Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 344 Arson

Chapter 344 Arson
This day, Su Chengyun slept soundly at night, and suddenly felt something tugging at his sleeve.

"Mother, mother! Mother, wake up!"

Su Chengyun opened his eyes abruptly, only to find a vague figure of a boy standing beside him anxiously tugging at her sleeve.

"Ah, child!" Su Chengyun recognized at a glance that this was her child, the boy she had seen in the mist.

"Mom, listen to me, someone is going to set fire!" The boy finished speaking anxiously, and the whole figure slowly disappeared after finishing speaking, Su Chengyun didn't hold back.

"Child? Child?" Su Chengyun looked at Xi Zhou but never saw that figure again. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but she quickly remembered the news brought by the boy.


Su Chengyun's heart skipped a beat, someone was trying to harm them.

She didn't know if those people had sneaked in now, she didn't dare to call out to her aunt, she just tiptoed up and walked towards her room.

"Who?" As soon as Su Chengyun entered Auntie's room, she heard a cold shout and a cold gleaming dagger stabbing at her.

"Auntie, it's me, Chengyun!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said with a flash.

"Cheng...Chengyun?" Auntie stopped suddenly, retracted the dagger, and looked over in disbelief. After seeing that it was Su Chengyun, she couldn't help saying, "Chengyun, why did you come suddenly? Is there something wrong? Wait a minute and I'll go light the lamp!"

Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped: "Auntie, don't light the lamp!"

"Chengyun, what's going on?" Auntie knew something was going on, so she couldn't help asking in a deep voice.

"Auntie, someone is going to set fire!"

"Zong... arson?" Auntie was startled, and wanted to ask Su Chengyun where the news came from, but thinking that Su Hongyi was in danger last time was also said by Chengyun suddenly, she couldn't help but shut her mouth, and stopped asking about this aspect things.

"Chengyun, don't worry, I'll tell your father and grandpa!" My aunt helped Su Chengyun to sit down, and then walked outside lightly.

After a while, there was the sound of fighting outside, but Su Chengyun didn't go out to watch. The most important thing for her now is to hide herself well and don't make trouble for others.

But it was obvious that this time it would not be as peaceful as before. Suddenly, a man in black broke in. The moonlight outside came in, and the voices of the two appeared in each other's eyes.

The man in black smiled grimly and raised his long sword to stab at Su Chengyun. Su Chengyun smiled coldly, raised his arm slightly, and the little firebird flew out and spit out a fireball at the man in black. The man in black was terrified. Dodged, but was still hit by the fireball, instantly burned, and turned into a pile of ashes in a short while.

Su Chengyun looked at the proud little Huoque, this little guy has grown up really fast!

People outside also noticed that someone had broken into this place. Auntie knew that Su Chengyun was inside, and immediately repelled the opponent and rushed into the house, only to see the moment when Little Huoque made a move.

"Chengyun, are you okay?" Aunt asked angrily, she should have stayed by Chengyun's side, but the man in black took advantage of her.

"Auntie, I'm fine!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said, "Auntie, are there many people here?"

"Not many, but they are all good!" Auntie replied.

"Auntie, I have Little Fire Sparrow here to protect me, so go help grandpa and the others!" Su Chengyun said.

"No need, you can hear the fighting outside, it will be over soon!" Auntie said.

Su Chengyun listened carefully, and it was true that the fighting sounds were quieter.

After a while, the sound of fighting stopped completely, and Su Hongyi and the old man walked in.

"Are you all okay?" Su Hongyi and the old man asked with concern.

"We're fine!" Auntie hurriedly said, "Where are those men in black?"

"Two people were captured, and everything else has been settled!" Su Hongyi said hastily.

"It must be carefully interrogated, who is trying to burn us to death!" Auntie said angrily, those people came prepared, and they also knew the blind spot of their defense. If they were not careful, they would all Die in flames!

"Hmph, our Su family won't be bullied arbitrarily! This matter will definitely be investigated to the end!" The old man was also very angry.

They didn't wait long, and the interrogators of the two survivors came to report.

"Master, they are from Lu Tian! And they are all carrying a strong coma medicine!"

"Lu Tian?" Su Chengyun and the others immediately thought of where the gold coin came from.

"Why did Lu Tian set fire to it?" the old man asked.

"Lu Tian suspected that we were responsible for the incident in the outer courtyard, because he couldn't find the murderer. He thought that he was on a mission that day, but something happened in the outer room. It was probably our trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so He held a grudge and planned this arson case!"

"It's based on inferences without evidence or proof that we did it. This Lu Tian's work is too unreliable!" Su Hongyi said.

"Hmph, I think he has found some clues, otherwise he wouldn't do it like this!" The old man had a different opinion. ,

"But, is he too hasty to do this?" Auntie frowned.

"Maybe he has to be in a hurry!" Su Chengyun said calmly, "Maybe someone also found out about the batch of gold coins and guessed about our Su family, so Lu Tian had to do it in advance."

"Chengyun is right. It seems that they want to use medicine and set fire at the same time. They probably want to get back the gold coins. If they can't get them back, they will set them on fire and burn them all, so that those gold coins will never be seen again tomorrow." !” The old man analyzed.

"Maybe what you said is right! If that's the case, then Lu Tian is probably hiding nearby. He pays so much attention to this batch of gold coins, he will definitely come and see them in person to rest assured! Daddy, I'll go look for them nearby!" Su Hongyi said .

But the old man stopped Su Hongyi: "There is no need to look for it. After such a long time, Lu Tian must have known that the plan was revealed and escaped!"

"Should we just let him go like this?" Su Hongyi gritted his teeth, daring to hurt his relatives is really unforgivable.

"Hong Yi, send someone to check on Lu Tian's news immediately. We have to deal with him before he hides back to the Lu family!" It's a serious problem. As for the other hidden enemies, if you don't have a clue yet, let's put it aside and solve Lu Tian first!

"Yes, father!" Su Hongyi hurried out. Their intelligence network here integrated the Su family, the Xingyue Palace and the temple, and it was already very large. Finding Lu Tian was not a problem.

"Chengyun, I'm fine now, go back to sleep first!" Auntie looked at the still dark sky outside, and said involuntarily.

"Yes, Chengyun, hurry up and go to rest!" The old man hurriedly said.

"Well, I'll go back right away!" Seeing that both of them were tired, Su Chengyun couldn't bear them to worry about her anymore, so he walked towards his room.

"Chengyun, Auntie will see you off!" Auntie was worried about Su Chengyun alone, and walked towards the next door with her.

The old man walked around to see his subordinates, and he wanted to tell them to keep vigil at night.

Hey, Nancang City is getting more and more restless.

(End of this chapter)

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