Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 360 Idiot

Chapter 360 Idiot (Two in One)

"Stop talking nonsense, come if you want to come, and get out if you don't come!" Hai Tianlong said impatiently, do any youngsters dare to provoke him now?

"Haha, Brother Qiang, this man is crazy, I'll teach him a lesson!"

The man called Brother Qiang stopped him: "Be careful, this person must rely on someone to do this!"

"Brother Qiang, are you being too careful, just like him? Although their boat looks good, but look at the clothes of his two women, they are the clothes of inferior people, and they can make their own women dress like that Yes, who could it be?"

Su Chengyun smiled, but she didn't expect that she put on the fat aunt's clothes on a whim today, and was considered an inferior person.These people only judge people by their clothes, really...

Lu Rushuang became even more angry. Her clothes are very famous in Nancang City. She didn't expect to be classified as an inferior here. It's really unbearable. What kind of vision does this pirate have? It depends on her It's impossible for her appearance to be inferior!

Lu Rushuang also complained about going to Su Chengyun. If it wasn't for the clothes Su Chengyun wore that lowered her style, she would never be considered an inferior person.

"Brother Hai, teach them a lesson!" Lu Rushuang urged, she must pay a price for those people to know how powerful she is, and dare to say that she is inferior.She was born a noble young lady, and she wanted to marry the most powerful person in the world. These people actually smeared her like this, and she would never forgive them.

"Haha, chick, how do you want to teach us a lesson?" the pirate asked with a smile.

" all deserve to die!" Lu Rushuang pointed at a few people and said, "Hmph, if you dare to offend Miss Ben, I will throw you all into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Hehe, the chick is really cruel. We didn't expect to kill you, but you wanted our life so cruelly. In this case, why are we being polite?" The pirate called Qiangzi was obviously a little angry .

"Haha, chick, your man hasn't spoken yet, and it's your turn to be the master. It seems that you are a powerful master!" Xiao Luo said with a smile, looking at Hai Tianlong with a trace of contempt in his eyes, They have robbed so many ships, and they have never seen a man so useless.

Naturally, Hai Tianlong saw the contempt in the pirate's eyes, so he gave Lu Rushuang a hard look, and said to the pirate, "Leave now, and I'll pretend nothing happened. If you're obsessed, then don't blame me for being rude!" Hai Tianlong's voice was filled with chill.

"Haha, boy, you dare to threaten us. We have been here for many years, and no one has dared to speak like this. You are so brave!"

"I've always been very courageous, so don't mess with me. If I get angry, none of you will think about leaving here!" Hai Tianlong stared at several people and said.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how you don't let us leave, you're really arrogant, boy, remember, our pirates rule the world at sea, and there will be no good end for us pirates!" Brother Qiang Also staring at Hai Tian Longdao.

"Haha, it's still the same sentence, come if you have the ability, and I will accompany you to the end!" Hai Tianlong laughed loudly without fear.

"Bold, brothers, since someone is so provocative, if we don't respond to the situation, we are really sorry for him, don't you think so?" Brother Qiang shouted with a smile.

"Yes!" A tidy reply said that there were quite a few pirates on board.

Lu Rushuang frowned slightly: "Brother Hai, there are so many of them!"

"Yo, are you scared, little girl? Seeing as you are pretty, if you come to our boat obediently and serve as a little girl serving tea and water for Brother Qiang, we can consider letting you go." !” said a young man with a grin.

"Haha, agree, agree!" The other pirates also booed.

Lu Rushuang blushed from anger, pointed at the pirates and yelled angrily: "Hey, I don't even look at your virtues, I want my lady to serve you, just dream!"

"Heh, you actually look down on us pirates! Brother Qiang, I caught her myself!" A young man volunteered.

"Hey, don't be busy, let's deal with that kid first, then we'll talk about it. It's just two women. After that kid is dealt with, we can do whatever we want with those two girls!" said Brother Qiang.

"Haha, that woman is about to give birth. When she is born, we will raise the child. When he grows up, he will naturally become one of our pirates!"

"Haha, yes, the pirates raised from childhood are the most loyal!"

Su Chengyun's eyes froze slightly when he heard this, that there is another person who is playing tricks on her child, what a courteous death!

Could it be that her child is a sweet potato? Hai Tianlong wants it, and these pirates also want it, but she, Su Chengyun, is not someone who will be slaughtered by these people. If she wants to get her child's idea, she must pass her test first. Can.

