a child may be due to some problems between the two of them. As long as the treatment is complete, it will be fine to have a child!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah? But my mother also went to see a doctor in secret, and her body is fine at all!" Chang Shao said.

"Chang Shao, having a child is a matter between two people. Your mother is fine, so the problem may appear on your father!" Seeing that Chang Shao wanted to argue, Su Chengyun continued, "Your parents can give birth to you on behalf of It means that their fertility is not a problem, and it is very likely that something happened later that affected the body and made it impossible to conceive a child!"

"Chengyun, do you think if my parents find out the reason now, can they have another child?" Chang Shao's eyes lit up and he asked anxiously.

"Your parents are not particularly old, and it is possible to have children, but it will be very hard and there are certain dangers!" Su Chengyun said truthfully, Chang Shao's mother is also in her forties. Having a child is an advanced maternal age, which is indeed dangerous.

"Chengyun, can you help my parents take a look? I want them to conceive another child, preferably a boy, so that the Chang family will have a descendant!" Chang Shao said.

"Can you convince your father to see this disease?" Su Chengyun asked.

"This..." Chang Shao hesitated, if his father knew that she took him to see this kind of disease, he would definitely walk away.

Chang Shao cast his eyes on Su Chengyun again, and his eyes flashed pitifully.

"Chang Shao, it's useless to see my sister, how can my sister diagnose your father with her current appearance?" Su Junyu said immediately.

"I..." Chang Shao lowered his head.

"Chang Shao, let's put the diagnosis of your father in the future, the most important thing now is your marriage!" Su Junyu reminded.

"Yes, yes!" This is the most important thing, "I'm afraid that the family has already arranged a marriage for me!" Chang Shao said very worriedly.

"Chang Shao, even if the family has arranged a marriage for you, it's no big deal. It's not easy to get married, but it's not easy to destroy a family!" Su Junyu said carelessly.

"Ah? Wouldn't this harm a good girl!" Chang Shao shook his head and said.

"Chang Shao, it depends on the girl and her family. If they are not bad, then take gentle measures. If they are not good, they have the idea of ​​clinging to your Chang family. If they are ruined, they will be ruined. Why do you care? "Su Junyu feels that these are nothing, and they can be solved easily, "Chang Shao, weren't you very vigorous before? Why did a small marriage tie you up and run away?" Su Junyu looked at it suspiciously Often less.

"I... Didn't I panic? I was afraid that my identity would be leaked, and everyone would scold me!" Chang Shao whispered.

"Why do they scold you, and you didn't do anything to them? It's just that some women are jealous of your ability, and some men are jealous that you are not as good as you!" Su Junyu said, "Just let them be jealous, and you won't lose a piece of meat .”

Chang Shao couldn't laugh or cry: "It's not as simple as you said!"

"Hmph, what's complicated, I'll send a message back and let the eldest brother find out what's going on in your Chang family!" Su Junyu said, and walked out after speaking.

And Auntie stepped forward and took Chang Shao's hand: "Chang Shao, what Jun Yu said is right, there is nothing hard to overcome, everything will be fine!"

Chang Shao lowered his head in shame: "Auntie, I lied to you, but you still treat me so well, I..."

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? You didn't mean it on purpose, and you didn't have malicious intentions. Our Su family is not an unreasonable family. How could we care about these things with a child like you!" Auntie smiled and patted Chang Shao's Karate.

"Thank you, Auntie!" Chang Shao said gratefully.

"Good boy!"

Chang Shao bid farewell and left, but Auntie showed a meaningful smile on her face.

"Auntie, are you in love with a wife?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Hey, Chengyun, what do you think of Chang Shao?" Auntie asked.

"It's okay!" Su Chengyun replied, "It matches the second brother very well!"

"Haha, Chengyun, do you think so too?" My aunt asked with a smile, "Hey, my aunt thinks so too! Chang Shao has been inseparable since he met Jun Yu, and the relationship between the two is very good! This time Chang Shao came straight to Jun Yu whenever she had a difficult problem to solve, if she said she didn't have Aunt Jun Yu in her heart, I wouldn't believe it!"

"It's a pity that neither of them realized it!" Su Chengyun shook his head.

"Haha, I can see Jun Yu's expression when she first heard that Chang Shao was a daughter, she was both surprised and happy, she was completely overjoyed!" Auntie said with a smile.

"Auntie, it seems that you are really satisfied with Chang Shao's role as daughter-in-law! But the Chang family is still in trouble!" Su Chengyun said.

"If it was before, I really didn't have the confidence to challenge the Chang family. After all, the strength of the two families was similar at that time. However, the Su family has risen in the past two years, far surpassing the Chang family. It is hard to say whether the Chang family dares to challenge our Su family!" The aunt said, "I'll tell Chang's family directly that I want Chang Shao's daughter-in-law, and they dare not say anything!"

"Hehe, the Chang family estimates the terms of the negotiation! After all, Chang Shao is the only child of the Chang family. If there are no other children born in the Chang family, they will have to rely on Chang Shao for the continuation of the offspring!" Su Chengyun said, "And I I think that the Chang family is likely to recruit a son-in-law. After all, Chang Shao married out and recruited a son-in-law. They are two different things. After they get married, it will not be so easy for them to control, how can they stay in the family?"

"Chengyun's analysis is also correct. Recruiting a son-in-law is the most beneficial to the Chang family. But Jun Yu must never come to be a son-in-law. Not to mention your uncle disagrees, your grandfather always disliked the lack of family members, so send it out One, I will probably be pissed off!" Auntie said after a moment of silence.

"Auntie, if you really like Chang Shao as a daughter-in-law candidate, you might as well tell the elder brother about the situation, and let the elder brother find out what the Chang family has to say!" Su Chengyun suggested.

"Hey, I have to tell your elder brother about this. Your elder brother may be cold-tempered, but he loves Jun Yu very much. I doubt that Jun Yang would have noticed anything about Chang Shao!" said the aunt.

"Auntie, why do you think so?" Su Junyu, who has been with her day and night, didn't even realize that Chang Shao was a daughter. How did Su Junyang see it?
"Hey, Jun Yu used to bring Chang Shao to play at home. Your elder brother was still young at that time, and he was not as cold-tempered as he is now. He would play with them, but I don't know why after Chang Shao came, your elder brother never After playing with them, I thought your elder brother became more stable at the time, but now that I think about it, it's probably because your elder brother discovered Chang Shao's daughter body, so he didn't want to play with her anymore." Auntie said.

"But the eldest brother didn't stop the second brother?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Your second brother was a mess back then. If your elder brother said it directly, your second brother might have something wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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