Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 341 Destruction

Chapter 341 Destruction

"No, if we leave, how can we get back the phoenix feather armor!"

"Hmph, you're going to be killed by the Lu family before you get back the phoenix feather armor! During this period of time, the Lu family must be heavily guarded. Even if you want to do it, you don't have much chance. You should hide for a while!" Seeing Su Hongyi The members of the family are still obsessed with the phoenix feather armor, said bluntly.Life is gone, what is the use of that treasure?What a difference!
"Hmph, let's go!" The members of the family had to admit that what the two said was reasonable, but they still reluctantly walked towards the courtyard.

Auntie saw that the eyes-obscuring people had left, so Fang worriedly said: "I sent the rest to work, I'm worried that they will be in danger!"

"Hey, what did you send them to do?" The old man asked strangely, he remembered that he hadn't done anything else today.

"It's like this, Chengyun felt that something was going to happen to you, so he gave me an address, and asked me to send someone there to wreak havoc!" Auntie roughly explained the matter.

"So the Lu family left in a hurry because something happened there?" Su Hongyi's eyes narrowed slightly.

The old man pondered for a moment: "It's very possible! Do you know what is there that the Lu family attaches so much importance to?"

Auntie shook her head: "I don't know, neither does Chengyun. I thought someone would come back to report the news, but no one has come back since they went out, so I'm afraid they will be in danger!"

"Sister-in-law's worry is not unreasonable. Judging by the importance of the Lu family, it is obvious that the things there are unusual, why don't I go and find out!" Su Hongyi suggested.

"No, it's too dangerous. Let's wait and see if anyone comes back!" the old man said.

Waiting for half an hour, finally there was a slight knock on the door.

"It's ours!" Su Hongyi stood up and hurried to open the door, but saw a dozen people flashing into the yard.

"Why did you come back so late?" Auntie asked hurriedly when she saw that the stone in her heart had finally fallen to the ground when she saw that the dozen or so people were sent out by her.

"Hey, master, do you know what we found there?" One person asked excitedly.

"Gold coins, the gold coins in the basement are so bright that we brothers can't open our eyes!" Another person smiled directly.After speaking, he untied the black package behind him, revealing a lot of gold coins.

The rest of the people also untied the packages on their bodies, which were full of gold coins, not only that, they also took out a lot of gold coins from everywhere on their bodies.

"Where is that place? Why are there so many gold coins?" The old man exclaimed, the gold coins brought back by these people add up to a lot!

"Hey, master, none of you would have thought that there is the outer room of a direct descendant named Lu Tian of Nan Cang's Lu family!" one of them replied.

"Lu Tian? Dad, isn't that the Lu family today?" Su Hongyi asked in surprise.

"That's right, he once reported his name, and it's indeed Lu Tian from the Lu family!" The old man confirmed, "Go ahead!"

"When we got there, we found that it was very quiet, so we searched according to our usual habits, but we didn't expect to see a beautiful woman who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and opened the door to the basement. We followed secretly, and saw that woman smiled. Sitting on a pile of gold coins and counting gold coins!"

"How do you know that she is from the Lu family's concubine?" Aunt asked.

"We showed up and questioned her. Although that person loves money, he is a bit timid. We were scared and recruited everything. She said that these gold coins were transferred by Lu Tian little by little, and they were all intercepted Lu family's money. ! Because I can’t see the light, I hide here.”

"Unexpectedly, Lu Tian is a person who eats inside and outside, but these gold coins are not very many, do they need to be so mysterious?" Su Hongyi shook his head and said.

"Master, the gold coins we brought back are not even a drop in the bucket!" One person said.

"What?" Su Hongyi and the other two asked in disbelief.

"Master, there are too many gold coins in the basement, we secretly transported them out, and quietly hid them in several houses!"

Su Hongyi and the three of them all opened their mouths wide open!
"Are those reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable, very stealthy! And we did a good job of mopping up, they won't find out!"

"Hehe, I don't think Lu Tian will go to investigate blatantly. If the Lu family finds out, it will not be worth the loss. I think he will only consider himself unlucky!" Auntie said with a smile, and looked at a dozen people. , "It's because you are transporting gold coins that you haven't sent back a message for a long time?"

"Hehe... We, when we saw so many gold coins, we only thought about how to transport them away, and forgot to come back and report them!"

"Then what happened next?" Auntie asked.

"Hey, didn't the master just ask us to make trouble? After we transported the gold coins, we thought about how to make things bigger, and finally came up with a way, which is to set fire. We planted the kindling, and then swept the tail dry It was clean, so I slipped away and looked at it from a distance. Sure enough, the flames rose to the sky after a while. We watched a large group of people go to the courtyard in a panic, and the leader was very angry, so we didn't dare to stay any longer, and came back quietly. !"

After hearing the explanations of this group of people, several members of the Su family fell silent. Su Hongyi waved his hand and told them to have a good rest.

The aunt sighed: "Hey, I didn't make it clear to them!" At that time, she sent people out just to appease Su Chengyun, and only told them to cause trouble and sabotage, and didn't mention that Su Hongyi and the old man were in danger. . "If I told them that you might be in danger, why would they have wasted so much time for gold coins, and would have attracted Lu Tian back!"

"Sister-in-law, how many people would believe Yun'er's unfounded statement that we are in danger? Pregnant women like to think wildly. Thanks to you loving her, you will do what she says!" Su Hongyi said.

"Isn't there nothing wrong with us? This is a wrong move. I didn't expect to get so many gold coins from Lu Tian, ​​which is considered a windfall!" The old man laughed and said, "Our Su family doesn't dislike gold coins!"

"Hey, I'm really wondering how did Yun'er know that we were in danger?" Su Hongyi asked suspiciously.

"Hey, I asked, but Chengyun didn't say anything!" Auntie said.

"Since Chengyun doesn't want to talk about it, Hong Yi, don't ask any more. Chengyun is a good boy, and he won't target him indiscriminately!" The old man is very protective of Su Chengyun.

"Father, I know!" Su Hongyi responded, "Okay, dad, you can go to rest, I will arrange for the departure of the people in my family, this time the Lu family's collapse, there must be a big move!"

"Well, it's good to let them leave, we will be implicated sooner or later here!" The old man said, and walked towards his room after speaking, he was really tired today.

"Second brother, go to bed early after you finish your work!" Aunt confessed.

"Thank you sister-in-law, sister-in-law has worked hard all night, go to bed early!" Su Hongyi said.

"I'll go see if Chengyun is asleep? I'll go to sleep after seeing Chengyun!" Auntie said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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