"Oh, I have a stomachache!" Su Chengyun wailed while hugging his stomach.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Hai Tianlong asked nervously.

"I think, I'm pissed off by them!" Su Chengyun pointed at the pirates and said, she knew that Hai Tianlong was most nervous about the child in her womb, if something happened to the child, Hai Tianlong would never let it go, since Both of them have ideas about her child, so let them fight first.

Sure enough, Hai Tianlong's eyes gradually became gloomy when he heard the words: "Lu Rushuang, take care of Su Chengyun first!" Hai Tianlong ordered, then stared at the pirates on the opposite ship, and said word by word, "Damn you!"

"Hmph, it's not up to you whether we deserve to die or not. In short, meeting us today is your doom. We only wanted to grab some gold coins, but who made you so ignorant!" said Brother Qiang.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see the real chapter! Listen to me, those pirates will not stay!" Hai Tianlong said to the people behind him.

"Yes, master!" The people behind replied neatly.

"Hey, you want us not to stay, what a big appetite, brothers, can you hold back?" Brother Qiang yelled.


"Brothers, don't hold back, kill that kid!" Brother Qiang gave an order.

Here, Hai Tianlong also waved his hand, and the people on both sides rushed towards the ground, and quickly handed over their hands.

Su Chengyun couldn't help but twitched the corners of the mouths of both sides when they were fighting, and happened to be caught by Lu Rushuang: "Su Chengyun, don't you have a stomachache?"

"Hehe, I thought that Hai Tianlong was about to avenge me, so I felt relieved, so my stomach is healed!" Su Chengyun answered as a matter of course.

Lu Rushuang frowned, and looked suspiciously at Su Chengyun: "Su Chengyun, aren't you just pretending?"

"Hehe, so what if it is, so what if it's not?" Su Chengyun said ambiguously, but Lu Rushuang was sure that Su Chengyun was faking it.

"Su Chengyun, you are so brave, you dare to lie to Hai Tianlong like this, you are not afraid of his anger..."

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong won't do anything to me before my child is born! And he will let you take good care of me!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"You..." Su Chengyun was determined on this point.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun, don't think that Hai Tianlong doesn't know what you've done. He's just looking at the child's face now. When your child is born and you lose the amulet, I think Hai Tianlong will do it ten times better. Get it back a hundred times!" Lu Rushuang raised her eyebrows and said.

"That's something for the future, I can enjoy it now, why should I think about something so far away, maybe things will change by then!" Su Chengyun pointedly said.

"Su Chengyun, I advise you to give up the matter of escaping. Don't look at the fact that there are more islands and more residents here, but people in Lanling mainland are different from people overseas. You can't hide from others wherever you go. Eyes, Haiyunzong's intelligence system is very powerful, are you sure you can escape?" Lu Rushuang mocked disdainfully.

"You don't need to worry about that. No matter how powerful Haiyunzong is, I'm afraid it can't cover the sky with one hand. Isn't there another Qingyunzong!" Su Chengyun smiled and said, "Lu Rushuang, if Qingyunzong has someone who is stronger than Hai Tianlong Handsome and powerful male cultivator, will you abandon Hai Tianlong again and choose someone else?" Su Chengyun teased.

Lu Rushuang turned dark when she heard the words, what does Su Chengyun mean? Is she as promiscuous as she said?

Let’s not talk about Mr. Mingyi. Mr. Mingyi doesn’t like her at all. She has worked hard for so long but has not received any response, and she has become the laughing stock of Nancang City. Could it be that she can’t give up Mr. Mingyi and find another one? Do you like it?
After meeting Hai Tianlong, she cared about him wholeheartedly, but she didn't have any other thoughts.

"Su Chengyun, don't frame me, I'm not that kind of person!" Lu Rushuang said.

"Hehe, I only believe in facts, not in other people's guarantees!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Do I need to promise you?" Lu Rushuang rolled her eyes, but saw a pirate slashing towards her with a knife. If she didn't do anything, the knife would be on Su Chengyun's body in the next moment. Lu Rushuang really didn't want to move at Su Chengyun's cynicism, but when she thought of Hai Tianlong's order, if something happened to Su Chengyun, Hai Tianlong would never guard against her.

Weighing the pros and cons quickly in his mind, Lu Rushuang finally got the impulse to rationalize and slashed out with his sword, and the pirate was slashed far away.

