Chapter 368
"Su Chengyun..." Hai Tianlong's roar resounded throughout the world.

He rushed to the beach, ignoring the man in black who was running away, and jumped into the sea with a plop.

But the water here is very fast. He searched here for a long time but couldn't find Su Chengyun's figure. When Lu Rushuang and the others rushed over after the effect of the medicine wore off on the second day, Hai Tianlong was still looking anxiously.

"Su Chengyun fell from here, you all come down and look for it!" Hai Tianlong gave an order, and everyone jumped into the sea one by one, only Lu Rushuang jumped on it anxiously.

"Brother Hai, the water is very cold, come up and take a rest first!" Hai Tianlong looked as if he had been searching for a long time, with a tired face on his face.

"No, I want to find Su Chengyun!"

"Brother Hai, you have been searching here for a long time and still haven't found it. Maybe Su Chengyun is no longer here!" Lu Rushuang said.

"No, she was pushed down from here, and she has a big belly, she must be nearby!" Hai Tianlong said.

But everyone searched the neighborhood no less than ten times, but they still couldn't find Su Chengyun.

Hai Tianlong is going crazy.

"Brother Hai, maybe Su Chengyun was washed away by the water. Don't forget that Su Chengyun doesn't know how to swim, and he should have been drugged like us, so he might be washed away." Lu Rushuang said.

Hai Tianlong's eyes narrowed dangerously. He felt the medicine last night, so he used his kung fu to expel him. He didn't expect that Su Chengyun had disappeared after he expelled him. I saw the scene where Su Chengyun was pushed into the sea.

The man in black?

Hai Tianlong clenched his hands tightly.

"Expand the search!" Hai Tianlong gave another order.

But the result was still fruitless, Hai Tianlong punched the surrounding big trees angrily, and several big trees shattered immediately.

"Brother Hai, don't be like this, Su Chengyun has a great fate, and nothing will happen!" Lu Rushuang comforted, Su Chengyun himself is a pharmacist, it's strange to be tricked by others, but Hai Tianlong is now thinking Full of worry, don't think about it.

"You don't care about me!" Hai Tianlong waved Lu Rushuang aside with a wave of his hand. He said coldly to his subordinates, "Continue to expand the search area and call all our people nearby!"

"Brother Hai, you should take a break first!" Lu Rushuang continued to persuade.

Hai Tianlong only gave Lu Rushuang a cold look, and joined the team searching for Su Chengyun.

At this time, Su Chengyun had already sat in the small boat that came from the Haitian Dragon Boat and drifted away with the wind, but unfortunately, when passing a small island, the hull of the boat hit a hidden reef and leaked water into it.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, controlled the cracked boat and headed towards the small island.

After searching for three full days, Hai Tianlong finally couldn't stand it any longer. When he was about to take a break under Lu Rushuang's constant persuasion, he saw Qingcao, who was staying at the inn, looking for him.

Seeing the grass, Hai Tianlong slapped him without thinking, and half of Qingcao's face immediately swelled up.

"Master, it's Qingcao who didn't take good care of Miss Su!" Qingcao ignored the pain on her face and began to plead guilty.

"Useless things!" Hai Tianlong said bitterly, "Everyone has been robbed, what have you been doing these past few days?" If Qingcao didn't come, he still couldn't remember that there was such a person by Su Chengyun's side , and the green grass appeared, all the anger accumulated in his heart burst out, and the palm just now was even more merciless.

"Master, Qingcao found this in Miss Su's room!" Qingcao took out a small turquoise hairpin from her bosom, with a pink lotus carved on it, lifelike.

Hai Tianlong looked at this hairpin suspiciously. This hairpin is definitely not Su Chengyun's. Su Chengyun likes plain things, and she would never wear such a lotus flower with a hint of bright breath. After having a child, Su Chengyun seldom brings these jade objects recently, and only likes to bring some wooden things.

"Master, Qingcao has already investigated clearly, this hairpin belongs to Qinglian'er!" Qingcao hurriedly said.

"Qing Lian'er? Lotus?"

The man in black!
Hai Tianlong's eyes narrowed dangerously, he should have thought of it, he should have thought of it, that woman Qing Lian'er always wanted revenge, so he should have thought that it was her who made the move.

"Crack!" Hai Tianlong ruthlessly broke a branch at hand.

"Where is Qinglian'er?" Hai Tianlong stared at Qingcao.

"Return to the master, Qing Lian'er is on their boat!" Qingcao hurriedly said, she had already investigated all these clearly, otherwise she would not have dared to appear in front of the master.

"Very good!" Hai Tianlong looked up at the endless sea in front of him, and said, "Qingcao, for the mistakes you made this time, you can be punished with death, but you can't escape with life. Go back to Haiyunzong to receive the punishment yourself!"

"Thank you master for not killing me!" Qingcao knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times, but she didn't leave, but said, "Master, please allow Qingcao to also help find Miss Su, and wait until she finds Miss Su." , Qingcao will return to Haiyunzong to receive the punishment!"

"Follow you!" Hai Tianlong strode away towards the front after finishing speaking, Lu Rushuang glanced at the grass, and hurriedly followed.

Hai Tianlong went straight to Qing Lian'er's boat, but Qing Lian'er seemed to have got the news a long time ago, and waited leisurely on the boat.

"Hai Tianlong, what are you doing here?" Qing Lian'er asked with a smile.

Hai Tianlong looked at Qing Lian'er, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked: "Qing Lian'er, did you drug us, rob Su Chengyun with your car skills, and push her into the water?"

"Hey, Hai Tianlong, why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Qing Lian'er had doubts in her eyes, "Su Chengyun, is that the pregnant woman that day? She fell into the water, or did I push it? Haha, Hai Tianlong, what do you say about this? How could I push her into the sea for no reason?"

Don't admit it, do you?

Hai Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "Hmph, Qing Lian'er, you don't have to deny it, the man in black that night was you, you held a grudge against Su Chengyun and planned all of this!"

"Haha, this is even more ridiculous. Do I have to think so hard about an outsider? Maybe that woman didn't want to be with you anymore, so she ran away by herself! She didn't prescribe the medicine, right?"

"Qing Lian'er, it was you who did it, but you pushed it on Su Chengyun, don't think that if you don't admit it, I can't prove it!" Hai Tianlong had an extra lotus hairpin in his hand, "See clearly, this is Your hairpin? Why did it appear in Su Chengyun's room that night? Do you dare to say that the person that night was not you?"

Her hairpin?

Qing Lian'er's eyes flickered slightly. She found out that the lotus hairpin on her head was missing the next day, and she thought she had forgotten it somewhere, but it turned out that she had left it in Su Chengyun's room.

"Hai Tianlong, don't you think you just took out a hairpin and planted it on Qing Lian'er?" Qing Lian'er thought to herself that she couldn't admit that the hairpin was hers even if she was killed.

(End of this chapter)

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