Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 338 Confused

Chapter 338 Confused
"Mother, it's too bad, I don't want to go back to Liuyun City alone!" Su Junyu ran back to the Su Mansion, and shouted directly to the hall.

"What are you doing, you are so frizzy that you don't often go back, can this matter be resolved?" Auntie shouted.

"But the story of Chang Shao's daughter's life has spread all over Liuyun City. If Chang Shao goes back like this, won't he be pointed out by others? Besides, the Chang family is still angry now, will they treat Chang Shao badly?" Su Junyu worried way.

"It's a matter of course to be pointed out, Chang Shao doesn't care, and you won't lose a piece of meat!" Auntie said directly, "The Chang family will at most put Chang Shao under house arrest, what else can they do to her? "

"Ah... Mother, is it not serious to be under house arrest?" Su Junyu said disapprovingly.

"Then what do you want to do?" Auntie asked.

"I...I...I don't know either!" Su Junyu thought for a long time and came up with such a sentence.

"Auntie, do you think the Chang family will use Chang Shao as a childbearing tool until the family can give birth to a boy?" Su Chengyun blinked at Auntie and said.

"It's hard to say, it's very possible!" Auntie thought for a moment and said.

"Ah... Mother, sister, is it not as serious as you said?" Su Junyu asked.

"The Chang family is not a small family, so we naturally hope for a boy to inherit it!" Auntie said.

"Then Chang Shao...Chang Shao..." Su Junyu turned his mind for a long time, and said, "It's better to marry Chang Shao directly, so that the Chang family's plans are useless!" Su Junyu finally came up with such an idea .

"Marry... Marry who?" Auntie asked back.

"This..." Su Junyu choked.

"Second brother, Chang Shao is not easy to marry! She has always disguised herself as a man, and she usually hangs out in the men's circle. How many men like women with such a history." Su Chengyun asked.

"Although Chang Shao disguised herself as a man, she hasn't done any outrageous things?" Su Junyu asked rhetorically.

"Hey, it's not out of the norm to hang shoulders with the second brother every day when you get tired of being together? Isn't it out of the norm to stay out at night with the second brother?" Su Chengyun raised his eyelids.


"Second brother, is there any man who can accept a woman who is so close to other men?" The reputation of women in this era is also very important.

"I..." Thinking that he had done all these things before, Su Junyu gritted his teeth, "Can't I marry you?"

"Second brother, you don't like Chang Shao, what are you doing marrying back? Wouldn't that ruin the two of you?" Su Chengyun shook his head and sighed.

Su Junyu immediately stared at the words: "Who said, who said that I don't like Chang Shao?"

Su Chengyun and Auntie glanced at each other, both of them had smiles in their eyes.

The aunt said directly: "Silly son, of course you like Chang Shao, otherwise you wouldn't become good friends with her, but a friend is not the same as a wife! Mother will never allow you to put yourself in for the sake of a friend!"

"Ah, mother..." Su Junyu was dumbfounded.

"Mother, I can't just leave my life alone?" Su Junyu said.

"Then you don't have to sacrifice your life to save him? You and Chang Shao have no relationship between men and women. If you marry back, wouldn't Chang Shao be pushed into another pit of fire, and you will also get caught up with yourself!" said the aunt.

"Mother, no, it's not like this!" Su Junyu hurriedly argued that he and Chang Shao were a pit of fire when they were together.

"Mother, it looks like this!" Aunt insisted.

"Mother, I really want to be with Chang Shao, not just to save her!" Su Junyu argued hard.

"Do you really like Chang Shao, the way men and women like it?" Aunt asked after a pause.

"Yes!" Su Junyu replied.

"I think you are acting impulsively, so let's talk about it after you figure it out!" Auntie said directly.

"Sister?" Su Junyu looked at Su Chengyun begging for help.

Su Chengyun gave a helpless look: "Second Brother, Auntie is right, maybe you just see Chang Shao being pitiful and sympathetic to her! Besides, if you like Chang Shao, Chang Shao must like you? Say no It is rare to have someone else you like!"

Su Junyu left the hall in silence after hearing the words, and walked towards the inn where Chang Shao was a little confused.

"Jun Yu, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I have to go back and save my mother!" Chang Shao said without raising her head while packing her things.

Knowing that Chang Shao is a woman, looking at Chang Shao who is busy there alone, Su Junyu discovered for the first time that Chang Shao is actually very beautiful, and every gesture reveals a woman's posture. Why did he firmly think that Chang Shao is a man before?

"Jun Yu, what are you looking at?" Chang Shao took the time to glance at Su Junyu, seeing him staring at her straightly, asked immediately.

"Chang Shao, you are so beautiful!" Su Junyu, who was in his own thoughts, heard Chang Shao's question, and unconsciously said what was in his heart, but he reacted as soon as the words came out.

Chang Shaowenyan first opened his eyes wide, and then blushed slightly.

Su Junyu wasn't much better either, his eyes were wandering and he didn't dare to look at Chang Shao.

"Well, Shao Chang, do you really want to go back?" Su Junyu finally asked.

"En!" Chang Shao gave a light grace.

"It will be dangerous to go back!" Su Junyu said hastily.

"I know, but my mother is locked up, I have to go back!" Chang Shao insisted.

Su Junyu frowned, and stepped forward to hold Chang Shao's hand: "Chang Shao, do you know that you may also be locked up this time when you go back this time, and be used by the Chang family as a childbearing tool!"

"I... I... Daddy won't agree!" Chang Shao said after a moment of silence.

"Your father can't even protect your mother, why do you think he can protect you!" Chang Shao said disdainfully, even if Chang Shao's father doesn't say anything, you can't count on him.


"Jun Yu, let go of my hand first!" Chang Shao said.

Only then did Su Junyu realize that he had been holding Chang Shao's hand, feeling the warmth from his hand, Su Junyu hurriedly let it go like an electric shock, but after letting go, he felt a little nostalgic.

"Chang... often less?"

"Jun Yu..."

"Chang Shao, why do you come to me whenever you are in trouble?" Su Junyu asked softly.

Chang Shao lowered his head slightly: "I...I..."

"Chang Shao, do you know that I can be relied on, so you came to me?" Su Junyu asked again.

"No... no!" Chang Shao hurriedly said, "I don't know what's going on, the first thing I think of is you! As long as I find you, I feel at ease!"

Su Junyu was overjoyed when he heard this, and his younger sister also said that Chang Shao didn't like him, did he obviously like him?
"Chang Shao, do you have a man you like?" Su Junyu looked at Chang Shao and asked.

"A man you like?" Chang Shao murmured.

"It's the kind of love between men and women!" Su Junyu explained.

A familiar figure suddenly appeared in Chang Shao's mind, and looking at Su Junyu in front of him, he couldn't help but blush slightly.

Why did she think of Su Junyu?

"Chang Shao, it seems that you have a man you like? Who is it? Tell me, I'll help you find him and let him marry you!" Su Junyu said.

"Ah..." Chang Shao looked at Su Junyu blankly, he wanted to build a bridge for her?

"No... no need!" Chang Shao directly refused, feeling a little depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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