Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 362 Guess

Chapter 362 Guess
Su Chengyun hit the barrier over and over again, and the surrounding innate gas gathered towards the body at a visible speed. Su Chengyun's muscles and veins were tense, and his whole body was on the verge of an explosion.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Finally, after countless sprints, I finally felt a puff sound in my body, as if a punctured balloon burst.

Break through, break through!
Su Chengyun felt ecstatic in his heart, she had already broken through the Spirit Sect to reach the Spirit Sage.

Now he is the Holy Spirit powerhouse.

Not only the attack and defense are greatly enhanced, but also the equipment of sub-artifacts can be used by the holy spirit, that is to say, she can freely control the shocking sword.

Although Su Chengyun was happy in his heart, he did not stop cultivating, but continued to absorb the innate energy around him. After being promoted to the Holy Spirit, the speed of absorption became faster. It didn't take long for the innate energy in this space to be absorbed completely. , and her cultivation has stabilized in the mid-spiritual stage.

Su Chengyun was in a very good mood, so good that when he walked out of the room, he felt that the monotonous sea scenery became lovely.

"Hey, Su Chengyun, are you awake?" Lu Rushuang came out at some time and asked standing behind her.

Su Chengyun turned around, but seeing Lu Rushuang's pale face, he couldn't help frowning slightly: "Lu Rushuang, why did you make yourself like this?"

Naturally, Lu Rushuang knew that Su Chengyun was talking about her face, so she couldn't help biting her lips, and seeing Su Chengyun's red face, she became even more depressed.

Originally, she wanted Hai Tianlong to fall in love with her, but who knows that Su Chengyun's name that Hai Tianlong inadvertently called out when he was making out with her made her still unable to let go.

Hai Tianlong's affection for Su Chengyun is deeper than she imagined, it can't help but make people jealous!
"Su Chengyun, are you the nemesis of our Lu family?" Lu Rushuang asked with a sneer. Lu Ruyun was the only one. It was because he liked Mo Mo who was beside Su Chengyun, and ended up being a concubine, and finally paid for it. Her own life, and she likes Hai Tianlong, but what Hai Tianlong misses is Su Chengyun.

Hehe, did the Lu family really owe Su Chengyun?To treat them like this?
Su Chengyun looked at Lu Rushuang, who was smiling sadly, with sympathy in his eyes, for a woman to show such an expression, there must be a man who gave her a hard time.

"Lu Rushuang, you have already said that Hai Tianlong is not your beloved!" Su Chengyun sighed.

"Su Chengyun, did you already know that Hai Tianlong liked you?" Lu Rushuang asked directly, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

"Hehe, Lu Rushuang, don't you think it's boring to ask this question? What if Hai Tianlong likes me, and what if he doesn't? That's his business, what's none of my business?" Su Chengyun's eyes showed sarcasm.

Lu Rushuang looked at Su Chengyun's face for a long time, and then said slowly: "Su Chengyun, now I know that you are the coolest person!"

The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly: "It's not too late for you to know now!" Everyone has a cold side, and she is no exception!
"Su Chengyun, you're right. Whether Hai Tianlong likes you or not, he won't change his desire for your blood and your child's heart and soul. Men are self-centered and won't just because they like a The woman will give up all of this!" Lu Rushuang chuckled, as if she had figured it out.

Su Chengyun glanced at Lu Rushuang, said nothing, and continued to enjoy the scenery on the sea.

Hai Tianlong didn't know when he came out, his eyes flashed when he saw both of them were there.

"Su Chengyun, you finally woke up!" Hai Tianlong said.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Well, wake up, come out to see the scenery!"

"Looking at the scenery is good for children!" Hai Tianlong said the word "children" emphatically.

"Don't worry, my child will be fine!" Su Chengyun said with a pun. Although the two little guys fell into a deep sleep, she could still feel their aura in the space.As long as he feels the child's breath, Su Chengyun's heart will be filled with happiness.

"Su Chengyun, didn't you say that the father of the child will come back? Will he come to you when he comes back?" Lu Rushuang asked.

Su Chengyun glanced at Lu Rushuang with a slight sarcasm in his eyes, and couldn't wait to mention the child's father in front of Hai Tianlong.Looking at Hai Tianlong again, his eyes sank when he heard the words of the child's father.

"Lu Rushuang, it's not that you don't know Mo Mo, you know Mo Mo's temperament, do you think he will come?" Su Chengyun offered Lu Rushuang an opportunity.

However, Lu Rushuang thought that Su Chengyun was showing off, and said: "Hehe, I said he will come, Momo is a man who admits death and protects you very much. If he knows you are here, he will definitely come after you! And Mr. Mingyi and Feng Absolutely, those two people also care about you very much, and they will definitely find a way to find you!"

Also involving Mr. Ming Yi and Feng Jue, Su Chengyun's eyes froze a little.

"Lu Rushuang, don't you still care about Mr. Mingyi's refusal to marry you?" Su Chengyun asked innocently, but just this sentence made Lu Rushuang shut his mouth successfully.

Hai Tianlong glared at Lu Rushuang slightly, then looked at Su Chengyun: "Su Chengyun, don't expect them to rescue you, there are no overseas people to guide you, and you can only get lost in the vast sea. It is not easy to find this place. matter!"

"It's not easy, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. I believe my parents and relatives will try their best to find me!" Su Chengyun said with a smile. Her friends and relatives are the closest people, and they will definitely will come for her.

"Su Chengyun, are you just looking forward to their death?" Lu Rushuang said from the side.

"Hehe, Lu Rushuang, you are so naive, Hai Tianlong, didn't you tell her why you went to Lanling Continent?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Ah..." Lu Rushuang was a little taken aback when she heard the words, didn't Hai Tianlong go on a tour?

Hai Tianlong's eyes flashed: "What else can you do, isn't it just to go out and learn a lot!"

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, you overseas want to get involved in Lanling Continent, why can't you tell us people in Lanling Continent?" Su Chengyun mocked.

"Ah...really?" Lu Rushuang looked at Hai Tianlong in disbelief.

Hai Tianlong missed his gaze slightly, and Lu Rushuang immediately understood that Su Chengyun was right.

"Su Chengyun, how did you know?" Hai Tianlong asked after being silent for a while.

"Hehe, I never believe in things without a reason, and I don't believe that you, an overseas person, traveled in Lanling Continent in such a high-profile way, so I would rather believe that you are testing the water!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, "How about it?" I feel that the water depth of Lanling Continent is not deep, so is it worth your effort to occupy it overseas?" Su Chengyun asked very directly, but she quickly said, "I guess you overseas are powerless, although Lanling Continent The top-level cultivation base is not as high as yours, but there are many other masters, and you have few people in the town, so you can't hold it down at all, right?"

"Su Chengyun, you are very smart, really smart!" Hai Tianlong said.

(End of this chapter)

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