Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 361 Like?

Chapter 361 Like?

When Hai Tianlong came back, he saw two women, one smiling and the other looking thoughtful and lost.

Hai Tianlong couldn't help but frowned slightly, and slapped Lu Rushuang.

Lu Rushuang felt pain on her face, and woke up suddenly: "Who doesn't open his eyes..." But when she saw that it was Hai Tianlong who made the move, she couldn't help swallowing the latter words, but she was also very unconvinced, and asked, " Brother Hai, why did you hit me?"

The second time, this is already the second time!
Hai Tianlong said coldly: "Lu Rushuang, I asked you to take care of Su Chengyun. I didn't ask you to come here to be in a daze, nor did I ask you to attract the enemy and add danger to Su Chengyun!"

Su Chengyun?Su Chengyun?
Is Hai Tianlong thinking about Su Chengyun?Didn't he see that she helped Su Chengyun deal with the pirates?

"Brother Hai, I have helped Su Chengyun fight pirates!"

"Hmph, even if there is, you provoked it!" Hai Tianlong said bluntly, obviously still minding Lu Rushuang's idiot behavior earlier.

Lu Rushuang felt helpless and aggrieved. Could it be that Su Chengyun was right, Hai Tianlong still didn't care about her at all?

After learning about what the family had done, Lu Rushuang, who had already collapsed in her heart, was now constantly denying herself.

"What happened to those pirates?" Su Chengyun naturally saw Lu Rushuang's loss of soul, but they were enemies in the first place, and it was fine if she didn't make trouble, but she wouldn't kindly explain it to her.

"Those pirates are all settled, the guards are cleaning the scene, we will leave after a while!" Hai Tianlong replied, and asked, "Su Chengyun, are you okay?"

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine!" Seeing that Hai Tianlong wanted to come over to check it himself, Su Chengyun quickly covered his nose, "Don't come over, you smell like blood!"

"Sorry, I'll pack up and come back again!" Hai Tianlong turned and walked towards the cabin.

"Su Chengyun, is Hai Tianlong really doing it for the child in your womb?" Lu Rushuang frowned tightly. She could clearly see Hai Tianlong's concern for Su Chengyun. She could persuade herself that it was for Su Chengyun before. The child in Chengyun's belly, but now, Hai Tianlong seems to care more about Su Chengyun, which is the care she has been longing for for a long time.

"Lu Rushuang, Hai Tianlong is not your destination. If you are a smart woman, you should have made plans for yourself!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hmph, I've identified Hai Tianlong in my life, and no one wants me to leave him!" She is already Hai Tianlong's person, where else can she go?
When Hai Tianlong came out again, he was refreshed: "Su Chengyun, I'll take your pulse!"

"No need, I'm really fine!" Su Chengyun said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hai Tianlong didn't take this kind of trick, he moved and caught Su Chengyun's wrist.

"Fortunately, don't stand for too long, go back to rest earlier, and I will ask Fat Auntie to call you when it's time to eat!" Hai Tianlong said softly.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Well, I'm a little tired, you don't need to call me when you eat, I think this sleep time will not be short!" Su Chengyun took the lead in inoculating them, she was going to practice, The last innate gas, you have to absorb it before you say anything.

Hai Tianlong was silent for a while, and said, "Okay!"

Su Chengyun turned and left, Hai Tianlong looked at Su Chengyun's back until he disappeared before moving away.

Lu Rushuang hesitated several times and didn't know how to speak. Hai Tianlong naturally saw her expression, and asked with a frown, "What do you want to say?"

Lu Rushuang was stunned for a moment and said: "Brother Hai, do you like Su Chengyun?" After finally asking, Lu Rushuang naturally stared at Hai Tianlong's face closely, wanting to see his expression.

Hai Tianlong didn't expect Lu Rushuang to ask this question so bluntly, he was a little stunned, and was silent for a moment, "Why do you ask me this question?"

"Brother Hai, everyone says eyes can't lie. You always said it was for Su Chengyun's child and her blood, but you can see that Su Chengyun's eyes are clearly a man's concern for a woman. Brother Hai , Could it be that you used to coax me?" Speaking of this, Lu Rushuang felt aggrieved and choked up.

"I..." Hai Tianlong seemed to say that he didn't like Su Chengyun at all, but he couldn't say anything, and finally shook his sleeves fiercely, "Hmph, I said Su Chengyun is medicine. Medicine, there is no doubt about it!" He turned around and left after speaking.

But Lu Rushuang smiled miserably. Hai Tianlong was obviously a little angry and pretended to be calm. Doesn't this prove that he likes Su Chengyun very much, so what is she, Lu Rushuang?
Even if Hai Tianlong is hard-hearted, and finally restrained his feelings and used Su Chengyun's blood, but even if Su Chengyun died, he would still occupy a place in Hai Tianlong's heart, and it was a very important place. She, Lu Rushuang, can't match her now , maybe even worse by then.

When did Hai Tianlong fall in love with Su Chengyun?Lu Rushuang thought hard but couldn't come up with a reason. She really regretted the trouble that encouraged him to find Su Chengyun. If it wasn't for the trouble that made them meet, Hai Tianlong would have no chance of falling in love with Su Chengyun.

Hey, is this self-inflicted?

Lu Rushuang fell into deep regret.

At this time, Hai Tianlong was also thinking deeply. Even Lu Rushuang could see that he liked Su Chengyun. It seemed that he really liked Su Chengyun. When did it start?

Could it be the first time I saw Su Chengyun, or the night when I took Su Chengyun away.

That somewhat calm and fearless woman infiltrated his life bit by bit, especially during the journey along the way, he couldn't help but want to care about Su Chengyun, even if he knew that the child in Su Chengyun's belly was with him. Her blood is a necessity for him to refine the elixir of life, but he still can't help but care about it.

Is he really stuck in the mud?
But, shouldn't it?Things shouldn't be going this way?

This night, there were many people destined to suffer from insomnia, but Su Chengyun didn't care what happened outside, she was frantically absorbing the innate energy to advance.

"Who?" The boat was quiet at night, Hai Tianlong opened his closed eyes suddenly, and looked at a woman in white who appeared at the door.

"Lu Rushuang, what are you doing here if you don't sleep?" Hai Tianlong saw that it was Lu Rushuang who came, and asked.

"I...I..." Lu Rushuang lowered her head, her face was a little red, and she stammered, "We already..."

"So? Want to continue?" Hai Tianlong asked evilly.

"I..." Lu Rushuang didn't dare to look up into Hai Tianlong's eyes.

"Hehe..." Hai Tianlong's figure moved, Lu Rushuang only felt his body fly into the air, and then fell into a warm bed.

"Brother Hai...Brother Hai..." Looking at Junyan who was close at hand, Lu Rushuang's eyes showed a hint of infatuation, and then a hint of determination. She wanted to make Brother Hai obsessed with her, from body to heart, and never think about Su again. ride the clouds.

Thinking of this, Lu Rushuang closed her eyes and kissed her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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