Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 359: Overseas Scenery

Chapter 359: Overseas Scenery
Seeing Su Chengyun again the next day, Hai Tianlong knew that last night was wasted!
"Su Chengyun, let me feel your pulse!" Hai Tianlong sighed.

"Hai Tianlong, have you forgotten that I am a pharmacist?" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"Haven't you heard that doctors don't heal themselves? Stop talking nonsense!" Hai Tianlong caught Su Chengyun's pulse impatiently.

"Well, the child is fine. You have caught a slight cold. It must be because of the rain yesterday. I will ask the fat aunt to make you some soup to drive you away from the cold. Drink it and you will be fine!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Then I will trouble you!" Su Chengyun said.

Hai Tianlong took a deep look at Su Chengyun: "No trouble, just tell me if you have anything!"

"Understood!" Su Chengyun replied, "By the way, how long is it until we arrive at Haiyunzong?"

"If it goes well, it will take about ten days. If there are other situations, it will be postponed!" Hai Tianlong said, "In two days, there will be people, and I will take you out to play!"

"I don't want it anymore, I am not suitable for playing like this!" Su Chengyun shook his head lightly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you, everything will be fine!" Hai Tianlong insisted, now he really wants Su Chengyun to have a taste of overseas scenery.

"Then let's talk about it then!" Su Chengyun said indifferently, it doesn't really matter to her whether she goes or not.

"Then I'll take it as your promise!"

Su Chengyun gave Hai Tianlong a blank look, how could this happen?
Two days later, as Hai Tianlong said, he met more and more people, and most of them were ordinary people who went fishing.

"Didn't you say there are monsters in the sea? Why haven't we seen them once?" Su Chengyun asked, what would these people do if they encountered a monster while fishing?They are all ordinary people, and they are said to have dealt with monsters, so they probably won't even have a chance to escape!

"Sea monsters mainly compete for territory in the sea, they rarely come out, and even if they come out, they don't attack ordinary people very much!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Oh, that's how it is!" No wonder I haven't encountered it yet!
"Look, it's the small island in front, with thousands of families living on it, let's rest on that small island tonight!" Hai Tianlong suggested.

"Brother Hai, what's so interesting about such a little person, it's better to go to Haiyunzong earlier!" Lu Rushuang said, thinking that she was about to arrive at Haiyunzong, which she had been thinking about, her heart was always a little excited.

Hai Tianlong took a look at Lu Rushuang: "You guys should get used to life on land first, so as not to get used to the island where Hai Yunzong lives! Moreover, where there are people, there are pirates, and the road ahead will not be peaceful!"

"There are... pirates?" Lu Rushuang opened her eyes wide, and her beautiful pupils flashed in disbelief.

"There are indeed pirates!" Hai Tianlong said.

"They will rob?" Su Chengyun raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, they will rob passing ships!" Hai Tianlong glanced at Su Chengyun and replied.

"Brother Hai, do they dare to rob based on your identity?" Lu Rushuang asked.Since Haiyunzong is so famous, and Haitianlong's surname is Hai, it is naturally inextricably related to Haiyunzong, how could anyone not give Haitianlong face!
"Haiyunzong has a rule that you are not allowed to reveal your identity when you walk outside on weekdays, unless your life is in danger, and it doesn't count if people find out by themselves!" Hai Tianlong explained.

This means that even if you have a very noble status, you can't use it outside for the sake of clan rules!
"Brother Hai, is Haiyunzong very strict?" Just a little glimpse, Haiyunzong definitely puts the most emphasis on the rules, and even the strongest Hai Tianlong has to abide by it, which shows that others dare not violate it.

Hai Tianlong nodded: "Sea Cloud Sect is a big sect, and naturally the rules are very strict. You will know when you go there. There are many lines that cannot be crossed by the Sea Cloud Sect. I will tell you one by one when the time comes!"

While the three of them were talking, the boat docked steadily on the small island.

Under Hai Tianlong's signal, Lu Rushuang helped Su Chengyun get off the boat.

"Hey, young master, you are so kind to your wife, and the maids you teach are also very good!" A woman on the road couldn't help boasting when she saw a group of people coming up to meet her.

Su Chengyun almost burst out laughing, maid?Lu Rushuang turned out to be her maid in the eyes of others, it was so funny.

"Laugh, what are you laughing at?" Lu Rushuang snorted.She is also very depressed, people treat her as a maid for no reason, her looks and temperament are not like a maid!This is the section where she will fall in love with Su Chengyun for life.

"You are Aunt Zhu, right? We want to stay for another night, please help arrange it!" A young man beside Hai Tianlong stood up and negotiated with Aunt Zhu.

After understanding their needs, Aunt Zhu found a vacant courtyard, which was big enough to hold a boat full of people.

Not only that, Hai Tianlong also ordered meals for this day, the reason is that they often have authentic overseas home-cooked food.

The food here is really unique.

After staying here for one night, they continued their journey.

Maybe it was bad luck, but I saw the pirate ship.

"Su Chengyun, why are you sighing?" Lu Rushuang asked angrily. Hai Tianlong knew that Su Chengyun's child was very old, but he insisted on taking her to the island to play, and even asked her to Take care of her.

What did Hai Tianlong think of her, Su Chengyun's maid?

Even if she serves anyone, she doesn't want to serve Su Chengyun. They are enemies, and there is no enemy who takes care of the other.

"Hehe, I'm looking at the pirate ship, it seems to be coming towards us!" Su Chengyun looked into the distance and said, where a small dot was moving towards us.

"Ah, it's really a pirate ship!" Lu Rushuang exclaimed, "Brother Hai, let's avoid them!" If we can, we should avoid them. After finally getting here, she doesn't want to give up halfway.

"It can't be avoided!" Hai Tianlong directly vetoed it.

"Why?" Lu Rushuang asked.

"It's just a few pirates, what are you afraid of?" Hai Tianlong said.

"But that ship is so big, there are more than a few pirates?" Lu Rushuang said with a frown.

"It's worthless, no matter how many people come, I'm not afraid!" Hai Tianlong said, "The sea is my territory, and others always walk around it. If I see a few pirates, I'll turn around. If it spreads, it won't let people know." Laugh your teeth out!" Hai Tianlong said coldly with displeasure.

Lu Rushuang closed her mouth!

"Haha, this kid is very lucky. A beautiful woman threw himself into his arms, and another beautiful woman worked hard to give birth to him!" Several voices came from the pirate ship.

"Brother Qiang, you are envious, why don't you brothers snatch it back for you!" Another pirate said.

"Go, we only rob money, forget about it!" the man called Brother Qiang said.

"Yes, yes, Brother Qiang!"

"Have you heard it? Hurry up and hand over all the gold coins in your hands, otherwise we will be rude!" the pirate said.

"Oh, why are you going to be rude?" Hai Tianlong asked with narrowed eyes.

"Haha, we generally don't force people, but if someone is ignorant, we won't sit idly by!" Another pirate said.

(End of this chapter)

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