Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 367 Revenge

Chapter 367 Revenge
In the end, Hai Tianlong didn't let Qing Yuqi and Qing Lian'er go, searched for some good things from them, and handed them all over to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun looked at the two with ugly faces, and said with a smile: "If you want to get your things back, you can come to Haiyunzong to find me!"

Arrogant, really too arrogant!
This is the feeling of Qing Yuqi and Qing Lian'er at this time.

And Hai Tianlong only glanced at Su Chengyun lightly, feeling that she was different from usual.

Lu Rushuang twitched her lips. Of course, Su Chengyun was different from usual. On the boat, she was just Su Chengyun, but when confronting overseas people, she was not exactly Su Chengyun, but also represented Lanling Continent.

Su Chengyun is actually not that great, she just doesn't want to suffer, and her parents, relatives and friends are all in Lanling Continent, so naturally she doesn't want to lose the prestige of Lanling Continent, if she is bullied here, pass it back, relatives Friends would be so distressed, so Su Chengyun would rather bully others than be the one being bullied.

Lu Rushuang understands Su Chengyun's thoughts a little bit. Here, she is also thinking about Lanling Continent. Seeing that people from overseas look down on their Lanling Continent, she is actually very angry, but she does not have Su Chengyun's courage. and strength, dare not do so.

"Su Chengyun, aren't you afraid that your relatives and friends are even more worried?" Lu Rushuang asked. Su Chengyun's friends and relatives must be worried that overseas people will retaliate if they offend overseas people so blatantly.

"Don't worry, they all know me well, and they know that if I do this, there will be counterattacks, and they are not afraid of revenge!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Second hand? Do you have one?" Lu Rushuang asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, of course!" Su Chengyun said, of course not, but whoever dares to provoke her, she will return it, don't blame her for not giving face, whoever let them come over by themselves.

"Let's rest at this inn tonight!" Hai Tianlong took them to an inn that looked pretty good, and booked a small courtyard to live in.

"So tired!" Su Chengyun thumped his shoulders and said, "I'm going back to rest!"

"En!" Hai Tianlong nodded, "This little girl's name is Qingcao, and she will take care of you from now on!" Hai Tianlong pointed to a pretty little girl and said.

Is it care, or surveillance?

It seems that her behavior today has made Hai Tianlong vigilant, and specially sent a little maid here.

However, even if it is useful to send a little girl over, she has no secrets, no, it should be said that her secrets are all done in the dark, and the little girl will never know.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile, showing no sign of displeasure.

"Miss Su, take a bath first, I have someone prepare hot water!" Qingcao said.

Su Chengyun nodded, took a comfortable bath, and then went to sleep.

This sleep did not wake up until dinner time.

"Su Chengyun, Brother Hai said that he will take us out for a stroll tomorrow, do you want to go?" Lu Rushuang asked, but there was a light in his eyes that you better not go.

Su Chengyun smiled: "If you don't dislike me for slowing down your steps, I will go!"

Lu Rushuang really wanted to say that she disliked her very much, and that she still wanted to be alone with Hai Tianlong, Su Chengyun must have had no interest.

"Come together tomorrow!" Hai Tianlong walked over without knowing when, and said directly.

"Brother Hai!" Lu Rushuang looked at Hai Tianlong resentfully, but Hai Tianlong only looked at Su Chengyun.

"I don't think I should go, it's not good to make people unhappy!" Su Chengyun said.

Lu Rushuang was stunned, what does Su Chengyun mean!
Hai Tianlong glared at Lu Rushuang lightly, and said to Su Chengyun: "Don't worry, I've already prepared everything, and the carriage is covered with soft furs of monsters, let's come together tomorrow!"

"Oh, good!" Su Chengyun said, he glanced at Lu Rushuang with a smile and returned to his room.

"Miss Su, your baby is about to be born, and I will guard you in your room from now on!" Qingcao pointed to a small couch in the house.

Su Chengyun glanced lightly, and said with a smile: "Okay! I'm worried that if something happens at night and I can't find anyone, it's great that the grass is here!"

"Miss Su, this is what Qingcao should do!" Qingcao hurriedly said.

"Don't be modest, it's hard for you to let a young girl of yours serve a pregnant woman like me!" Su Chengyun said sympathetically.

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult!" Qingcao waved her hands hastily, if she said something embarrassing, would Miss Su still have her good fruit to eat when she complained to the master?
Don't look at these ladies who are kind and kind on the surface, but are they ruthless?
"Okay, I'm going to rest, and you should rest early too!" Su Chengyun said to Qingcao, and walked inside after speaking.

Qingcao's eyes flickered, and she also walked towards her little couch.

The night was as cold as water, and Su Chengyun, who was practicing in space, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master, there are villains!" The voice of the little fire bird rang in his ears.

Su Chengyun got up and left the space, and returned to his room, but felt a faint smell spreading from his nose.

Someone is taking medicine!

Su Chengyun's eyes narrowed slightly, he took out a detoxification pill from the ring and took it, and then saw that Qingcao was falling asleep, it was obvious that he had inhaled the medicine.

She wants to see who is doing these tricks.

After a while, the door opened gently, and a man in black in night clothes walked in quietly.

She glanced at the grass on the small couch before going inside to look at Su Chengyun.

"You stinky woman, you dare to humiliate me like this, I will not be a human if I don't avenge this revenge!"

A low female voice rang clearly in his ears, and Su Chengyun recognized that it was Qing Lian'er's voice.

I didn't expect that Qing Lian'er, who had a dashing first impression, turned out to be such a small-bellied woman who loved to hold grudges so much that she didn't even want to wait, so she came to look for her that night, which was really unexpected!

However, she is not afraid.

"If you dare to come here to be arrogant, ask me first! Hey, I have already used all the medicine here, and they all fell asleep. I will throw you into the sea in a while, and see how you can escape! Wait for Tomorrow Haitianlong and they will just You will think that you took the medicine to escape, and you will never think of it on me!" Qing Lian'er said proudly, and stepped forward to take Su Chengyun and walked out.

The moment Su Chengyun walked out of the door, Su Chengyun quickly plucked something from Qing Lian'er's head and threw it into the room silently. Unaware.

It was very late at night, only Qing Lian'er followed Su Chengyun's slightly heavy footsteps on the road, and soon arrived at a hidden place by the sea.

Qing Lian'er smiled sinisterly, and said in a low voice: "Su Chengyun, go to hell!"

Su Chengyun only felt that Qing Lian'er pushed her, she didn't struggle, but fell towards the sea.

"Su Chengyun!" Just as she was about to fall, Hai Tianlong's distraught voice sounded from a distance.

Qing Lian'er also heard the sound, stepped forward and pushed again, only to hear Su Chengyun fall into the sea with a plop.

(End of this chapter)

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