Chapter 337
"Actually, I think the elder brother must have seen that Chang Shao had no malicious intentions, so he didn't remind the second brother!" Su Chengyun said.

"Maybe! It's rare for Jun Yu to meet a friend who gets along well, and your elder brother probably can't bear to break it apart!" Auntie said.

"If the elder brother knew, he would definitely be able to see the problem between the two of them. Maybe the elder brother has already received the news that Chang Shao came here, and he is inquiring about the situation of the Chang family!" Su Chengyun said.

"Maybe it's true!" Auntie said, "Hey, I only hope that if Jun Yu and Chang Shao are really in love, the twists and turns will be less!"

Su Chengyun also fell silent, will the Chang family's twists and turns be small?
"Mother, sister, why don't you talk?" When Su Junyu stepped into the hall, he saw his mother and Su Chengyun sitting silently, not chatting happily like before. "Hey, where is Chang Shao?" Su Junyu found that there was one person missing in the hall.

"Shao Chang is going back to the inn!" Auntie said directly.

"Mother, why don't you let Chang Shao wait for me? How dangerous is it for her to go back alone as a girl?" Su Junyu frowned.

"What's the danger in Nancang City? Besides, Chang Shao is dressed as a man now, Jun Yu, are you overly worried?" Aunt Su Junyu glanced suspiciously.

Su Junyu was very uncomfortable being looked at by his mother, and said, "Mother, what do you see me doing?"

"Jun Yu, is it a bit awkward to know that Chang Shao is a girl?" Auntie asked.

"Ah, no!" Su Junyu said hurriedly.

"Hey, Jun Yu, Chang Shao is a girl. You can't pull her casually in the future, you can't hook her shoulders casually, and you can't be together often. Are you really not awkward?" Auntie continued to ask.

When Su Chengyun heard Auntie's question, she suppressed a smile in her heart. Auntie was about to wake up Su Junyu.

"Ah..." Su Junyu's eyes widened in shock.

Can't it?

Thinking of how comfortable I was with Chang Shao every day before, will I really not be able to do it in the future?
Chang Shao is a girl, and he is a man. It is true that Chang Shao and Chang Shao can't be together often. Will the good times before be gone forever?

"Jun Yu, it's okay, mother will definitely find you a man who is better than Chang Shao to be your friend in the future, okay?" Auntie said to Su Junyu.

"Ah... no!" Su Junyu was startled at first, and then refused very simply.

"Mother, no matter how good you find it, it's not Chang Shao!" But Chang Shao has become Chang girl.

Deep confusion appeared on Su Junyu's face, and he walked out in a daze.

"Em lumps!" Auntie sighed involuntarily as she looked at Su Junyu's back.

"Auntie, give the second brother some time, the second brother will always figure it out!" Su Chengyun persuaded.

"I'm afraid your second brother won't understand!" Auntie sighed again.

Neither of them cared about Su Junyu, but the next day Su Junyu broke into the hall in a hurry and shouted: "Mother, sister, brother has news, it's about the Chang family!"

"How is the Chang family?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Mother, sister, Chang Shao's identity has been exposed!" Su Junyu said.

" did it get exposed?" Aunt asked hurriedly, they haven't acted on this side yet, why did it get exposed on the other side.

"Mother, it's like this. After the Chang family knew that Chang Shao had left, as my sister expected, they even wanted to book a marriage for him while Chang Shao was away, but they didn't expect that Chang Shao, who has always been weak, stood up this time." They came out and opposed desperately, and finally forced them to die! The Chang family was naturally very annoyed and had a headache for Chang Shaoniang's unreasonable troubles, but they couldn't do anything to her? In the end, they sent several women to persuade them in turn. "Su Junyu explained .

"Ms. Chang slipped her tongue?" Su Chengyun thought for a while and asked.

"Ah... sister, you are so smart! Seeing so many people persuading her to agree, Chang Shaoniang was so emotional that she sold Chang Shao out for some reason. Now not only the Chang family, but many forces in Liuyun City know about Chang Shao. It's a girl!" Su Junyu lowered his head and said.

"Second brother, did you tell Chang Shao?" Su Chengyun asked.

"I... I didn't dare to tell her that her mother was locked up by the Chang family. I was afraid that she would be excited when she found out!" Su Junyu replied.

"Did your elder brother tell you what the Chang family's plans are?" Auntie asked.

"Brother said that the Chang family once revealed their intention to recruit a son-in-law, but they haven't announced it!" Su Junyu said.

"Sure enough, it's recruiting a son-in-law!" Auntie sighed.

"Mother, if you can't find a good man to recruit a son-in-law, is the Chang family trying to harm Chang Shao?" Su Junyu said angrily.

"Jun Yu, how do you know that if you recruit a son-in-law, you won't be able to find a good man? If there is a prosperous heir in that family, are you willing to give up a son?" Auntie asked back.

"Mother, you also said that it's just in case, but what are the chances of it happening? It's too vague!" Su Junyu said in disapproval.

"Then what do you say? Chang Shao is the one who suffers the most!" Su Junyu said.

"Jun Yu, you know a lot of young talents, why don't you see who can marry Chang Shao, and after Chang Shao has a child, adopt a son to the Chang family! After thinking about it, I still think this idea is the best. Alright." Auntie said.

"Mom, how can those people I know be worthy of Chang Shao!"

"Jun Yu, why are those people not worthy of Chang Shao? Or do you think you are not worthy either?" Auntie asked.

"This..." Su Junyu babbled for a long time but didn't say anything.

"Second brother, I think you should talk to Chang Shao about this! The one who was imprisoned is her mother, and Chang Shao has the right to know everything!" Su Chengyun said, what's the use of them talking here for a long time, the key Still on Chang Shao.

"Sister, Chang Shao won't be hit, right?" Su Junyu asked.

"It's hard to say, but I believe that with the encouragement of my second brother, Chang Shao will definitely calm down a lot!" Su Chengyun said.

"Okay then, I'll inform Chang Shao now!" Su Junyu said goodbye to the two and walked out.

"Hey, it's really an elbow turn to be so anxious about something that is often seldom!" Auntie sighed.

"Hehe, if they are really together in the end, Auntie will not be overjoyed!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hey, Chang Shao is also a poor child. If she is destined to come to my Su family, I will definitely treat her well!" Auntie sighed.

"Auntie, to be your daughter-in-law, I think Chang Shao must have accumulated a lot of blessings in her previous life!"

"Spoof, Chengyun, you are too good at making people happy!" Auntie said with a smile.

While Su Chengyun and his aunt were discussing about Chang Shao, Su Junyu hurried to the inn where Chang Shao was.

As he got closer and closer to Chang Shao's room, Su Junyu felt a little uneasy.

It must be because I worry about Chang Shao's emotions that I am so indecisive!
Su Junyu reached out his hand several times to knock on the door, but finally put it down dejectedly.

Just when he raised his arm again, the door suddenly opened, and Chang Shao's figure came into Su Junyu's eyes.

"Chang... Chang Shao, where are you going?"

"I'm bored and want to go out for a walk!" Chang Shao said.


"Jun Yu, is there news from Floating Cloud City?"

(End of this chapter)

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