Chapter 351
The night is as cold as water. On this day, Su Chengyun entered the space early to practice, but when she was practicing, her heart suddenly jumped, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously. She suddenly opened her eyes and returned to her body .

I saw a man in black standing in her room, looking at her with interest, and when she woke up, there was no fear in her eyes.

"Who?" Su Chengyun jumped up and asked.

"Haha, it's been a while, Su Chengyun, you don't know me anymore?" The man in black took off his face scarf, revealing Hai Tianlong's handsome face.

"Hai Tianlong, is that you?" Su Chengyun said in surprise.

"Hey, that's right, it's me!" Hai Tianlong looked at Su Chengyun with a smile and said, "Su Chengyun, I didn't expect you to be a descendant of the famous Su family with the blood of the phoenix in the Lanling Continent thousands of years ago, and you also inspired me. Bloodline, you really aroused my interest!"

Su Chengyun was slightly startled, this person actually knew the news, it seems that the Su family and the main family in Liuyun City have been exposed.

"Hey, Su Chengyun, I'm not interested in the Su family in Floating Cloud City or your own family, I'm only interested in you!" Hai Tianlong seemed to have guessed what Su Chengyun was thinking, and looked at Su Chengyun and said.

"What do you want to do?" Su Chengyun frowned and asked.

"Hey, I want you..." Seeing Su Chengyun's expression changed, Hai Tianlong's voice changed slightly, "I want your blood, and the heart and soul of the child in your belly!"

Su Chengyun was shocked when he heard this, and then became furious. This man actually wanted to kill her child.

"You're delusional!" Su Chengyun shouted, daring to hurt her child, she fought him.

"Hey, are you delusional that you will know in the future!" Hai Tianlong said indifferently, "Su Chengyun, are you going to follow me, or let me ask you to go!"

"Hey, give up, I won't go with you! If you want me to go with you, you are dreaming!" Su Chengyun said.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, don't you want your parents' lives?" Hai Tianlong asked casually.

Su Chengyun felt as if a thunder had exploded in his mind, pointed at Hai Tianlong and said, "You...what did you do to my parents?" No wonder I didn't see my parents coming, but my mother's room is next door, no Might not be able to hear anything here.

"Hey, I didn't do anything to your parents, I just gave them a little smell!" Hai Tianlong said.

"You actually used medicine on my parents?" Su Chengyun said angrily.

"Hey, medication is the easiest way, I don't want to disturb other people, I can't take you away!" Hai Tianlong said it as a matter of course, and then clapped his hands twice.

So Su Chengyun saw Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi being carried in by two men in black.

"Father...mother..." Su Chengyun called out.

But Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi fell to the ground limply, unable to respond to her calls.

But Hai Tianlong obviously didn't think it was enough, and put a knife on each of their necks.

"Su Chengyun, if you follow me obediently, I guarantee that nothing will happen to your parents when they wake up tomorrow. If you are ignorant, I will let one of you enter the Palace of Hades first!" Hai Tianlong said evilly, "No Knowing Su Chengyun, which one are you willing to advance to the Palace of the King of Hades!"

Su Chengyun's face was livid, this Hai Tianlong dared to threaten her like this.

Su Chengyun clenched his hands tightly, wishing to tear the person in front of him apart with one hand.

"Su Chengyun, don't get angry, if the child makes a mistake, I will go down with this knife! Also, don't think that I will let you go if the child is gone, I will find someone to let you have the child again, or just stop Wait three years? I can afford it!" Hai Tianlong said.

Su Chengyun tried hard to calm down the anger in her heart, and asked coldly: "What do you want my child to do?" She had to figure out Hai Tianlong's intention.

"Hey, Su Chengyun, you've been pregnant for three years because of the Phoenix bloodline, haha, the painstaking care of a child born three years ago by the Phoenix bloodline is of great use!" Hai Tianlong laughed.

Heart bleed?

He actually wanted to take her child's heart and soul, could her child still live after taking his heart and blood?This is trying to kill her child.

"What's the use of your heart and blood?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, I can't tell you this!" Hai Tianlong's mouth was still tight.

"Su Chengyun, you don't need to waste time, quickly decide whether you want to follow me obediently, and I will give you another cup of tea time. To be honest, I really don't want to force others, especially beautiful women!" Tianlong sighed.

This is not forced, Su Chengyun bit his lip.

"If I go with you, do you really guarantee that my parents are okay?" Su Chengyun gritted his teeth and confirmed that Hai Tianlong had grasped her weakness.

"Hey, Su Chengyun, who am I, Hai Tianlong? Your parents are nothing more than ants in my eyes, so I'm too lazy to do anything!" Hai Tianlong said disdainfully, "However, the power your parents possess It's not small, if you give it some more time, it will definitely grow even bigger, hehe, I look forward to the day when your parents come to seek revenge on me!"


"Hey. Life is too peaceful. It's no fun to have no waves. I will leave a letter to your parents to let them know who took you away! I hope your parents can find you soon, and maybe they can see you again One side! Haha, haha!" Hai Tianlong laughed.

"Madman!" Su Chengyun cursed in his heart, this Hai Tianlong is a powerful lunatic standing at the top of the pyramid, looking forward to seeing the people below being in a mess to be happy.

"It's time, will you go or not!" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Let me pack two pieces of clothes!" Su Chengyun said.

"I will prepare it for you!" Hai Tianlong said.

"I'm pregnant, are you sure you can buy suitable clothes!" Su Chengyun asked back.

"I'll buy fabrics and have someone make them for you!" Hai Tianlong didn't compromise.

"Then you put my parents with me!" Su Chengyun said, she didn't want her parents to stay on the ground all night.

"This can satisfy you!" Hai Tianlong waved his hand, and the man in black who was guarding Su Hongyi and Su Hongyi lifted them up and helped cover the quilt.

"You can go now!" Hai Tianlong asked.

Su Chengyun glanced at Su Hongyi and Su Hongyi again, and nodded.

"Haha, let's go!" With a wave of Hai Tianlong's hand, a letter landed on the table. It seems that this guy has been prepared for a long time, and he already knew that he could take her away.

Su Chengyun had no choice but to follow along.

There was an unremarkable carriage outside, and Hai Tianlong signaled Su Chengyun to get on the carriage.

As soon as Su Chengyun opened the curtain of the car, he saw a beautiful woman with a very unhappy face inside the carriage.

"Lu Rushuang?"

"Hmph!" Lu Rushuang turned her head away and ignored her. She finally persuaded Hai Tianlong to take her back to Haiyunzong, but she didn't expect Hai Tianlong to say that he would take Su Chengyun with him, which made her a little unacceptable.

"Not yet!" Hai Tianlong urged.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun found a soft place on the carriage and sat down.

Hai Tianlong then boarded the carriage.

The carriage slowly drove forward in the dark night, as if leading to an unknown future.

(End of this chapter)

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