Chapter 364
As you travel, you will see more and more inhabited islands, and the islands are getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, after a few days, they came to a big island. Looking from a distance, the pier of the island was wide and there were many boats parked there. It was crowded with people. From the pier, they could predict the excitement on the island.

"This is Roan Island, we are taking a rest here for a day before going on the road!" Hai Tianlong said.

The boat was heading towards the pier, but when it was about to enter the pier, a boat suddenly rushed across, hit it violently, and the hull swayed. Su Chengyun was standing by the side of the boat, but he didn't stop all of a sudden. Steady and fell down.

"Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong discovered the situation here, jumped up, wanted to hold Su Chengyun, but was a little too slow, and only heard a plop, and Su Chengyun fell into the sea.

"Su Chengyun, hold on!" Hai Tianlong plunged down fiercely, heading towards Su Chengyun who was thrashing in the sea.

In fact, Su Chengyun really fell into the sea accidentally, but the struggle was fake. She can swim, but she can't tell others about it, so Hai Tianlong thinks she can't swim.

"Su Chengyun..." Hai Tianlong was about to approach Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun struggled even harder: "Go away, don't come near me!"

"Su Chengyun, don't make trouble!" Hai Tianlong growled.

"Go away, men and women can't kiss each other!" Su Chengyun shouted.

"What time is it, you still worry about this!" Hai Tianlong frowned and swam over, grabbed Su Chengyun, and took her on board, while the fat aunt was already on the boat with a cloak ready, Hai Tianlong once He took the cloak and covered Su Chengyun's body, and led her towards the room.

"You, let me go, I will go by myself!" Su Chengyun glared at Hai Tianlong.

"Hmph, what if you slipped and fell the child?" Hai Tianlong refused to follow suit and sent Su Chengyun directly into the room.

As soon as Su Chengyun landed, he drove Hai Tianlong out and changed into dry clothes.

When she walked out of the cabin again, she found that Hai Tianlong had already dried the clothes on her body, and was looking at the people on the boat that hit them just now.

"Why did you come out?" Hai Tianlong saw Su Chengyun frowned.

"Hehe, I always want to see who caused me to fall into the water!" Su Chengyun replied as a matter of course.

"Lu Rushuang, help Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong said to Lu Rushuang after hearing the words.

Lu Rushuang bit her lip, and finally stepped forward, made a stool for Su Chengyun and sat down, and stood by the side.

I saw a young man standing loosely on the deck of the big ship opposite, smiling at Hai Tianlong.

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, I didn't expect it to be you. When did our rebellious Hai Tianlong Hai repairer personally dive into the water to save a woman, and he was so caring?" The young man said with a smile, with mockery in his eyes, "Haitianlong , if the women of Haiyunzong saw this scene, would you hear heartbroken voices."

"Qing Yuqi, how dare you bump into my boat!" Hai Tianlong stared at Qing Yuqi fiercely.

"Haha, who knew that you, Hai Tianlong, would sit in such a dilapidated boat. This is really not worthy of your status as a major repairer of the sea. I thought it was someone who was not good at blocking my way, but I didn't mean to bump into your boat. Oh!" Qing Yuqi replied with a smile, but only he knew how true or false what was said.

"Qing Yuqi, I don't care what your reason is, anyway, you bumped into my boat and caused my people to fall into the water. I won't let this matter go easily!" Hai Tianlong said coldly.

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, I think it's the person who caused you to fall into the water that's the reason for your real anger. Hey, I want to see who is that sacred woman, and let our Hai Daxiu maintain such protection!" Qing After Yu Qi finished speaking, he glanced at Su Chengyun curiously, but when he saw Su Chengyun's swollen belly, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide in astonishment.

Hai Tianlong frowned slightly, and with a movement of his body, he blocked Qing Yuqi's eyes from looking at Su Chengyun.

Qing Yuqi withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Hai Tianlong, and asked faintly: "Hai Tianlong, your child is about to be born? Hey, no, I remember that your Haiyun Sect does not allow you to leave children outside. Don’t you claim to be noble in blood? Do you still look down on other people’s blood? Why do you still let women outside conceive your child? Aren’t you afraid of punishment from your Haiyunzong?" That woman was not from Haiyunzong at first glance , it doesn't even look like they are from overseas, so appearing here is thought-provoking!

Su Chengyun ignored Qing Yuqi's words, but looked directly at Lu Rushuang, and sure enough, Lu Rushuang's face turned pale.

If it is true what the young man said, let alone marrying Hai Tianlong, even if Lu Rushuang is a concubine, he will be discriminated against by the people of Haiyunzong.

Lu Rushuang swayed, her blood is noble, and she is not allowed to leave offspring outside, other bloodlines are not worthy of giving birth to their offspring!

Then what is she? Even if she followed Hai Tianlong, her life would be incomplete without a child?

Originally, there were still countless expectations for Haiyunzong, but now she was hit by such a bolt from the blue before she arrived at Haiyunzong's territory. No matter how strong she was, she still couldn't stand.

"Brother Hai, you...why didn't you tell me this?" Lu Rushuang asked with some misery.

Hai Tianlong frowned: "The ending is the same whether I tell you or not, Lu Rushuang, don't forget your identity!"


Lu Rushuang laughed miserably, yes, her identity is the Lu family's tribute to Hai Tianlong.

"Hey, Hai Tianlong, there is actually a woman outside, you are really capable!" Qing Yu praised, then looked at Su Chengyun, and seemed to be very concerned to persuade, "Girl, you should run as soon as possible, You are pregnant with Hai Tianlong's child, Hai Yunzong will not let you give birth to the child, with such a big belly, even if you kill the child, you may die!"

"Qing Yuqi, shut up!" Hai Tianlong shouted.

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, you've already done it, so don't let me tell you!" Qing Yuqi was not afraid of Hai Tianlong, so he looked straight at him, and said, "Girl, did you take a fancy to Hai Tianlong? Gold coins and power, hey, I’m dead, even if I have those, it’s useless! Hey, what a good escape opportunity in the water just now, why didn’t you know how to take advantage of it?” Qing Yuqi sighed regretfully for Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly when he heard the words, this Qing Yuqi was too confused, he stood up, took two steps forward, and said: "So, you knocked me into the water on purpose and wanted to help me escape?"

Qing Yuqi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed: "Hehe, of course, I have a kind heart, and I can't bear your death!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will die in the water?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.

"How is it possible, who here can't use water?" Qingyu Qiba said in a high voice.

"Hehe, you also said it was here, but it's a pity that I'm not from here, I can't swim, and I'm pregnant with a child, do you think I can escape with such a big belly?" Su Chengyun asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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