Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 343 Chaos

Chapter 343 Chaos
"What happened later?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, Dad was very angry, and ordered Shangguan Youlan to be sent to a temple deep in the mountains to meditate on the spot!" Shangguan Youyue said, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Su Chengyun sneered when he heard this.

Retreat?It seems that Lord Shangguan still had hope for those two people, so he punished them so lightly.

"You Yue, fortunately those two have left, so they won't hinder your eyes anymore!" Su Chengyun comforted.

"Chengyun, to be honest, when I first heard about this punishment, I was also a little angry. After all, if it wasn't for Huashao, my little life might be gone, but Dad thought I was really dead at that time. Very sad, seeing him so sad, I feel helpless and sad!" Shangguan Youyue said helplessly.

"You Yue, it's all over!" Su Chengyun could only persuade in this way.

"Xiao Yue'er, you will have me in the future! Don't return to that sad home for the time being! Hehe, the Lord of Shangguan still has hope for Shangguan Youlan and his daughter, but how can people like Shangguan Youlan and her daughter come back?" Peace of mind to meditate in the deep mountains, they will cause trouble sooner or later. Don't worry, even if the Shangguan City Lord still has feelings for them, it will be slowly worn away in the end. At that time, the Shangguan City Lord will know that there is only Xiaoyue in this world It's the best, when he realizes it, if Xiaoyue'er wants to forgive him, then forgive him. If you want him to be miserable in his later years, he will be miserable in his later years!" Hua Shao said with the corner of her mouth hooked.

Su Chengyun also nodded when he heard the words: "You Yue, what Hua Shao said is right, your father is obsessed with obsession, and you will be the only one who is sad, so you should give him time and opportunity to taste the bitter fruit for himself before turning back Moreover, you forgot that Shangguan Youlan is not young. Since Shangguan City Lord still has illusions in his heart, he will definitely not let Shangguan Youlan spend a good time in the mountains. "

"Hehe, Chengyun, I've thought about what you said. Daddy promised me to associate with Huashao, but he was already making a step backwards. He asked me not to pursue Youlan's matter. This is just a deal!" Shangguan Youyue actually said She is very smart, she can see through many things, and she is not a person who deceives herself, "Since Daddy doesn't want me to pursue it anymore, I won't pursue it. After all, Youlan and I have the same blood, and Youlan can be cruel to me." But I can't deal with her ruthlessly, but if one day Youlan suffers the consequences of her own actions, I will never help! This is the last time I will tolerate her who has the same blood!"

"Xiaoyue'er is just too kind!" Hua Shao sighed, "However, I will support whatever decision you make, and I won't touch Shangguan Youlan, so it can be regarded as repaying your father's kindness for allowing us to be together. But if Shangguan Youlan's mother and daughter are restless and still target Xiaoyue'er, I will definitely not show mercy!"

"Young Master Hua, I won't stop you at that time!" Shangguan Youyue said movedly, if Shangguan Youlan would offend her again, she would no longer swallow her anger.

"By the way, Chengyun, our class of students will be graduating in two months, and we are all waiting for the graduation assessment, how about you? How do you take the assessment in your current state?" Shangguan Youyue said worriedly .

"Assessment?" Su Chengyun calculated the time, didn't he?They are about to graduate this year.But no one really told her about the assessment.

"You Yue, you don't have to worry about me. I won't make fun of the child. If it really doesn't work, I'll just give up this assessment and just make up for it after the child is born!" Su Chengyun thought for a while.

"Well, Chengyun, I support you!"

A few days later, Liang Yuling and Yun Zixuan came.

Teacher Liang Yuling brought her the fact that she does not need to take the graduation assessment, and the college will grant her graduation based on her previous grades.

"Mr. Liang, will other students be unconvinced?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hehe, Chengyun, you have won the top two results in the four major college competitions, and you have brought glory to our college. Whoever refuses to accept it, let them come back with one of the top few." Teacher Liang Yuling said directly.

So domineering!
Su Chengyun shook his head and smiled, but it would be nice not to have to take part in the assessment. She is very heavy now, so it is really not suitable for her to take part.

"Hehe, Mr. Ming Yi and Feng Jue also contributed a lot to this matter!" Teacher Liang Yuling broke the news.

For those two, Su Chengyun smiled.

"Chengyun, you can rest in peace and rest. I'm the one with the academy, so you don't have to worry about it!" Teacher Liang Yuling said.

"Thank you, Teacher Liang!" Su Chengyun sincerely thanked her. Teacher Liang Yuling helped her a lot, and she was also a teacher and a friend.

And Yun Zixuan brought about instability and frequent incidents in Lanling Continent.

"Brother Yun, why is this happening?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"In fact, the chaos in the Lanling Continent arose earlier, but it's more obvious now!" Yun Zixuan sighed and continued, "I investigated a few incidents and found that there may be a pusher behind them, and they all point to One……"

"Brother Yun is referring to Nancang Lu's family?" Su Chengyun frowned.

"That's right, Nancang's Lu family played a very important role in it, and they have been promoting the development of things!" Yun Zixuan said.

"What is Nan Cang Lu's family going to do?" Su Chengyun was a little confused.

"I think they just want to mess up the whole continent so that they can profit from it!" Liang Yuling said.

"More than that, what they are moving now are some small families, I think they are testing!" Yun Zixuan said.

"Do you want to test the reactions of the major families and forces?" Su Chengyun asked.

"That's right, not only to test the reactions of the major families and forces, but also to hone the subordinates!" Yun Zixuan said.

"They are preparing for the big forces and families!" Su Chengyun understood Yun Zixuan's meaning.

Yun Zixuan nodded appreciatively: "That's right, so, Chengyun, you have to be more careful in the future, Wangyue's Lu family hates you to the bone, and will definitely use Nancang's Lu family to take revenge!"

"Brother Yun, you don't have to worry about me. My parents and the Su family have arranged a lot of people here. It is not easy for the Lu family to touch me!" Su Chengyun said coldly, if the Lu family dared to come, she would The new enmity and the old account are settled together, so that they will never return, and with the little fire bird, those people will never want to hurt her and her children.

"Chengyun just needs to be prepared!" Yun Zixuan said, and after exchanging a few words of pleasantries, the two left.

Su Chengyun was lost in thought.Where did the Lu family get so much energy? She had been vaguely suspecting that there was someone behind the Lu family, but who was it?Mysterious and deeply hidden.

"Chengyun, don't think too much, you are pregnant with a child now!" Auntie walked in and saw Su Chengyun's frowning expression and could not help persuading.

"Understood, Auntie!" Su Chengyun came out of his thoughts and smiled slightly at Auntie.

Hey, she'd better take care of the baby, let's talk about it after her baby is born!

Besides, even if the Lanling Continent is in chaos, there will be a process. If there is a tall person standing in front of her, it will not affect her for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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