"Lu Rushuang, I didn't expect your cultivation level to not regress at all when chasing men!" Su Chengyun didn't thank you at all, but took the opportunity to laugh.

"You..." Lu Rushuang really regretted helping Su Chengyun just now, this person will definitely drive her to death!
"The pirate is here again!" Su Chengyun reminded.

"Hmph!" Lu Rushuang snorted coldly, and walked towards the pirate with a sword, while Su Chengyun watched with a smile on the side.

How could the pirate not know when he came to attack her at the beginning, she is double now, how could she entrust her safety to others, especially Lu Rushuang, women are emotional animals, easily impulsive, if Lu Rushuang decides not to help her , isn't she very dangerous.

So she has been on guard, not only against pirates, but also against Lu Rushuang. Seeing that Lu Rushuang finally made a move, Su Chengyun breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to reveal her strength, so that Hai Tianlong could be aware and vigilant. Not good.

Lu Rushuang did have two brushes, and quickly dealt with the pirate, throwing him into the sea: "Haha, I agreed to feed you to the fish, and this lady said I will do it!" Lu Rushuang shouted at the pirate in disbelief. .

"Idiot!" Hai Tianlong, who was fighting Brother Qiang, gritted his teeth secretly when he heard this, and asked Lu Rushuang to watch over Su Chengyun. The woman actually went to provoke the pirates. Was she afraid that the pirates would not attack her?It's fine if she dies, but what if something happens to Su Chengyun?
Thinking of this, Hai Tianlong's heart became anxious, and he shot more fiercely.

Su Chengyun also helped Fu's forehead. Lu Rushuang, who was so tolerant before, why has become like this now? This is too out of tune.Is it because I forbeared for too long and too deeply before, but now I have returned to my nature and rebounded slightly?

And after Lu Rushuang yelled this voice, she suddenly felt refreshed, but when she turned her head and saw Su Chengyun's idiot-like eyes, she couldn't help but sink her face.

"Su Chengyun, what do you mean, I helped you deal with the pirates, why do you still look at me like this?" Lu Rushuang asked unconvinced, with the meaning that if you don't give me an explanation, I will never end with you.

Su Chengyun curled his lips: "You solved one pirate, but you attracted more pirates!" Su Chengyun nunu pointed to the back.

Lu Rushuang, who didn't understand it at first, turned her head and saw three pirates rushing towards her. She couldn't help being startled. Then she realized that her voice must have caused the trouble just now. She couldn't help but secretly regretted it, but she still stood upright. He leaned forward and said, "Hmph, if you dare to come, I will accompany you!"

Lu Rushuang greeted her with a long sword.

A fierce battle started, and Lu Rushuang fought desperately to prevent Su Chengyun from underestimating her.

Although there were a lot of pirates, except for the first few, the rest of the gangsters were mostly just making up the numbers. Who was Lu Rushuang's opponent, and Lu Rushuang solved them one by one in a short time.

Lu Rushuang triumphantly threw everyone into the sea.

"Lu Rushuang, don't shout no matter how proud you are!" Su Chengyun reminded.

Lu Rushuang, who was originally in a good mood, immediately went crazy when she heard the words. Can Su Chengyun not pour cold water on her? Is there such a thing as a blow to someone?And every time when she is proud!
Lu Rushuang's unkind eyes swept over Su Chengyun: "Su Chengyun, when you were in the Lu family, I didn't bully you much, did I?" Lu Rushuang asked seriously.

Su Chengyun nodded: "It seems not, you were playing pitiful at that time, how could you have time to bully me!"

"Hmph, since I didn't bully you, why do you always bully me now?" Lu Rushuang asked puzzled.

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "Hehe, Lu Rushuang, although you haven't bullied me, other members of your Lu family have bullied you! Besides, your Lu family has a feud with our Su family. You said that I might be against you. How are you?"

"Mie... the revenge of destroying the family?" Lu Rushuang opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"Hehe, how do you think my father came to your Lu family? Hmph, that's why your Lu family destroyed all of the Su family and brought my father back!" Su Chengyun said.

"No...impossible?" Lu Rushuang shook her head in disbelief.

"Hehe, Lu Rushuang, you also know that I have the blood of the Phoenix! Your Lu family did all these things for the Su family's heirloom! This is the truth, I didn't lie to you!" Su Chengyun said, although The Su family was formed by servants, but it was the Su family back then!
(End of this chapter)

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