Chapter 365
Qing Yuqi was silent, he only wanted to teach Hai Tianlong a lesson, he didn't want to kill anyone!
But this woman is obviously an outsider, and she accused him in front of so many people, which shows that she didn't take him seriously.

There are really not many who can not put Qing Yuqi in their eyes.

"Hmph, is it my fault that you don't know how to swim? Besides, so many people on board didn't fall into the water, and you were the only one who fell into the water. Doesn't that mean it's your own problem?" Qing Yuqi snorted and said, just an outsider , he really didn't pay attention to it.

"Oh, really?" Su Chengyun laughed, and his smile was very gentle, which made Qing Yuqi's eyes flash.

"Su Chengyun, don't get angry!" Hai Tianlong hurriedly turned around and comforted him.

"Well, I'm not angry!" Su Chengyun replied.

But before Hai Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and then heard a crisp clap of applause, and then felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Su Chengyun's figure appeared again.

Good... so fast!

Hai Tianlong was very surprised, he didn't expect Su Chengyun to be so fast, and he was pregnant with a child.

Then look at the bright red slap mark on one side of Qing Yuqi's face, and Qing Yuqi stared at Su Chengyun fiercely with a black face, as if the clouds were so thick that it was about to rain.

"You... how dare you beat me?" Qing Yuqi stared at Su Chengyun and gnashed his teeth and shouted. He had never been beaten in the face before. He didn't expect that he would be beaten by an outsider in public. How to let him mess around?

"Hehe, how could it be my fault that you were beaten? So many people on your boat were not beaten, and you were the only one who was beaten. Doesn't that mean it's your own fault?" Su Chengyun said Qing Yuqi earlier I returned the words.

Originally, she was suffocated when Hai Tianlong took her here, but this Qing Yuqi even went to the gun. Hai Tianlong threatened her parents, so she had to compromise and come here, but this is not true. It means that she will be angry.

Since Hai Tianlong dared to kidnap her, he must be prepared to take care of her aftermath. In the future, whoever comes looking for trouble, she will return it twice, and let Hai Tianlong have a headache. Anyway, Hai Tianlong will definitely protect her before the child is born. .

As long as she is happy, it doesn't matter if it's a big disturbance overseas. Overseas people instigated Nancang Lu's family to make so many troubles in Lanling Continent. Their Su family is one of the victims. It's not an exaggeration for her to go back .

Lu Rushuang looked at the arrogant Su Chengyun, and suddenly felt like he didn't know him.

But she is also a smart person, so she quickly figured it out, Su Chengyun is taking advantage of Haitianlong's power!

Su Chengyun is really bold, but he has something to rely on, no wonder!
Qing Yuqi glared at Su Chengyun as if he wanted to eat people, this woman, this woman dared to treat him like this, here, who would not give him some face, this woman is just trying to save his face!

"Woman, do you know the fate of offending me?" Qing Yuqi stared at Su Chengyun and said.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Hehe, do you still want to let me fall into the water again?"

"Hmph, wouldn't that be too cheap for you? Tell you, I will let you live or die!" Qing Yuqi said viciously.

"Hehe, come if you have the ability, I will wait for you at Haiyunzong!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hai Yunzong? Hai Tianlong, did you instruct your woman to do this?" Qing Yuqi looked at Hai Tianlong!
Hai Tianlong frowned slightly, Su Chengyun's behavior just now was really beyond his expectation!
Hai Tianlong shook his head lightly: "No!"

"You're fooling me! That's your woman, who will she listen to if she doesn't listen to you?" Wizard Qingyu didn't believe it.

"That Qing Yuqi, please understand one thing first. I have nothing to do with Hai Tianlong, and the child in my stomach is not his! If you pull me with him again, I guarantee that the other side of your face will It will swell up immediately, and I can't say a word anymore!" Su Chengyun tilted his head and threatened.

How dare she mention it?How dare you mention this?

Qing Yuqi's face sank again: "Hmph, you are not Hai Tianlong's woman, why are you on his boat? Woman, I'm not so easy to deceive!"

"Haha, is this Hai Tianlong's woman on this boat? According to you, even the fat aunt in the kitchen is also Hai Tianlong's woman?" Su Chengyun looked at Qing Yuqi mockingly, "Qing Yuqi, your brain Is there grass growing inside?"

" actually called me an idiot?" Qing Yuqi looked at Su Chengyun in disbelief, this woman was too arrogant, she slapped him before but didn't say anything, now she still calls him an idiot.

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself!" Su Chengyun said.

"You..." Qing Yuqi pointed at Su Chengyun and didn't know what to say.

"Haha, Qing Yuqi, what this girl said is right. You are just an idiot. If you are beaten by a woman, you simply beat him back. What's the use of talking?" At this moment, a female voice sounded, and everyone looked up. I saw a boat sailing in the distance, and a very neat-looking girl was standing on the deck watching with interest.

"Qing Lian'er!" Qing Yuqi shouted angrily.

"Qing Yuqi, you are really embarrassing our Qingyun sect!" Qing Lian'er said mockingly.

"Qing Lian'er, don't worry about my affairs!" Qing Yuqi shouted.

But Qing Lian'er laughed: "Hmph, I don't care, Qing Yunzong will become a big joke tomorrow, and you were beaten by an outsider in your own territory, who would say you are a coward!"

"I'm not!" Qing Yuqi yelled.

"You're not, then call back! Fight for yourself!" Qing Lian'er continued to irritate.

"Hmph, I'll show you right now!" Qing Yuqi was so angry that smoke rose from his head. It is rare for any man not to be angry when a woman calls him a coward, let alone Qing Yuqi who is full of blood.

Qing Yuqi stared at Su Chengyun: "Woman, if you dare to hit me, let me see how I deal with you!" After speaking, Qing Yuqi kicked towards Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun only smiled slightly, without moving his body or blinking his eyes.

Hai Tianlong stood in front and punched out!
Qing Yuqi jumped back, blocking left and right, and returned to his boat.

"Hai Tianlong, what are you doing?" Qing Yuqi stared at Hai Tianlong and asked.

"Hmph, if you want to move Su Chengyun, pass me first!" Hai Tianlong said coldly.

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, that woman has already said that it has nothing to do with you, and the child in her womb is not yours, and the man in her belly is not a leader, so why are you? Could it be that you fell in love with a married woman?" Qing Yu Qi's suspicious eyes swept over Hai Tianlong.

Hai Tianlong coughed lightly, and said: "Qing Yuqi, I brought her back. I am responsible for her safety. I will not allow anyone to hurt her!"

"Hai Tianlong, I don't care who brought her back, since she offended me, I have to punish her!" Qing Yuqi looked at Hai Tianlong and said.

"Hmph, I've said it before, if you want to touch her, pass me first!" Hai Tianlong sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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