Chapter 350

Ever since Hai Tianlong came to challenge him, Su Chengyun has become more eager to improve his cultivation. He never thought that there are such forces as Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong in this world.

The hidden forces appearing in front of everyone, especially at the moment when the Lanling Continent is not peaceful, seem to intend to participate in the division of the pattern, but they don't know how big their appetite is.

No matter what they are, Hai Tianlong is not easy to dismiss.She has to improve her strength again, otherwise, if there is danger, it will be troublesome if she cannot save herself.

And Su Hongyi and Wen Xinlan seemed to be aware of the danger of the matter, and apart from the necessary things to do every day, the rest of the time was also spent on cultivation.

Su Chengyun's sleeping time became longer and longer, and the speed of her cultivation also continued to accelerate.

Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi were worried that Su Chengyun's long sleep would be bad for the child, but seeing that Su Chengyun's body and spirit improved after sleeping, they no longer worried.

One day, Su Chengyun suddenly felt something, and couldn't help looking in the direction of Liuyun City.

A few days later, they received a letter from the Su family in Floating Cloud City, saying that Su Junyang had awakened the Phoenix bloodline.

This is really a good thing. Su Chengyun couldn't feel it before, but now he can obviously feel the speed of cultivation has accelerated, and there is still an energy in his body that is constantly improving his body.

This should be the effect of the Phoenix bloodline, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the bloodline's power.

Su Chengyun's family was happy for Su Junyang, but Su Hongyi thought of the Su family.

"I'm afraid our family will have to take action again!" Su Hongyi sighed.

Su Chengyun and Wen Xinlan glanced at each other, and both fell silent.

Someone in the Su family has awakened the phoenix bloodline, and there will be a response from the family. They must have known that the Phoenix Feather Armor is in Su Junyang's hands, and they may have already been on the way to the Su family.

They knew it, and the Lu family must not be far away from knowing it!
"Father, don't worry, Floating Cloud City is Grandpa's territory, not a place where they can behave wildly if they want! Last time, the eldest brother and the second brother were able to deal with them, and this time there are more grandpas!" Su Chengyun road.

"Hey, Yun'er, that's different, last time Jun Yang and the others didn't have phoenix feather armor!" Su Hongyi said.

Su Chengyun said directly: "What are you afraid of? The phoenix feather armor is in the hands of the elder brother. Let the elder brother and the others hold on to it. I don't believe that the family can snatch it away!"

"Yun'er is right. It's obviously the family's request. If it's still so unreasonable, just ignore them!" Wen Xinlan supported Su Chengyun very much.In her opinion, the family are all selfish villains who dare to force her daughter, she holds a grudge.

"Hey, let's take one step at a time!" Su Hongyi said.

A few days later, Shangguan Youyue came.

"Chengyun, I didn't expect so many things to happen just a few days after we left with Huashao. Chengyun, you have worked hard!" Shangguan Youyue said distressedly.

"You Yue, you don't have to worry about my side all the time. My parents are here, so I can't suffer too much! But you, the first time I went out to play with Hua Shao, because I came back halfway, Hua Shao must have blamed me! "

"Hua Shao can't do it, Cheng Yun is also Hua Shao's friend, he is also worried about you, and even asked me to say hello to him!" Shangguan Youyue said with a smile.

Su Chengyun also laughed, it seems that You Yue is living happily.

"You Yue, how is Duoduo?" Seeing Shangguan Youyue's happy face, Su Chengyun couldn't help thinking of another friend, Jin Duoduo.

Shangguan Youyue was stunned for a moment, then calmed down and said: "I went to see her in the prison last time, Duoduo is not well now, looks very tired, as if she has aged ten years, and she also confessed to me, saying I did something wrong, and I want to ask for our forgiveness!"

"Did someone beat her?" Su Chengyun asked.

"No matter what, it's a friend's affair. I've confessed that no one dares to hit her, but I don't know if she's slack or not!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Seeing Shangguan Youyue mentioning Jin Duoduo's alienated attitude, Su Chengyun couldn't help asking: "Did Duoduo not repent?"

"Ah...Chengyun, I was spotted by you!" Shangguan Youyue sighed, "When she and I repented in tears, I really thought she was sincerely repenting, but I couldn't listen to her one-sided words Ah, that's why I found someone to pay attention to her, who knows that within a few days, I received the news that she cursed me and you every night in the prison!" Shangguan Youyue's face was full of disappointment, "Youyue, we know each other That Duoduo is long gone, this Duoduo is just a person who lives with hatred and paranoia."

"Youyue, don't be sad, our life is very long, and we will meet various people, no matter what, Duoduo and we used to be friends, let's take a look, if Duoduo can figure it out one day, let's let go Let her come out!" Su Chengyun said.In fact, what Jin Duoduo needs is to unravel, but Jin Duoduo is too involved in the drama, and unraveling may not be useful, it is better to leave it to time to pass slowly.

Maybe one day Jin Duoduo's hatred will be wiped away and she will become peaceful, or maybe she won't be able to figure it out for the rest of her life.

She and Youyue will give the opportunity, but whether they can seize it depends on Jin Duoduo himself.

"Well, Chengyun, I know, don't worry about many things in the future, I will deal with them!" Shangguan Youyue replied.

Su Chengyun chatted with Shangguan Youyue for a few more words, and Shangguan Youyue said goodbye and left.

A few days later, Mr. Ming Yi came to visit, and he gave Su Chengyun a piece of information about Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong.

"This is a piece of information that I have concatenated from some news I got from Qing Yu'er and some events. Cheng Yun, Hai Tianlong is not a person who is easy to let go, and he may still do something to you!" Mr. Ming Yi road.

Su Chengyun looked at the information in his hand, and raised his forehead: "Mr. Ming Yi, can you extract information from Qing Yuer like this?" Will Qing Yuer be angry if she finds out?
"Chengyun, since Qing Yu'er said it, it means that the information is not very important and can be passed on. Don't worry, it's fine! Qing Yu'er is not such a stingy person!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Well, Qing Yu'er is a good girl, Mr. Ming Yi, don't miss it!" Su Chengyun said directly.

"Cheng...Chengyun, Qing Yu'er and I are not..." Mr. Ming Yi hurriedly explained upon hearing this.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Young Master Ming Yi, I very much hope that you can meet a girl you like, and she also likes you, only those who are happy with each other will be happy!"

Mr. Mingyi looked at Su Chengyun and didn't say a word. In fact, he only wanted Chengyun to be happy, and he would feel happy seeing Chengyun happy.

"Master Ming Yi, I can see that Qing Yuer likes you a little bit, if you also like Qing Yuer a little bit, then open your mind and try to give Qing Yuer a chance, and give you a chance too!" Su Chengyun persuaded.

Mr. Mingyi nodded: "Chengyun, I understand what you mean! I will think about it carefully!"

"Well, that's good!" Su Chengyun laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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