Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 340 Her Children

Chapter 340 Her Children

At night, while Su Chengyun was sleeping drowsily, two soft voices suddenly came from his ears.



Su Chengyun opened his eyes abruptly, and found that he was in the white misty space again.

"Mom, go forward!"

Su Chengyun suppressed the excitement in his heart, walked forward quickly, passed through the thick fog, walked for nearly a few hundred meters, and finally saw a clear space in front of him.

In the center of the space are two big white eggs. Two two or three-year-old dolls wearing red bellybands are sitting on them. One is a boy and the other is a girl. They are as beautiful and lovely as the wealth-spreading boy next to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

"Mother..." The girl stretched out her chubby little hand to greet Su Chengyun, shouting all her life, a sense of innate intimacy rose in her heart, and Su Chengyun ran forward involuntarily.

"Mother, come quickly, my brother and I can't do without the egg!" The girl blinked her watery eyes and looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun took a few steps forward and hugged the two little dolls.

This is her child, her and Mo Qiling's child.

Didn't realize they were twins.

"My child, I'm so happy to see you!" Su Chengyun looked at the two children and said.

"Mother, my brother and I also want to see you!" The little girl said with a lively smile.

"Sister, we have something to do with our mother!" The boy reminded him more calmly.

"Oh, I forgot. Mother, grandpa and the others are in danger!" the girl said, sticking out her lovely tongue.

Grandpa?Su Hongyi?

Su Chengyun remembered that Su Hongyi and his grandfather were going to persuade the family to leave for a while this time, so he couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, what danger are they in?"

"They will be discovered and caught!" the boy said.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun exclaimed in his heart, the children should be talking about the Lu family, Su Hongyi and grandpa must not fall into the hands of the Lu family.

"No, I'm going to save your grandfather!" Su Chengyun said anxiously.

"Mom, you can't make it in time to go now!" the boy said, "I've figured out a location, mother, send people to that location to wreak havoc, and you will definitely be able to save Grandpa and the others!"

Su Chengyun looked at the boy.Figure it out?This baby has special abilities?
"Mother, hurry up, it will be too late!" the girl urged.

Su Chengyun said hello, looked at the two children reluctantly, turned around and walked towards the white mist, after a while, a bright light flashed, and Su Chengyun returned to the original bedroom.

"Auntie, Auntie!" Su Chengyun shouted loudly.

"Come on, come on!" Auntie usually lives next door to Su Chengyun, and Su Chengyun rushed over after a short while.

"Chengyun, what's the matter? Is there something uncomfortable?" Aunt asked hurriedly.

"Auntie, I'm not feeling well, it's dad and grandpa, they're in danger!" Su Chengyun said while holding Auntie's hand.

"Ah, Chengyun, are you dreaming?" Auntie touched Su Chengyun's forehead and asked strangely when she saw that she was not sweating.

"Auntie, you believe me, father and grandfather are really in danger!" Su Chengyun said.

"Chengyun, don't worry, speak slowly!" Auntie said.

"Auntie, if you don't hurry up, daddy and grandpa will be arrested by the Lu family!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said, "Auntie, I have an address here, you send someone there quickly, no matter what is there Destroy it!"


"Auntie, just trust me this time! I won't make fun of dad and grandpa!" Su Chengyun said.

"Okay, okay, Chengyun, Auntie believes you!" Auntie hurriedly comforted you.

Seeing the aunt who memorized the address and hurried out, Su Chengyun was slightly relieved, otherwise she would have sent the little fire bird out, but it seems that it is much more difficult to persuade the little fire bird to leave her than to persuade the aunt, and The little fire bird is very conspicuous, and many people know that it is her spiritual pet.

After a while, Auntie came in in a hurry: "Chengyun, I have sent someone there, don't worry, Auntie will wait for news with you!"


This wait lasts for an hour: "Chengyun, if you are tired, go to bed first, where is my aunt?" Seeing Su Chengyun's bulging belly, the aunt couldn't help persuading her.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "Auntie, I won't be able to sleep until my father and grandpa come back safely!"

"Hey!" Auntie sighed, it seems that something really happened, if not, someone will definitely come back and report.

After waiting for another hour, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, and my aunt stood up abruptly, and Su Chengyun also stood up.

The aunt immediately walked out with Su Chengyun's arm. Not long after she went out, she saw Su Hongyi, the old man and a few others walking in with chills. Everyone was stained with a lot of blood. Su Chengyun recognized that In addition to their people, the next few people also have people from the same family.

"How did this happen?" Auntie exclaimed, and moved two stools forward, "Father, second brother, please sit down and rest for a while!"

"Hmph, it's not about these people from my family. Even if my father and I persuaded them earnestly, we would not leave. In the end, we were surrounded by the Lu family and fought for a long time!" Su Hongyi said angrily. will not suffer from this unreasonable disaster.

"Then how did you escape?" Auntie asked again.

"I don't know what's going on, but when we were almost powerless to resist, the Lu family seemed to have received some news and withdrew in a hurry, and we took the opportunity to leave when we saw this!" Su Hongyi said doubtfully.

"Yun'er, why did you come out, it's cold outside!" Su Hongyi couldn't help but said when he saw Su Chengyun.

"Daddy, it's okay, I wear a lot!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said flatteringly.

The aunt said: "Chengyun, they all came back safely, you don't have to worry about it anymore, go back to sleep quickly, there is my aunt here!"

"That's right, Chengyun. Hurry up and go to rest, you still have a child in your stomach!" The old man also persuaded.

"Okay then!" Su Chengyun walked towards the room helplessly seeing several people insisting.

But Auntie looked at Su Chengyun's back and thought deeply. It seems that the action over there has achieved results, but no one has come back from there, so I don't know if it will be dangerous.

"Why did they come here?" Aunt asked angrily, she was anxious to discuss matters on the other side, she didn't know if it would hurt people there, so naturally she would not have a good face towards my family.

"They don't dare to stay there now, they followed back shamelessly, and I will send someone to send them away overnight later!" Su Hongyi said directly.

"They are also tired, let someone take them to the side courtyard to have a rest first!" Auntie winked at Su Hongyi, Su Hongyi understood, and said to the others, "Take them to have a rest, and you should also take a good rest , wait until early morning to send them away!"

"We're not leaving!" A member of the family said.

"Don't go, are you waiting to implicate us? If you want to die, leave here and don't cause trouble for me!" The old man said coldly.


"We have exhausted our benevolence and righteousness. We persuaded you so hard that none of you would listen. You almost risked your life and still persisted in your obsession!" the old man said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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